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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. good point. I guess the realize what they have and tried to make good with what they have. Who knows, maybe the movie is better than the trailer too. But yes, this seems to say they just want to get it out there to say they released it and move on.
  2. yeah I wasn't crazy about the trailer either. It seemed to try to put too much stuff into it. Maybe the movie will do that too. Seems part prequel and origin, then kind of up to whatever the current timeframe would be for the film. I can see why it's only getting a limited theatrical run and going straight to VOD at the same time.
  3. I don't think it will go that low. I still think the minimum is $20 m but never know, you may get it exactly right
  4. seems interesting. I know nothing of the story or books it's based on, but I may catch this one
  5. I couldn't agree more. People have even had phantom arguments about people that MAY be like that and never even said a word here. It's funny and sad at the same time
  6. Very enjoyable movie that I still watch when it is on and it did have a great run. It even made it into the Simpsons
  7. 1. Mr. Mom 2. Gung Ho 3. Batman 89 4. Birdman 5. Multiplicity HM - Beetlejuice, The Founder
  8. I've seen plenty of bombs. Ok, true most I see when they are on HBO or whatever cable station But still, usually watch them at some point to see what they really are or if they are as bad as they say. It's why I have seen way too many movies in my lifetime already
  9. I really enjoyed the premiere. Yes it had to move at its own pace to get people back into the flow, but it still all worked for me
  10. yeah I'm not a big roller coaster person any more either. I used to do them, but really they do nothing for me any more. I do get the appeal though
  11. love seeing the Tombstone love here too. I like a lot of the movies from 1993 but that may be on the top. Not saying it's the best one, but I do really enjoy the flick.
  12. yeah that is reasonable, but I'm with you that I think it will open higher and the forecast will go higher as we get closer
  13. I agree, but to the GA which uses it the most for whatever reason they use it, doesn't see it that way. Like others have said in this thread and many more threads, people don't even read the reviews they see the big bold percentage number and say "hey it's a 93%, it's a great movie" and go from there, or vice versa.
  14. not too bad, but my list of seeing movies more than 3 times is still pretty big
  15. just those 3 movies? I would be listing movies for a very long time if I put down how many movies I've seen more than once in a theater.
  16. I like the rumor of the Tron cycle thing, but who knows if that will actually happen
  17. decent number for SM:H, not great, but yeah it didn't fall off a cliff or anything. Not that it was ever going to do so
  18. It's his best performance ever but no argument that BO wise the movie was a big disappointment. Although I do remember the tie with Burger King i believe and I had some of the stuff
  19. I actually like the movie and feel it's a little ahead of it's time with things like A New Nightmare and Scream coming out not much later. So maybe people didn't get it?
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