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Juan Caballo

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Everything posted by Juan Caballo

  1. I don't think there's such thing. There were a wide variety going from "not as good as Ragnarok" to "my favorite Thor movie" and "one of the best Marvel movies". Calling any of these 3 a consensus is quite the reach.
  2. Damn. Thor went down 4%. I kinda had a 200M OW hope. Oh well. I will be happy anything over 170M tho.
  3. The amount of mixed ones is almost non existent. This will be the kind of movie where it doesn't take much to make you enjoy it at the very least even if they have some problems. And that's a fresh tomato. There's only 1 where it's fully mixed
  4. Wow these reactions are awesome. Looks like the movie is incredibly sad. Someone will die. I already saw a lot of people speculating it has to do with Jane storyline with some even thinking she dies but it doesn't seem likely imo. I expect critics reception just as good as Ragnarok. Thinking RT will end up in the 87-95% Also, seems like Post Credits are MAJOR
  5. No it wasn't. Even the MCU usual shills were coming out with some..."it's not the best MCU movie, but it's good" tweets with some outright not liking it. Which was already a bad sign.
  6. Idk what time will be in your countries but social media embargo lifts in 9 hours and 15 minutes. (It's 20:15 here)
  7. Ranking : - Mando S2 (9) - Mando S1 (8.5) - The Bad Batch (8.5) - Obi-Wan Kenobi (5.5) - Boba Fett (4)
  8. Also. This new kind of Eternals are getting introduced to destroy some Mutants... Hex Eternals or something. Look at these beauties. The lore introduced in this run by Kieran is amazing.
  9. I also find it so weird them making Secret Invasion a series. Although rumors is...this will lead into a 2 parts Secret Invasion themed movies. Just a rumor. From MTTSH If I recall correctly.
  10. I actually only started reading comics because of the MCU. And only in 2019. My first event was Absolute Carnage which was just awesome. And damn it. Am I excited for Judgment Day. Actually, reading the current Eternals run, just makes go... reboot the Eternals already and introduce them like this. Never have I been so into Eternals. Not even with the movie.
  11. I'm guessing Next Goal Wins December? That's ready for a long ass time. Also. Will they really cram all those this year? They seem to be putting one in each month. SEP, OCT, NOV and I guess there will be one in DEC? The others either late 2023 or very early 2023
  12. Really good finale for this terrible series. I kinda wish there a actual reason for this to exist other than to break canon. Overall, some of the most amateurish writing and storytelling.
  13. I think this is 20th Century? Not Searchlight. Also. Could we get a trailer for this this week? We have seen nothing about this. Seems odd.
  14. EXACTLY!! Not only that...this is one of the worst received Pixar movies just to add to that. Critically and by audiences.
  15. Kinda feel Haunted Mansion will Flop. I would need to see that budget. If there's one of the very few good things Chapek can bring, is the cuts to the ridiculously overbudgeted Disney movies. Animated movies costing more than 180M...it's just ridiculous to me.
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