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Everything posted by thajdikt

  1. Ant-Man had a pretty big jump from t-6 to t-5. But it fell off hard at the last couple of days. Ended up around the same as WF.
  2. Also I went through the hashtag - looks Marvel are doing TONS of press screenings, don´t think the ones we posted will even account for 25% of the reactions. Several press screenings started 1 hour ago + the premiere
  3. Just a small caution: Some people might be holding their reaction with the review embargo being so close, especially if it´s a negative one. Not trying to be a party pooper or anything, it´s looking good but yeah
  4. The variety dude that spoiled Eternals and does interviews on the carpet is there
  5. One of the biggest strength within all of that interconnectivity and all that was that anyone could go watch a MCU movie and at least have a good time. Now that seems to be the exception rather than the norm. Like Ant-Man 3 lacked everything a Phase 3 movie had as positives
  6. Tomorrow, the social embargo is what was going to break tonight but it broke on Saturday. But the LA premiere is today so many reactions today
  7. It can be a mix, but can be that people are just sick of bad superhero movies rather than the movies in general. After all we just had two of six superhero movies being well received IN 2022 and already has two not well received this year. The three next movies in the genre will be a big test. If they do bad despite being received well (presumably) then it´s hard to argue against it but it´s to early to make conclude with that imo.
  8. 3 movies a year is fine alongside 2 shows (most of the GA don´t watch shows either). Which is also reportedly their target output. It became def too much, and agree with the event feeling is gone. Also the quality will most likely be stronger. Re opening bigger: Thor and Ant-Man had hype based on previous entries and event factor etc, Vol 3 doesn´have anything of that and is coming of a horrible 2022 and Ant-Man 3. I´m not surprised that the tracking is bad, just surprised of how bad. Many might just wait for D+ or reviews and some might not return ever. Marvel has lost the trust of the audiences. Let´s see if they can gain it back during the next years
  9. Mission Impossible X Top Gun in the Multiverse of Madness
  10. 90 days from release for Ant-Man before it debuts on D+. Hopefully this can help Guardians now that we have had two MCU movies in a row had longer windows.
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