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Posts posted by emoviefan

  1. 4 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    I think the focus on trying to expand PLFs might do more harm than good. I know we were bemoaning that IMAX doesn't have two screens in one cinema. Barbie has proven that PLFs aren't always necessary for a huge OW.  


    And that may be another thing that hurt Mission. Telling people they should see it on the biggest screen possible , well when it loses those big screens after a week people are like might as well wait for home now. I saw it on regular 2D and was just fine. Seeing Oppenheimer today on regular and will be fine with that too. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, AN9815 said:

    Without getting into spoilers for Fallout, although that movie was released in 2018, not keeping Henry Cavill for future movies was a mistake. He was incredibly good in Fallout, also very sexy

    Yeah I did like Esai's unsettling calmness in DR Part 1 but nothing tops Cavill's arrogant  smugness. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Algebra said:

    Isn't MI7 improving on OS-China from MI6?

    And if somehow Dom legs out to $190m-200m, then MI7 will be bigger than MI6, exChina

     I love your positivity. Even i can not be that postive.  I think 190 is going to be hard.  it made 19.5 million this weekend.  Maybe it took it's biggest hit Fingers crossed but The theater chains can dump this movie this week and start giving those screens up to Barbie or Oppenheimer or the new Movie Haunted Mansion. 

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  4. 13 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

    That is true, but also MI films don't usually face 240m new openers combined on their second weekend. Every market where MI7 kept IMAX and PLF had great holds. A big zeitgeist opening takes some prisoners and this time it happened to be MI7. DR2 will be fine and back to top form.

    I know we all saying DR 2 will be fine. The only worry is people need to see Part 1 to care about 2. Paramount really needs to step it up and make sure people know when it  hits P+ and Amazon and VOD whatever and then market 2 and schedule it so that they don't just shrug and wait for it  to watch at home again. 

  5. 42 minutes ago, solaris said:

    I did a Nolan comp chart. Not sure if this really tells us anything, except to say it's an almost unimpeachable track record both critically and in terms of BO.




    RT Crit RT Aud CS OW Domestic Total Multi Comments
    Memento 93% 94% - $235,488 $25,544,867 n/a no wide opening
    Insomnia 92% 77% B 20,930,169 67,355,513 3.22  
    Batman Begins 84% 94% A 48,745,440 205,343,774 4.21 5 DAY OW
    The Prestige 76% 92% B 14,801,808 53,089,891 3.59  
    The Dark Knight 94% 94% A 158,411,483 533,345,358 3.37  
    Inception 87% 91% B+ 62,785,337 292,576,195 4.66  
    TDKR 87% 90% A 160,887,295 448,139,099 2.79  
    Interstellar 73% 86% B+ 47,510,360 188,020,017 3.96  
    Dunkirk 92% 81% A- 50,513,488 188,045,546 3.72  
    Tenet 69% 76% B 9,353,090 58,504,105 6.26 covid
    AVERAGE 85% 88% - 63,770,941 226,046,611 3.54  
    Oppenheimer 94% 94% A 80,000,000 283,573,185 3.54  





    Early days but RT critics/aud & CS are all in line with TDK. Still surprised at the B+ for Inception. Dunkirk feels like the closest comparison (historical, 'dad' movie, summer weekdays) but on a bigger scale and with bigger numbers.


    Trying to extrapolate what this could mean for Oppy. Based on Nolan's 'average' multi of 3.54 (and assuming an $80m OW) gets us to $283.5m. A 4 multi gets us to $320m. Dunkirk feels like a realistic target - which gets us to $300m more or less. I'm also assuming there'll be some Christmas/Winter IMAX re-releases when it's nominated for the inevitable 10+ Oscars.

    Those CS are interesting.  I am a DKR defender but  i am pretty sure Inception is a much better regarded movie than that and always has been.   

  6. This is the best ongoing action franchise and it is underperforming not flopping. If this had been marketed and scheduled better like previous movies it would be performing and having legs like  those  movies. This is not a sign that people are tired of these movies. Opening the week before Oppenheimer knowing you were going to lose the PLF's was either a misguided or arrogant decision.  it could have easily counterprogramed Barbie and did 30-40 this weekend. As for TC needing to go back to more dramatic roles, there have been reports that  top Alist directors do not want to work him because he is the one in charge and the scientology stuff i think.  and that is why he has hitched himself to Mcquarrie and Kosinski and Liman , for the most part ,these last few years. The results have been pretty great  though save for the Mummy and Reacher 2. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

    i think September was there only option to secure a longer PLF run, it was too late for anything else. I think it would be late September like it was originally before. Venom did well around then, why would MI struggle that much ?

    Comic book movies play younger than Spy action movies and old men are preoccupied with football. 2 years ago Venom 2 did over 200 million and No Time to Die only got to 160 in late sept  early oct. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, TheFlatLannister said:

    Fan rush for sure. Barbie is the NWH for females 

    Well a lot more women saw NWH then men will see Barbie because Barbie is not getting anywhere that movies gross. It shows how much more open women are in going to ''guy movies' then men are the opposite. 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

    Mission franchise just rubs salt in the wounds with TGM. Vastly superior in every single metric since GP, but mere fraction of the success/accolades. 

    Yeah I really loved TG Maverick. Always liked the orginal but not even in my top 15 TC movies. I would rank all 7 mission movies before even got close to Top Gun. 

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  10. 6 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    Barbie being frontloaded after all is absolutely not what I was here for. What about the CS, don’t these people know? What about how I had actually come around to being good with it crushing Mario? Am I just supposed to be OK with it not now?? What is any of this 

    That 75% Female skew is probably not helping. Sure Men are seeing it but Oppie, Mission Indy and SOF are all out there. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, baumer said:


    I think you're being way too ambitious here. Mission Impossible did 5.5 on Saturday, it would need something like an 85% jump on Saturday and that's simply not going to happen.

    Yeah I know. Just  trying  to will it into happpening okay. Damm you Paramount!!!

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Ryan Reynolds said:


    The problem with September is daily numbers would be shit as long as the movie is, and on the weekend you are competing with Football for Males. Probably would have been a wash if make even less.  Christmas would have been great. Imagine they did what they did with Ghost Protocol.  

  13. 1 hour ago, Bob Train said:

    Why put a see it an IMAX movie like Dune in crowded summer movie season where it will get only one week of IMAX and then have it’s legs chopped off? Truly baffling suggestion. Dune should move to a date where it can secure at least 2-3 weeks.

    I don;t know Paramount seemed to think that would turn out okay. 

  14. Just now, dudalb said:

    I think one outcome of the both Indy 5 and MI7 underperforming is it will just reinfroce something I think will be happening anyway:Studios are going to take a much closer look at huge budgets. Not so much they will not make a film, but ask "do we have to spend so much at this film?".

    The studios have been overspending for along time, and now it is coming home to rooste.

    Covid drove those budgets up. 

  15. 49 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

    MI7 issue was not this weekend. I thought opening week it was just meh. Considering it had a short PLF run, one would think it would have pushed the demand more. Even previews despite opening on a discount tuesday was meh. It sold fewer tickets than Oppenheimer without discount tuesday. And ticket sales are inflated normally on a tuesday. Its "opening day" gross without previews did not even hit double digits in the heart of summer 


    Almost make me think that folks are jaded around the franchise. Its good popcorn entertainment but can wait until it hits digital and watch on their big amazing tvs(83" OLED is stunning).

    Jaded? .The previous movie is considered one of best action movies of the last decade. Up there with Mad Max Fury Road. We are not talking the DCEU here. 

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  16. 4 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

    Problem is, it isn't dropping just 54%, it is looking at 64%. It is brutal, cruel and unjust. And to remind you that $54.7m OW was without preview (although some $2m of EA is included), so no one can claim the OW was inflated by preview. 

    As i have said I hope Brian Robbins  ears are bleeding right now from the yelling he has had to listen too. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    To use a very old examples License to Kill and Star Trek V which got lost in a summer with Ghostbusters II and Batman, the following films recovered nicely,



    Plus Mission certainly recovered after 3 did not set the world on fire at the box office. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    It's massive hyperbole to say they've killed off Mission Impossible when the next film is half completed. 


    They've done okay this year. D&D didn't do great but they didn't lose much because Hasbro mostly funded it and Scream VI was profitable and they've still got more films to come.

    I know the people around here acting like Part 2 is gonna get shelved or Jossitice Leagued is just dumb. They handled this one badly.They will not make the same mistake again. 

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  19. 3 minutes ago, VanillaSkies said:

    I think with this hold it’s pretty much guaranteed to play well right through labour day weekend, unless Disney does something stupid and releases it on Disney+ mid August or something. Next weekend it should benefit from some double features with Haunted Mansion, and TMNT is older skewing I believe. There is really nothing else out there for the family audience with children from 5-10 years old. We saw how far PIB legged it out, I don’t see why Elemental can’t do the same with weeks of summer weekdays still ahead. 

    and Disney often expands it’s summer blockbusters for a last hurrah on labour day weekend. So again, if it’s not on Disney + by then, it will likely do the same and add a few more million. 

    I still think 180+ is a good possibility.

    Insane after that low opening.

    Dial Of Destiny is holding pretty well too. Domestically it could beat MI 7. WW it will still lose. Crazy how this stuff turns out. 

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