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Posts posted by emoviefan

  1. 4 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

    they can but if it grabbed walk-ups from it and then Barbenheimer quickly arrived, there’s likely many that just haven’t got round to it.  It absolutely needed two weeks of PLF’s for a franchise that is known for its scale. 

    Yeah I hear you. I am mostly talking about those older casual audiences who see a movie every 3 weeks at the most.They chose SOF as their middle july movie over Mission. Of course this is where Paramount screwed up. They know the Mission audience is slow to come out and if they have no distractions from other big movies they will go eventually. 

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

    I still think it was SoF that hit MI7 harder than it’s scheduling. There’s no way they’d have know that film would break out. 

    Without it, MI7 would be at $150 million plus by the end of this weekend 

    I don;t understand why people can't see both movies. If you chose effing SOF over MI 7 you did not want too see MI 7 that much.

    • Haha 1
  3. Not gonna cry over Mission. Made my peace with it.This will not happen with  Part 2.  The  positive surprise Is DIal of Destiny. it lost 1000 screens and looks like it will only drop 40% from last weekend. Yes it is  a financial bomb but it is no The Flash. That movie will not even get to a IM of 2. DOD still has a shot at 180 which is a 3 IM. The WOM seems pretty decent. It's downfall was the Cannes debacle,its budget and lack of Interest to anybody under the age of 40. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, LegionWrex said:

    Anybody who thinks that DR2 is going to be executively hacked to pieces is a moron. Cruise and McQuarrie are the lead fucking producers on these things, it's going to be fine.

    I can not believe the stupidity of people saying this type of stuff. Trying to equate these movies to BVS and Justice League is just moronic on all levels. 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    I am utterly dreading the Josstice League-level mess that's going to be now. How much do you wanna bet we get reports of Simon Pegg descending into alcoholism by the end of it all?

    Just stop please If you are trying to be funny.  It's getting old. That is not going to happen. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, MattW said:

    With both barbie and oppy blowing up July 2023 will end up topping last year's July by a small margin, but August is going to absolutely destroy the last 2 years, could even come close to 2017's level (admittedly a weak Aug). I bet MI7 also plays strong through the month and all three get a big bump for labor day giving Sept a strong start as well.

    The problem facing MI 7 is the theater chains can start dumping it this week and give screens to barbie and oppenheimer if they feel those will do a lot better which based on this weekend will be the case. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


    It's OK. They're still counting all the profits on Top Gun last year, haha. At least they get a chance to redeem themselves with the next Mission Impossible. Better release date, better marketing campaign. They know what they need to do!  Perhaps extra demand from audience can help as well since it will be Cruise's last movie with this franchise. 

    Yep. I hope Brian Robbins ears are ringing from the yelling TC has probably been doing Won't make the same mistakes I bet. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


    RTH has access to the data in real time. He projects where he thinks the movies will finish by the end of the night. He's usually pretty dang close, especially on holdover movies. I would think MI7 will end up fairly close to the $5.5M number he reported. 

    Yeah I know he is pretty good with the numbers and has access to them. I was just picking up that he said he had the numbers at that not has. I;m grasping at straws I know. The way Paramount messed up the release of this movie, Just ugh. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, John Marston said:

    Sad to see MI crash and burn. It is what it is I guess. Wonder if Paramount will force changes to DR2

    The performance has nothing to the with  the quality of the movie why would they force changes?I do not think they want too piss TC any more than they have already have.  Part 2 will have a much better release date 

  10. Just now, Fanboy said:

    I've said it before but I'll say it again. Mission Impossible is not a summer franchise. It would do better in October-December. 

    Despite the fact that 6 out of the 7 movies have opened in the summer movie season and only MI 3 did not do that great until now.  This one is just a victim of a studio really underestimating it's competition. 

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, M37 said:

    The important number is -58%: that MI7's week/week drop on Thursday when losing PLFs and staring down Barbenheimer.  Also keep in mind Friday last week had ~$2M extra thrown in from EA shows, so the real value is ~$14.7M - $6.6M would be -55% from TFri, so its reasonable, maybe benefits from Oppy sell-outs as a second choice, but probably comes in a little lower by morning

    Yeah  even  6 would lead to a 9.5 saturday and 6.5 at least sunday. 22 million for the weekend. Not great but what you going to do. UGH Paramount. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, M37 said:

    The important number is -58%: that MI7's week/week drop on Thursday when losing PLFs and staring down Barbenheimer.  Also keep in mind Friday last week had ~$2M extra thrown in from EA shows, so the real value is ~$14.7M - $6.6M would be -55% from TFri, so its reasonable, maybe benefits from Oppy sell-outs as a second choice, but probably comes in a little lower by morning

    Yeah  even  6 would lead to a 9.5 saturday and 6.5 at least sunday. 22 million for the weekend. Not great but what you going to do. UGH Paramount. 

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    As much as I'm not interested in Barbie or Oppy ( I'm in the minority obviously ), they're probably getting great CinemaScores. At least, based on the info shared by Deadline.


    Barbie got 4 and 1/2 stars and Oppy got 5 stars.  Sure, these are PostTrak scores and not CinemaScores. I think they could get different, but both flicks will probably land on the A range, imo. 


    I don't like Barbie and I really don't want to see a 3 hour movie featuring people talking in rooms. Yeah, I'm biased against these movies, BUT I also hope you get the best experience watching them. I'm a Mission Impossible fan, though! :)



    I would love to live in a world where Mission and Oppenheimer both  grossed their full potential. But we live in the world where Brian Robbins and the boobheads at Par said yeah let's open Mission a week  before Oppenheimer steals all our PLF's. Brilliant!

  14. I know it's Deadline but no reason to believe 6.6 is not possible  for DR Part 1. It only dropped 28%  from wed to thursday better than the 35% of tuesday to wed. Despite some people around here saying the WOM not great Cinema Score, RT audience score and IMBD rating are all great. If capacity is a issue for Oppenheimer Mission should benefit from the spillover. Now watch it only do 5.6 or something and this will all be moot. 

  15. 1 hour ago, CJohn said:

    Astonishingly bad for MI. I have no words. Under 20M 2nd weekend. I have said this since Indy bombed in Cannes, Paramount should have anticipated MI one week. PLFs are essencial for these types of movies.

    I know this is your shitck but if deadline is right about the estimate  of 6.6 there is no way this goes under 20 million this weekend. Saturday should be no less than 9.5 and sunday at least 7, That would be 23.  Not good but the disaster you predicting at all. The problem is they may be too high. 

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