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Everything posted by Veclozy

  1. I can't believe the guy who defended Victor Salva is actually a terrible human being, truly shocked.
  2. That doesn't guarantee A+ CinemaScore and $1.9 billion without China, ever heard of The Flash? It still made a lot money and multiverse was a big reason for it. Literally your argument was that "the GA really doesn't dig multiverse", which is objectively wrong. Why are you shifting the goal post to something that's subjective and you're in the minority in? Every MCU multiverse project (NWH, Loki, What If...?) is critically acclaimed with the exception of DS2 which is still fairly decent received by critics and mixed by audience.
  3. This looks terrible, I know Paramount doesn't have many franchises but they should give Transformers a rest
  4. Sonic movies make only $400M, that's not the reason The Flash bombed this hard
  5. If that was the case, they wouldn't be able to fund their movies and they wouldn't survive 8 flops in a row like they did under WB.
  6. I think mid $900M is more likely like M2
  7. Just to put into perspective, Morbius did better for its budget than Aquaman 2, the sequel to the highest grossing DC movie.
  8. It had a popular meme for a month and then completely died
  9. Lowkey impressive that Ant-Man has never reached the lows of Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, X-Men and Hulk
  10. That depends which expectations you're talking about here because for the longest time, from 2019 until right before The Flash imploded, no one was predicting Aquaman to flop as hard as it's doing right now. It's certainly not an overperformance when WB greenlit it.
  11. Plenty of MCU Disney+ shows have more impressive numbers than Watchmen, even Inhumans stomped it in viewership, there's a good reason they haven't made a season 2.
  12. How so? Except for the director, writer and producer.
  13. Yeah and The Flash was suppose to reset the DC Universe according to Gunn and it had way more popular characters in it than The Marvels, basically every DC A/B listers was in it. You mean Phase 3 was announced in 2014, Ike didn't want Iron Man in Civil War, he didn't want to make Black Panther and Captain Marvel (those are the most profitable solo MCU movies btw), he only agreed to announce those if they made Inhumans, that's why when he was fired they dropped Inhumans. Russos and the writers were ready to leave if Ike wasn't fired, and I doubt Civil War/Infinity War/Endgame would've as successful with a different talent. Phase 3 is 100% Feige's. The movies themselves and even the slate would be different without him.
  14. This gonna be a test how big of a box office draw Zendaya is, I think it can do $150M
  15. The Flash was advertised as one of the best superhero movies ever made, it brought back Michael Keaton's Batman, it had Ben Affleck's Batman, Supergirl, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and many other cameos, the movie was full of nostalgia and fan service, unless you think all those characters are smaller than The 3 Marvels, then no, The Flash is by far the most embarrassing failure, the MCU equivalent would if NWH or DS2 flopped Ike Perlmutter was fired in 2015, Feige had full creative control for Phase 3, and Phase 4 was more successful than Phase 1 despite half the movies been released during a pandemic.
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