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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. It's a waste of its slot vs. movies that have actual potential and a future. If it has crap reviews/buzz people simply won't go. Nobody HAS to see any tentpole. WB should consider punting it and slotting in something else where there's still time. And no, this is not about Heard. Levi's antivax stuff wasn't the reason Shazam bombed either.
  2. Then they should consider moving up Wonka to Christmas weekend. Aquaman is very likely screwed and a waste of its IMAX slots.
  3. I'm skeptical that Blue Beetle does figure into their larger plans. It doesn't really seem "big solo movie on Christmas" event level either.
  4. Is there a way we can calculate EEAO's Amazon sales of DVD and Blu-Ray? I think that would be the real windfall for that film at this point.
  5. Once it's clear Shazam 2 ain't going over 100 mil US, Aquaman is getting chunked to a carp slot next year. WB will try to bury the news at some point when people are talking about a different movie (Mario?). Keeping the "big Christmas movie" as something from a dead universe that the fanbase is apathetic to is a terrible strategy. WB will then move a different movie up (Dune?) to take advantage of the IMAX. BTW the better screens were something like a third of Shazam 2's gross. It would have been even deader this Christmas.
  6. Yeah, but Mario killed Shazam's chances of a kid audience specifically. John Wick killed Shazam's chances of an adult audience specifically. If we're going there we should probably argue about 12 year olds sneaking into John Wick or whatever.
  7. No Way Home made such a shitload of money that there was no way they would have stopped. And yes I know it's a Sony co-production.
  8. I think Shazam suffered because adults were saving money for John Wick and parents were saving money for Mario.
  9. Transformers is the bigger threat than Elemental IMO. Indy looks horrendous but that's a bit later in the run to do max damage.
  10. I'm skeptical that Panther movies are inherently higher than Guardians movies, especially after Chadwick passed. I've heard more positive buzz about this than I did about Panther 2 so far. Of course, some of that is probably because this is the last movie with the Guardians cast and Panther 2 already didn't have Chadwick.
  11. I mean sure, he probably was quite aware the movie was screwed with no Superbowl trailer and release right next to Wick 4. I'm not blaming him for any of this (or Rachel). It is valid to want a paycheck when you're clearly not making award bait though.
  12. At this point I actually think WB is gonna be tempted to chunk Aquaman into a garbage chute next year (MLK Day slot?) to free up Christmas for something more viable (Dune? the Costner movie?) Aquaman is a waste of IMAX Christmas slots if its as crummy as the advance word seems to indicate. Dune in particular would likely benefit from a longer IMAX run.
  13. Who bloody cares. Sandberg wasn't hired to direct "Academy Award nominated Shazam". Everyone knows this. Trying to pretend otherwise is an insult to the audience's intelligence. I'm glad he got paid and I hope his future projects aren't screwed over by a convoluted cinematic universe beyond his control.
  15. This seems like it's kinda pointing out how bad Shazam's release slot is. At least some of the massive Wick 4 aud would've gone to Shazam if Wick 4 wasn't dropping week 2. Shazam 2 was poleaxed and probably should've gotten an Aug/Sept slot if WB wanted it to get anything.
  16. I can't help but wonder if Aquaman 2 will get chunked to some disposable slot next year if Shazam 2 and Blue Beetle both tank. The IMAX screens would probably serve Dune better and it's essentially another "dead version of DC" movie.
  17. It seems very unfair to go after the director for an "at least I got paid" statement. He's not dishing on WB or trying to make the execs look stupid. He's not insulting the film's stars or crew. He's just admitting he had financial motivation in taking the Shazam 2 job. Did we seriously think he was doing this for Academy Awards? I'm pretty certain WB already didn't think the movie viable and didn't want to spend too much on marketing it. Most of these things like Rachel's reaction will be forgotten shortly because nobody cares that much about this other than "it bombed". It wasn't some kind of Lone Ranger/F4 2015 level quality control failure so that aspect won't be remembered either.
  18. I think some younger people don't realize how massive a draw Nicholson as Joker was. Rock as Black Adam was like a kid doing a high school musical in comparison to how people reacted to Nicholson in that movie.
  19. There is if its a bunch of generic posts on "superhero fatigue" rather than the obvious reason that movies from an already cancelled DC universe are being released as cash grabs. I think even the least aware audiences know that the main DC continuity is getting rebooted and aren't spending 10 dollars plus on tickets to 'em. That said Shazam ALSO has the Rock's greed screwing that particular series over. You couldn't have come up with a better means of making Shazam a non-event.
  20. Mario will be an absolute rocket. Only limiting factor is interest among the REALLY old (i.e. people over 55). Most other groups have either grown up with Mario or have children that have at this point. I have no idea why people would underestimate Mario other than age.
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