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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. Really think we're reading too much into Cinemascore to evaluate a movie's audience pop/legs. Panther 2 was an A- and it still had kind of sucky legs. I can't see a Shazam movie that underperforms its opening week doing well.
  2. Nah, the Tomato rating isn't actually high enough to pull people. Love and Thunder was Fresh and that was generally considered janky by audiences. This is maybe gonna be a couple points higher than Quantumania but it won't be a critical fave.
  3. I interpreted it as Shazam was the part of Billy's personality that was withdrawn because he was a depressed foster kid. But again, that makes less sense when he's not really a "kid" anymore. Shazam should have changed with Billy's age somewhat.
  4. I expect a very quick drop post Friday if the RT decline continues/
  5. I think it's more jarring here because "kid" Billy is now technically an adult (wasn't his actor 18 at the time of filming?)
  6. Thanks for reminding me how much I hate one letter acronyms. "Aquaman" isn't exactly typing out EEAO's full title.
  7. I very much doubt Avatar 2 was reshot in December. It released in the middle of the month! This type of movie takes forever in post!
  8. I hope this doesn't kill Levi's career. He's a talented actor, it's not like he wrote the Shazam 2 script.
  9. What exactly is "the hook" for Shazam 2 for the over 18 crowd anyway? I'm skeptical this movie will get a "full" benefit from Spring Break, it's not likely to appeal to the college crowd that much. I suspect older audiences are saving money for Wick 4.
  10. I don't think ther'll be too many walkups. Maybe a decent skew towards matinee/discount Tuesday because I'll be damned if I'm spending a night on THIS movie.
  11. Releasing THIS close to Dune is stupid, there's bound to be some crossover. Should've pushed to next year.
  12. RT looks to be about 60 percent now. A little push and it goes Rotten. Hopefully it still avoids Quantumania Hell.
  13. Avatar 2 would have eaten it alive. "3 weeks before Mario" in theory is better than "1 week after Avatar" but people have already decided Mario will be the big movie. Puss 2 would have eaten into its family audience even more. Wonder Woman 2 was on Patty Jenkins indulgence just as the Shazam universe was doomed by the efforts to keep Rock "extremely badass".
  14. 62% currently. I'm still somewhat skeptical of a Quantumania-level tanking. Not nearly enticing enough with Mario dropping soon though.
  15. I think Black Adam bombing was what did in this, not Justice League. Shazam 1 was 3 years after Justice League and still had good audience/critic notices.
  16. I'm worried this will absolutely nuke D&D. Wick crossover won't be THAT big (since Wick is R although some older Mario fans like both) and not many other animated movies out now, but I'm worried at least 1 movie will get slammed. This should be an absolute beast.
  17. Mario doing 90 mil is a pathetic underestimate. That would be like Jim Cameron saying Avatar 2 would open to 80 mil. I know studios want to lowball but that really feels like an insult to our intelligence.
  18. Please stop talking about MCU stuff in a DC movie thread. Anyway, I Ihink there's still a chance Shazam 2 stays fresh...but it'll be an "edge fresh" rather than like 75% or whatever would get people interested in actually seeing it. The reviews won't be the draw. Which means that it may not be a stinker like Morbius but it won't be compelling either. I really don't get why they didn't bother having Sivana and Mister Mind be the villains this time if Black Adam was off the table. "3 evil witches do bad stuff" seems like a throwaway Power Rangers episode, not a movie most people would shell out actual money for.
  19. Is it fair to say most of the positive reviews came from small bloggers and weren't representative of other critics?
  20. I'm not entirely sure of that, but the reviews aren't enticing enough for a Puss 2 style second win, which is more important. "Mediocre positive" wouldn't be enough.
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