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Everything posted by CaptainJackSparrow

  1. FaF will do more than star trek and CF international numbers together (international numbers)
  2. Monsters University ow vs DM2 owI take MU OR a bet that MU makes more than Hobbit 2.. I would be for MU...
  3. Also, anyone want to bet on this? Monsters University ow vs DM2 owI take MULoser is banned forever (jk)Loser changes signature for a month
  4. Isnt that drop below average for a big film like this? Now I want Catching Fire to be #1!
  5. On a side note, 2014 summer looks great for me! ASM 2, T4, Godzilla, JP4 and planet of Apes are all remakes/ sequels of my fav movies! Box office wise though...Anyway can this make 170 mil?
  6. Sigh I predicted in range of 170 millions (though didn't post that here)
  7. 2. 3 has NOTHING on the first two, although I still like it
  8. Best-Prometheus 10/10 Chronicle Amazing Spider-Man Avengers 9/10 Hunger Games 8/10 Ice Age 4 6/10 Paranormal 5 Dark Knight Rises 3/10 Devil Inside 1/10 Madagascar
  9. 1.Pacific RIm 2.Iron Man 3 3.Hunger Games CF 4.Man of Steel 5.Monsters University 6.Insidius 2 7.World War Z 8.Wolverine 9.Evil Dead 10.Great Gatsby
  10. Yeah, another South Park! And Im guessing Fox would make Family Guy movie pg 13....
  11. I need to see Latin American numbers before I freak out....
  12. Thats good for Ice Age! But don't US animated films dont do well in Aisa?
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