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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I strongly suggest you start archiving his Avatar sequel predix. They are quite, eh, even by his standards.
  2. Waltz in supporting is a category fraud since he is clearly a co-lead with Foxx. He should be pushed in the lead regardless of chances because that`s his category. I get that critics are pushing him in supporting because they know he can`t make it in Lead but that`s category fraud nonetheless. In fact, in the first half of the movie, Django supports Schultz amd then they become equals in the second half. So not a supporting role by any stretch.SLJ and Leo are classic supporting roles so they would be pushed in the right category. However, Waltz being really the lead might jump over them because he is more present in the movie and character is the most likable you`ll see this year. That`s unfair but that`s the way it is.Of those two, Leo`s in tougher position because his character is completely dispeakable and his big scene is as un-PC as it gets, really shocking and I have hard time imagining AMPAS vote for that 3 dimples speech. Big huge risk on Leo`s part which pays off in a stunner of a performance but it`s repulsive beyond limits. Which is why it`s so bold. I think that it`ll be appreicated much more in years to come, especially if he gets snubbed it`s guaranteed to create a cult following like Blanchett loss to Paltrow.
  3. Mal was dead so sex would be, ahem, necrophilic to say the least. Even in dreams. But Eames and Arthur sex would be most welcome.
  4. I`m seeing it at 3:15 pm. Now`s 9:22 am. So 3 hours long with commercials (yuck) and trailers (yay), I`ll be back around 7pm.
  5. Because they were covering Rachel Griffith`s wedding on the same day. Rachel Griffiths is an Emmy winning actress. You know, a real celebrity.
  6. I hate Shitto, why would I be anything like her? I go to dentist every 4 months as they advise and I certainly wouldn`t kick Catholics from the church into the rain. never tried acting but can`t imagine doing worse. I mean, can it be worse? Nope.
  7. DU needs to keep insane boxoffice because I want Tarantino and Leo nominated. Movie`s shoo in but thanks to Harvey fucking up the screeners (didn`t send them to SAG), the movie missed out on all acting nominations.
  8. I never persoanlly offended you like this Heretic so I don`t understand why you are insulting me. Totally uncalled for.
  9. Bad Taste is exactly where PJ is now only with much bigger budget. Watch that movie and you`ll see he hasn`t grown as a film-maker at all. Moments of brilliance? Check. Redundancy? Check. (Derek`s seizures grew old after the second one much like Frodo`s Ring-induced ones). Overlong? Check.(thanks largely to kung fu sequence that way overstayed its welcome,and repeating himself as mentioned already, the 80 minute movie felt much longer).Excess? Check.(sometimes shocking people for the sake of shock isn`t the best way to go especially if that`s what everyone remembers of all the movie. Vomit drinking, nuff said). Paper-thin characters? Check.It`s funny that all his strengths and weaknesses as a film-maker at this moment are exactly the same he had in his very first feature film.
  10. In 9 years since Shriekapoo, people got more movies to choose from and many are finding other stuff better. For exmaple, I doubt that Twihards think LOTR and/TH are better than twilight Saga no matter what critics, oscars,etc say. So they won`t see TH more than once or at all just because there`s a cute dwarf in the background. Point being, many moved on from LOTR onto other things and don`t feel like going back.
  11. Well, Floppit is obviously capitalizing from it because it takes spillovers. LM can`t serve the demand and TH is avaliable everywhere and it isn`t full so it takes Mizheads who couldn`t get LM ticket. Uni really scrwwed the pooch here because LM could have been #1 easily. Eowimp`s 5 minute insta falling in love with Aragorn and then 5 minute insta unfalling in love with him and falling in love with Faramir is the most embarrassing writing Tolkien has ever done. That part of ROTK book is an abomination. Anyway, the movie is even worse because the bitch is obviously in her late 30s but is playing the character as if she`s a teenager. All the mouth breathing, gasping for breath, navel gazing, you know, the bad CW show, that`s what granny Shitto did. Plus, they stupidly wrote in the movies that she knew Aragorn was engaged so her tossing at him made her a homewrecker wannabe. And WTF was that shit where Theoden goes "I`m so happy for you. he`s a good man" as if Aragorn agreed to marry the stupid bitch or something? Like, what did she tell her uncle? Aragorn barely noticed her. Stupid stupid character, terribly written and acted. I didn`t ruin her to you, just pointed out all that`s wrong with her.
  12. I hope Tarantino gets in. He directed the shit out of DU unlike Tom Close-up Hooper. Bigelow, Affleck and Spielberg are locked and loaded. The fight is for 2 spots. Lee, Tarantino and Hooper have boxoffice hits. Russell`s SLP is fucked up by platform release. That`s 4 directors vying for 2 spots. I don`t think Hanneke will get in because the industry is reportedly not responding well to Amour.
  13. No. Not for 3D premium movies. Incredible for Skyfall and TDKR yes but not for 3Dies. It`s a good number only. Embarrassing.
  14. I hope Skyfall edges it. It deserves it. Such an incredible run without 3D premiums.So despite 3D and IMAX premium and expanding markets TH may fall under Shriekapoo number? Gotta apprciate the old billionaire club when they got their numbers without expanding markets and 3D premiums.
  15. So what`s FOTR adjusted gros and how much AUJ will fall behind it despite IMAX and 3D premium and 11 years of inflation?
  16. Lets be fair here. 3D prices made billion dollar movies more easy. So real billion dollar story of 2012 are billion dollar movies that weren`t in 3D. Granted, expanding markets are advantage that old billionaire club didn`t have but without 3D the milestone is harded to reach.So Floppit isn`t a flop in budget/revenue ratio but that it was supposed to be the success story of the year (HFR was, after all, designed with that in mind) and it`s turn to be just a business as usual.And it still hasn`t reached $1 billion. Might fall short with steep post-holiday drops.
  17. 3 movies. Anyway, I don`t think he`s written off but he did peak with LOTR. That`s a fact. IMO, he could turn things around with a Lincoln-type of a movie where you expected Spileberg to be overly sentimental and have everyone ham it up like there`s no tomorrow and he makes a restrained movie. So a lean, restrained movie without slo mo and close-ups shit for Jackson. But he won`t turn things around with more ME movies, that`s a given and TH is a proof that it ain`t happening.Also, KK went down in history as King Bloat, not necessarily a bad movie, but it became a pop culture reference for bloated so it is not a positive thing, while Inception still hasn`t earned a negative label outside of general "overrated" label that all movies have. And Prestige is considered a very good smaller movie. It wasn`t a flop and it certianly wasn`t meant to make Batman money. So it wasn`t a step down for Nolan but then again, Nolan after BB wasn`t Nolan after TDK. Still, Inception was a much better career follow-up than KK was.Finally, in PJ defense, he burst on the radar with an unprescended logistical undertaking instead of a just one movie. That changes the level of expectations as unfair as it is but for him it`s really that people expect him to always top that undertaking and one movie can`t do it. I think that he decided on HFR and eventually 3 movie split because he feels that he won`t be given credit if he doesn`t top LOTR in that department but quality of at least the first movie in the new trilogy suffered as a result.
  18. Judgment Day has come for *I* will be seeing it in the afternoon. For free. Expect an objective review because I am objective when it comes to reviewing.
  19. Jackman was begging for the Oscar especially in his last scene. I`m also with Jack O that I liked second half better. The movie really started to connect with me from In My Life/Heart Full of Love even though they shortchanged the trio especially Eponine.Now some problems that Jack O has stem from the book not just musical. For example, we never see how Valjean pulled off a factory/mayor thing. We just arrive at the scene when he is already somebody so asumption is that he sold the silver or whatever without raising suspticion.Hm. But that`s how the book goes too. Jump several years into the future. Jump again. However, Hooper really did a patchwork here so at least I felt like he stitched together most famous moments without flawless transition. That was especially jarring in the first act when he hopped from Valjean to Fantine and than hop from one Fantine ordeal to another without any sense of passage of time. The whole thing that took months felt like one day tops. And that`s also true of barricade thing which was really annoying because it renders Valjean`s judgement, about letting a guy whom Cosette knows for a day take care of her, totally out of character for such a paranoid overbearing always-on-the-run father. Some creative liberties would have been welcome.Finally, no matter how big showstopper IDAD may be Hathaway deserves to win for TDKR. Her screen time in LM was really insufficient and outside of a showstopper number she didn`t have much to do but cry.She showed incredible range as Selina, however.
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