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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Word. Arthouse does great in big cities. In a few theaters. Nobody else cares hence disappointing expansion.
  2. End of Watch hurt it the most. Obscure comic book characters are tough sell so presence of another action movie definitely killed it. Boy what a bomb. Did anyone expect that low an opening?
  3. yet they are stilla dvertising it as a saccharinefest. obviously, they don`t ahve faith in what`s really in the movie. I`m now 100% sure that this is the blind item dud from Pomp`s blog.
  4. Thank you so much! First reactions to Lincoln are that it`s boring talkfest. Just as I expected. So maybe the movie doesn`t get enough love for DDL to win his third. Also, maybe people get put off by Lincoln voice. So go Joaquin! he`s just so great he cna afford a stunt like I`m Still Here and remain relevant. One of the ebst actors of his generation.
  5. Good news for us Lincoln haters. The movie is seen and it`s boring taklfest that takes palce in salons. No showing of hardships of slavery so I guess it isn`t emotional. Django`s so gonna stop on this one.
  6. Can you elabore on Phoenix chances of winning? I know he`s locked for a nom but many feel that despite brillance AMPAS may be turned off by his unlikable and weird character. I`m in the Anyone But DDL - Die Lincoln Die! Club.
  7. True but it won`t. That they were singing live already shows a step in the right direction. I never cared for I Dreamed a Dream but Anne`s performence really got me into the song precisely because she was also pouring her heart into it actingwise.
  8. I don`t know about OW but it should be the best opening in September because there seems to be genuine intrest in it outside of Internet. People are talking at the water cooler.
  9. No, because it won`t cross into mainstream. That`s the reason why it didn`t open in the first place. It`s a niche movie and fanbase obviously isn`t big. Similar thing happened with X Men FC. Great reviews, great WOM but no mainstream appeal hence the unremarkable hold and lowest gross of X Men franchise despite inflation. Though that one wasn`t a bomb. This, however, is. Too bad because reviews are great so it didn`t tank because it was a turkey. It bombed because it appeals to narrow audience.
  10. The easiest prediction is Les Mis vs nothing else.
  12. Les Mis is sweeping the biggies. BP, BD, Supporting Actress, maybe Actor, Adapted Script is also likely. It`s based on the play that`s based on the classic novel. Can`t miss.
  13. The only noms that matter are BP noms in package with the director. That`s 5. PTA, Affleck, Hooper. If Lincoln is a dud like War Horse, BP no director. I agree they won`t ignore such a bait unless it`s as bad as J Edgar. It certianly looks worse.
  14. DDL, Phoenix, Jackman, Hawkes, Washington. Sounds right.
  15. Jackman is locked and loaded. Live singing + huge star = nomination with a chance of winning. Les Miz is SAG wet dream so actors and pictyure will get a huge push from their guild.
  16. This is les Miz`s to lose. Nothing out there looks as good as this.
  17. I`m not sure about Leo. he looks amazing but those who read the script say that it`s full of BSA potentials so he may split votes if Harvey campaigns Waltz and/or SLJ as well. Or if they get better reviews. Plus, PSH is Harvey`s current sure-fire pony so Leo push would split campaign inside Weinstein house.
  18. Word on Flight script is very strong so Denzel should be in.DDl`s the one who doesn`t look all that great.
  19. I`m seeing it for weekend. Karl urban is happening so there. Awesome reviews prove it. lets hope boxoffice will be good too.
  20. Lincoln`s going to be a dud. I`m swapping Lincoln for TH though I don`t see PJ in director. Too strong competition. But Lincoln`s a toast.
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