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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Avatar. JP effects are iconic but characters were awful and kids so freakin annoying I wished Rex ate them. I was bored by that movie to be honest. It`s a classic but, yeah, kids really grated and I`ve never been a fan of R Kelly Goldblum.
  2. DC cause he`s in the only Bond movies I could sit through, well, CR is. Other were so stupid especially brosnan crap. I like Austin Powers much better.
  3. Please keep Olivia Widle out of TA. She can`t act, audience hates her and is a notorious boxoffice poison.
  4. Lucas raped geek childhoods with TPM and yet AOTC still made $300 mio dom and over that OS. My point is that shitty TH won`t suffer from X men competition. It cna only suffer from its shittiness.X Men minus Wolverine is weak, not qualitywise but Wolvie was the star. FC had greta reviews and WOM and dropped like regular twilight. Go figure. There`s no interest outside of fanbase. TH has much more appeal with casual movie goers who don`t care about the color of Bombur`s cloak.
  5. Yep, that`s her actual quote when asked what she thought of Taken 2.
  6. Disappointment or not, the franchise is still way stronger than X Men. TF2-level Hobbit tripe would have outgrossed TDK-level X Men masterpeice by a large margin. Just look at POTC, TF and Twilight. No matter how shitty some of the movies in those series are they make insane amount a money that X Men franchise doesn`t. It`s just the way it is. Fandom is huge. Shitty Hobbit 1 or 2 wouldn`t have had a Narnia-type of a nose-dive for the next sequel. I mean, AWE was so shitty it did in fact have over $100 mio drop but it still made over 950 mio WW and 3D and expanded markets absolutely saved OST`s face. X Men was never really a true mainstream thing.
  7. Not famous enough for Nikki to acknowledge his existance.
  8. and so true. The Goddess doesn`t acknowledge the existance of such bed bugs.
  9. he wasn`t pushed by anyone but himself. You should read some of his interviews. he said he signed up for The Village because he wanted to be in the blockbuster, he expected KK to make a billion and overall thinks he is cut for an action star. he may not be a Borelnado-like flop but he is certainly dellusional and no asset to anything commercial or prestigeous.
  10. he definitely isn`t significant presence. Please don`t spin.
  11. he is a flop. AD would put him on the Flopped Male Starletts of the Aughts list.
  12. KK wasn`t successful because of him and Predators was also a franchise so he was a non-entiry and didn`t set boxoffice on fire. he ddin`t prove anything with those roles. Borlando is a purest form of flop because he has checkmarks in all the right places: Lucked out with a big movie before he could prove himself in anything? Check. Overnight sensation with fangirls? Check. Instantly hyped to be the next big thing?Check. Gets worst reviews in every movie? Check. Guys hate him? Check. His co-star steals a movie from him? Check. His solo flights crash and burn before take-off? Check. Begs old franchises to take him back although he didn`t want to continue with one when he expected better turn of fortune? Check.
  13. Not to mention 2 Broadway hits. Was Lillard ever hyped the next big thing? There`s a difference between actros who were around and even appeared in some hits but were never hyped as next leading meat and those who were? For example Bloom is a bone fide flop, maybe the most perfect example of flop ever, because he was touted the next Erroll Flynn and Next Tom cruise until his solo flight that crashed and burned on tarmac without even taking off a little. His career didn`t fade away. he could have been a decent character actor. He fucked it up by trying to be the leading man in action movies. That didn`t work. Nobody knew who he was when he wonOoscar so he came out of the left field. Nobody hyped him the next leading man but he hyped himself and started picking roles that aren`t for him and kept flopping. So he is a flop in a way though not by the definition we use here.re:SMG. Not a flop because she wasn`t pushed on us as the leading lady. Kristen Bell is more of a flop because she headlined some shitty romcoms. Anyway, SMG didn`t pursue movie career much and she did open The Grudge and Cruel Intentions. It` sjust that her movie appearances got more rare and rare. I really don`t know what happened. She wasn`t rejected by general audience. It seems as if she couldn`t find work or didn`t want to work.if you want a real TV-to-movies flop than look no further from david Duchovny. he never made a transition. Huge TV star thanks to X Files but couldn`t become bankable on the big screen to save his life. Even though he was touted the next big thing on both screens.
  14. Nicola Peltz is a flop. If you are scratching your heads to remember who that is, it`s the fuckin terrible tweenage actress from TLA. MNS threatened Universal that he wouldn`t direct TLA if she wasn`t cast. Uni, unfortunately, agreed to his diva demand. She hasn`t been heard from since critical pans.
  15. If by Next Thing you mean Next Leading Man/Lady than it`s still a long list. Everyone had their 15 minutes of fame but here we filter out those who were hyped as Next _________(insert bone fide star). So deifnitely Orlando Bloom (Next Erroll Flynn how could anyone say that with the straight face?), unfortunately Jennifer Garner (they tried to make her the next action heroine and that didn`t work, then next Julia Roberts and that didn`t work either), Josh Hartnett (he was really pushed but to no avail).
  16. Only thing he`s wrong here is that Crone is anti-SLP because Tiffany isn`t Katniss. Crone doesn`t care for Katniss. She is Salander (remember that has been character?) bitche. Crone wouldn`t be caught dead campaigning for Katniss Oscar nom and she wrote a big essay about stupid fuckin Merida the stitch bitch`s No.1 boxoffice weekend but nada about THG.
  17. Gretchen Moll fits your definition to a T. She was awarded the coveted Vanity Fair cover when she was still a nobody and never got further from that. That was one of most famous VF blunders that is always referenced when they award the cover to very new and very unproven actors.
  18. This is epic and Wells is right to bring up Crone Jr because that "kid" who is a teenager already is annoying reference in many of her mom`s blogs. She`s to AD what Harry Knowles nephew, who famously shit his pants when he saw Hulk, is to AICN.Wells was so dormant while schtupping Crone and now he`s back to being himself. Loving it!
  19. She flopped as a potentially great actress. She is an oscar nominee but decided to pursue boxoffice with shitty romcoms and now can`t open a coke let alone a movie. i`d put Adrien "one Oscar Wonder" brody in the same cateorgy only he pursued boxoffice in shitty actioneers for which he had no charisma (not that he has charisma for anything) Absolutely NOT a flop, great rebound with directing and acting in his awesome movies. She was caught stealing. NOT a flop. he isn`t a leading man in big movies but he`s a decent actor in small movies and supporting roles. If he is a flop so is Viggo Mortensen who also can`t open a movie of any budget. Definition of flop, poster boy for a flop. The Biggest Flop of all times. he`s always been around, never at the top but still staying relevant, more so than Jared "I banged every actress in Hollywood although I`m a nobody" Leto. The curse of American Beauty. See also Wes Bentley and Thora Birch (who had career before the cursed Oscah winner) Now for real flops or career suicides look no further from:a) stripper floppers Elizabeth Berkely (Showgirls) and Demi Moore (Striptease) - because the movies were retardedly bad, they were bad and even their nudity was hilarious, not sexyB) shiekster flopper Miranda Shitto (TTT and Shriekapoo) - she bared her bad teeth and shrieked - porcelain teeth-obsessing movie industry pukedc) kicker flopper Thomas Ian Griffith (karate Kid 3) - this real-life black belt`s scenery swallowing and hystericla laughter are two of 4 main reasons why KK3 is considered one of classic turkeys ever (other 2 are script and Macchio`s gigantic ass).
  20. PTA is in or it`ll be a huge scandal. His movie is best reviewed of the year so far and no small amount of praised is heaped on directing.
  21. LOTR cast behaved like that, they were poking fun at HP especially at MTV MA,etc and now they are whining about their careers going to shit and having bene paid nothing for LOTR, while HP kids are laughing all the way to the bank with their millions and without insulting anyone. So I don`t expect different behavior from TH cast because PJ is the driving force of such behavior and he likes to cast people like that. They all seem like annoying braggers like LOTR cast. The four Hobbit actors were beyond annoying and now they are in shitter, partly because Monaghan and Astin also proved to be douchebags.
  22. Because they think they are winners for making X Men move. Little do they know.
  23. X Men cast will still have way better careers than TH cast because they are super-talented and TH has 90% hacks riding on 2-3 good actor`s coattails.
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