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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Shit, why? Wasn`t TASM going to beat TA and whatever?That`s what fanboys claimed anyway.
  2. So Shriekapoo goes down OS w/o China? For sure? After most disappointing weekend ever that is domestic boxoffice I need a good news.
  3. Eh, I find LoS to be ridiculous. Like, they managed to destroy Roman Empire and so many other corrupt societies but can`t destroy one freakin city because some spoiled rich boy in a gay costume stands in their way. LOL. I`d take them seriously if they just tried to ruin Gotham for the first time, w/o resume that says Fall of Rome, Fall of British Empire, Fall of...etc.
  4. Bruce returning to Gotham would have been much better story than the one TDKR told.
  5. Both ideas make sense. I mena, if Optimus could track down Sam though EBay than Alfred must`ve checked blogs and tweets. I mena, c`mon, every organization has a blog so must LoS.Anyway, speaking of Alfred and meeting at Walmart etc, I thought that Alfred leaving over the argument about Rachel`s letter was just as bad as Frodo sending Sam away and Sam actually leaving. Talk about waaaaaaaaaaay out of character shit that had no support in anything that happened prior to WTF splits. Just bad drama for the sake of drama.That said, script fails this thing. You cna admire the acting and scope and ambition and Nolan trying something different and even tear up at the end but the script was attrocious. Dialog, story, plot holes, tropes, nonesense, exposition, stupidity. didn`t expect that from Nolan.
  6. TDKR has no chance at picture slot anymore. reviews simply aren`t there and boxoffice may well fall short of TDK. So AMPAS will have to nominate TH since they feel comfortable with that franchise. if TDKR got better response than TDK than they would be really presured but these reviews work in favor of another snub. And this is from a Nolan fan but I wouldn`t nominated TDKR either. Script really fails this thing big time.
  7. Hathaway`s walk was sexiest ever since Marilyn in Some Like It Hot. The scene where she beats up Daggert. Holy smokes. Also, Nolan did some amazing ass shotson the bike. Michael Bay will be envious.
  8. Scar-Jo has great healthy curves but pretty bland cute face. I know that some people call Anne horseface but it`s at least memorable and not like 100 other starlettes. Isn`t Amber Hurd a prettier Scar-Jo? yes she is.
  9. cameron`s bully antics on Titanic set make me laugh every time I watch sinking scenes. Because, according to various reports, extras started to scream the moment he showed up on the set to resume his duries. :rofl: I just can`t get over that.
  10. Followed by "with the child." "with the child? but you are...?" :rofl:
  11. I really REALLY don`t hate TDKR. But it`s ripe for poking fun at because it`s so pretentious and takes itself way too seriously and yet is loaded with utter silliness and nonsense. And that can`t stay unmocked.
  12. I remember a rumour that Talia kills him.I`m not for senseless massacre of characters for the sake of shock value only (CoughPOTC:AWEcough) but this was Breaking Dawn safe. That absolutely none of favorites bit the dust is just too much fan service.Also, there were too many characters who didn`t go anywhere. Matthew Modine served as a banter buddy to JGL at the beginning and than petered out. Selina, while great, didn`t really add up much. You could achieve all that w/o her. Tate was already discussed as completely underused which is why the twist didn`t work. Orphanage,lol, why were they in the movie at all? I mean, Nolan is,like, smart and whatever, so it`s weird that he couldn`t see that there was nothing in there to make those kids relatable and worth the emotional investment. They were randomly popping up when the plot requiered "poor Gothamer`s POV". That was all.As Baumer said, dialog was terrible. Stilted, artififical, every quasi-physlosophy rolled in one until actors got purple in the face from wrapping their thongues around conversations they never had in real life and never will.Oh, and the dreaded only-in-the-movie moment when a cop looks at his badge and tosses it into the river. It`s funny how in movies cops always decide to resign when they see big water and than they take a good long last look at the symbol of their profession and than toss it and walk away without looking back and you know their soul is free. I thought Nolan was above such silly tropes but TDKR was wallowing in them. His first stupid movie.
  13. It`s weekend,bro. I don`t have to work so too much time on my hands is justified.
  14. TDKR Act 1:Bruce: We`ve gathered to spoil the ending to the audience. Please spill the beans generously.Lucius: The autopilot needs to be fixed. Autopilot. Need.Fix.Bruce:Noted. NextAlfred: I had a dream...that all men are created equalEveryone:????????????????????Alfred: Oh c`mon, I`m the token old wise man so I have to spew some old wisdom. Anyway, back on topic. I had a dream that Bruce disappeared and than I see him and his wife in a Paris cafe.Selina:Coincidently, I want a clean slate.Bruce:So do I!John: I want to announce that I`m an oprphan and like all orphans I`m full of anger and wear a mask and that`s how I figured Bruce is Batman. So we are,like, kindred spirits and soulmates and shit,so my point is that when autopilot is fixed and Bruce and Selina sit in the Paris cafe, Gotham may need an orphan to keep wearing the mask if you know what I`m sayin?Alfred: Since I`m the wise old man I have a wise advice - now that we told the audience how the movie will end, lets throw them off the scent, so they think the movie will not end like we told them, only to see that the movie ended like we told them.Lucious: Genius. Lets do that by supporting Miranda Tate as the company CEO, future Mrs Wayne, guardian of a would-be atomic bomb...John:Who Hell Miranda Tate?Bruce: And who hell you, John? Seriously, who hell you to already have more screen time than all of us canon characters together? Eh?Act 2John BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeSomewhere in Mexico that looks like Any Stan desert but whateverBruce: Oh shit I broke back.Magic healer: Brokeback?Bruce:You know about Brokeback?Magic healer: We have a TV bro.Bruce: Holy shit, the latest jumbo plazma screen! I`d buy that if I didn`t go broke. Lets see what`s on.TV: John BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeSomewhere in the desert that definitely isn`t Mexico but for some reason is said to be in MexicoForeign Language Speakng Basil Exposition: tumba lumba rata tataMagic healer translation: The child with very feminine delicate face like a shaven headed girl escaped.Bruce: That sounds awfully like Bane.Foreign Language Speaking Basil Exposition: wrooom wroomMagic healer translates: The child had big blue eyes like Miranda Tate.Bruce: Definitely Bane!Foreign Language Speaking Basil Exposition: yippeee ka-yayMagic healer translates:The child`s protector was a really big dude,like really big, and he,like, always wore some shit over his face and was beaten up badly so I had to fix him...Bruce: I see...So delicate girly-faced blue-eyed child Bane was inspired to become a big dude with some shit over his face and dark eyes like his protector. Figures. nevermind that you guys never address the child as he by his name that I know is Bane but for some reason you never call him Bane which should be awfully suspicious as if I got it wrong but it isn`t suspicious to me at all even though Alfred said the pit is in Mexico and it obviously isn`t in Mexcio and he also said Bane escaped from it so if the pit isn`t in Mexico but he said it was maybe Bane didn`t escape either but nah that thought never crossed my mind not even once. Lets watch TV.TV:John BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeAct 3Somewhere in the desert that isn`t in MexicoBruce: Shit! My soul is crushed by this jumbo plazma TV showing that Who Hell He John Blake has highjacked the movie from me. I must escape from the pit and remind the world that I am the Dark Knight from the movie ttile but for some uncomprehensible reason I can`t! WTF is wrong? I was healed from a serious spine injury with a single rope as prescribed by a guy who never walked by medical school let alone finished one. I should be able to climb Mt Everest after such a professional medical treatment. WTF is happening?Foreign Languge Speaking Basil Exposition (in English): You can`t escape from the pit before hearing an inspirational speech in English, bro.Bruce: Right! So what do you have for me?Foreign Language Speaking Basil Exposition (in English): The child escaped cause the child feared death. You must fear death.Fear death and you`ll escape. Don`t fear death and you will not escape. Do and do or don`t and don`t. Fear on climb on. Fear off climb off.Bruce: So you are telling me you and 300+ prisoners can`t escape cause all of you don`t fear death? You all are,like, super-fearless?Foreign Language Speaking Basil Exposition: Non halbla InglesJohn BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeBruce:I`m back to Gotham which is cut-off from the rest of America by thin ice and blown up bridges. I walked through a desert, that I thought was in Mexico but wasn`t,5 months after a major spine injury. I have no money in my pocket nor on my bank account. Yet here I am so if you ever wondered how the Venture crew transfered King Kong from Skull island to NY and never got the answer, same shit here. Suspend the disbelief!John BlakeJohn BlakeJohn BlakeBruce: Anyway, I managed to come to Gotham despite spinal injury, unknown desert`s heat, no money, thin ice and blown up bridges guarded by US Army on one side and some crazies on the other side.But I can`t get to Lucious Fox!What a bummer, what to do? lets see. Selina Kyle betrayed me to Bane which makes her a perfectly trustworthy person for the job. Cause I can`t contact John Blake and give the bastard even more screen time can I?Ending = see Act 1
  15. Catwoman blows BW off the screen. And that`s no knock on BW who was very good in TA but Selina was perfection.
  16. I thought she oozed evil from the start. Fake cuteness and somehow nobody noticed that she got the company handed to her way too easily. I mean, haven`t they seen The Prequels? That`s the same twist. Palaptine built Dooku as a treat to the republic so that senat willingly suggests he takes the power. Talia built Daggert (sp?) as a threat so that Wayne gives her power of his own free will. And all those smart people couldn`t see that Tate`s perfect timing for presenting herself to them was too perfect. Just...eh.
  17. I get the praise for JLG but, IMO, it did the movie a disservice to shift focus on him. He was new so there wasn`t investment like in Bruce. Plus, I missed rich charmer Bruce of BB and TDK. He didn`t have to change his personality that much. Especially since Batman disappears at the same time when Bruce Wayne shuns the public life. And nobody makes the connection. :rolleyes:Dumb movie. Nolan usualyl makes smart ones but this is as stupid as it gets but doesn`t know it.
  18. I didn`t see the point of pre-pit injuries (that disappeared fast). I guess I have to agree with devin that it was redundant to have him broken and rise than break him again than rise. Like, one`s enough, no?
  19. They won`t blame. They either won`t say anything cause tragedy allows them to be respectfully silent or say they don`t care about money in the wake of it. It`s media who will put the shooting spin on disappointing OW.In the meantime, WB is discussing who to fire over this costly disappointment. My money`s on an idiot who brough excusive screening wraith upon the movie`s head.
  20. Ben Affleck. I hope Argo is great cause trailer certainly is.
  21. He`s happening. Nothing is gonna stop that train.
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