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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I`m a Canadian so I have enough clue. He`s our hero.Anyway, it`s less frustrating when he goes on a decade long sabatical and then - boom - makes a movie than this "I`ll make _, and I`ll ___, and I`ll_________,etc"Also, he has good track record with sequels so I don`t expect cash grabs but meaningful movies from those 100+ Avatars that he plans.But if he could just stop talking about things that aren`t even close to getting into production and save the talk for when they are actually moving forward...is that too much to ask? Talk about asteroid expoitation or something that is going forward.
  2. I like your categories because there are many iconic action characters played by actros who weren`t strictly action stars (as in pursuing action career). Also, the separation between physical and weapons-driven is great.
  3. Beckinsale has no business on the same list with icons that are Weaver and Hamilton. She isn`t an icon but a C-list actress in a C-list franchise that is popular thanks to her hot ass in PVC which describes her character`s entire personality.Same goes for Glau who is really a TV actress and her Firefly character may be popular among Browncoats but regular Joe and Jane don`t know what the fuck River Tam is.So split the list between one role icons (Weaver, Hamilton, Fisher,Thurman, Lawrence), actresses who pursue action career but aren`t martial artists (Jolie) , actresses who are real martial artists (Yeoh) and make sure they are Top of their category not C,D,F listers like Beckinsale, Biel, Glau, carano. I mean, your list is about Top actors not anyone who ever kicked someone`s shin in a movie.
  4. Thank you!Just shut the fuck up,Jim. All talk and no walk. Try the opposite for a change.
  5. Depends. The script is apparently terrific and very dark. Not your typical Denzel at all. So it can go either way but denzel is a rock solid opener and WOM should keep it going.
  6. taken 2 is a given. I expect it to be pretty bad but goodwill from the first should give it bigger opening.
  7. Master is doing terrific in limited but that`s the kind of movie that does terrific in big cities. I doubt they`ll be able to successfully expand it to a full wide.
  8. :rofl: :rofl:Is RE5 low to mind 20s on friday or for the weekend? Better be Friday only.
  9. The Pomp is waging jihad against Argo and all bloggers who support it. Hair-pulling with Crone has already started at Hollywood-elsewhere.com
  10. In no particular order, movies that scared the crap out of me:Profundo Roso (Deep Red) - there`s a scene where which is alone responsible for my sleeping with lights on for yearsThe Descent - The Ring - the ending, OMG the ending!Blair Witch Project - being lost in the woods is scary even without a stalker witchHalloween 2 - I liked the first movie but it didn`t scare me. Part 2 however....I know it doesn`t belong in the horror section for it`s sci fi horror but I must mention Alien one of very few ttolaly 100% perfect movies.
  11. :rofl: :rofl:Remember when he was drunken-blabbing about directing Fantastic Four and some sites such as AICN and EW posted it as a breaking news? And then years later he was drunken-blabbing about directing a Holocaust movie.
  12. Or to movies that don`t make them big:
  13. Someone should have made Titanic:The Reality Show and Abyss:The Reality a la Hell`s Kitchen where Cameron tortures and swears off his cast and crew and they break down and almost drown and shit. That would have been the best show ever. Fuck behind-the-scenes where everyone pretends to be one big happy family and then when careers don`t take off they write scathing books about favorism on the set and shit.
  14. Penn and Swank were in BP nominees when they received their second Oscars. Rust&Bone isn`t getting rave save for Cotillard so if she gets in she`ll be the sole nominee. Penn is a legend and Swank went through physcial transformation that was a huge talk of the town. Cotillard is playing a paraplegic which is what John Hawkes does in The Sessions and he is shoo-in for nomination if not for a win (real life paraplegic wants to lose his viginity is more baity than paraplegic). They won`t award 2 people for the same type of role.
  15. I cna see a scenario where Riva kicks Cotillard out like Oldman kicked Fassy. Not the same situation, I know, but sometimes AMPAS like to make room for an oldie over a you`ll-have-your-chance younger actor. Plus, Cotillard has already won. They won`t give her the second Oscar so soon.And PLEASE NO STREEP FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAESE!
  16. No Lawrence? She`s getting the best reviews of the bunch, trully stunning response. Also, the kid from BoSW is going to be nominated. Those 2 are locked and loaded. 3 more spots are up for grabs. Could be anyone from your list plus KK, Smith, Riva, Winstead, Gerwig.
  17. No it isn`t. Shitto already ruined LOTR. The Claf hasn`t bene cast yet. Asking for her to ruin TH as well is not justice. Justice would have been if The Claf had ruined THG and I was asking for him to ruin Thor or TA or whatever other movie. You want Shitto to ruin 2 series for me. That is not justice. You also managed what no one else couldn`t - drive me away. Magic, Shpongle, shayhiri,etc should cheer you.
  18. Whatever. I`m not having fun around here anymore so you`re on your own. Bye.
  19. I`m upset over any postive even mock positive. She doesn`t deserve it. I wouldn`t be upset if timing wasn`t so wrong. But now that they are making 3 TH movies with added stuff I don`t want any clamoring for Shitto fake or otherwise. It` s too upsetting. You know that i`ll never see TTT and Shriekapoo again because of her. I don`t want to miss TH.
  20. OK, our friendship is over than. I was never aware that you were as anti-Claf as I was anti-Shitto before I said he would be considered for Finnick based on how casting business works and fact he does look the part given his age and physical appearance save hair color. It wasn`t deliberate attempt to hurt my friends. This is a dleiberate attempt to hurt me and you succeeded.
  21. That fortunately killed her career and bitch didn`t realize that. I bet she was sending that clip to all casting directors and has been wondering for 10 years now how come nobody called back.
  22. Giant Jaw vs Giant Cavities I`m not coming here anymore. Too much vomit-inducing images and I have to eat before work.
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