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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Considering that his cast complained about low pay I`m wondering what passion we are talking about here. Passion to pay actors less sounds about right. Though I must agree with him that Shitto, Wenham, Astin,etc didn`t deserve better pay.Also, the guy isn`t down to earth because filming a movie about barefoot people while walking around barefoot isn`t down to earth. It`s a stunt, an image-making. And hobo dressing isn`t down to earth either when coupled with a request to change river run so his estate can have a lake.
  2. PJ is cheap so he deserves cheap shots. It`s really sad how much he`s pandering to fanboys and bloggers in order to be liked when there`s only one way to get appreciation and love - make better movies than dire KK and absolutely abominable TLB. No amount of sucking up to Knowles and TORN will change that.
  3. Nolan captured the hearts and minds of fans because he`s talented AND has integrity. He doesn`t try to make fans love him by posting vlogs of the same fucking thing shot from different angle over and over. Fans feel when someone is too eager to please and when someone stands his ground, which is why they choose Nolan although he doesn`t give them incentives, freebes and shit.
  4. I couldn`t believe Sat number for Prom! I know WOM is pretty bad but this crash is ridiculous.
  5. They should bring in Damon Lindelof to re-write entire 3d act.
  6. Trailer is funny and getting good reactions but i`m not sure about the bait and switch. They are really trying to sell it as something else.
  7. I can`t believe Prom isn`t breaking R record. Damn you Lindelof, damn you to hell![media=]
  8. I`m down with more HP reboot, sequel, porequel doesn`t matter. I`d also like to see what Star Wars supergeeks JC, Nolan, JJ would do with Star wars sequels.
  9. Fuck small movies. And I would neevr tell Nolan what to do but my wish-list would be:1. something originala tie:2. Bond. I`d prefer Fass as Bond but if it`s DC whatever, he`s tolerable as Bond when they give him funny lines.2. If he has to tackle an adaptation of anything, Dune and Dark Tower, because Dune requires his intellect and DT requires his crazy ability to tell stories backwards, 4 at once,etc.
  10. Sure it does. Don`t be fooled by Twilight scoring only kiss and MoY but winning MoY cause, you know, Best Cast and Actors do not a Best Movie make, kiss does,even a lame one. BD2 will be sweeping every category and most olikely some specially created for its Lifetime Achievement. It`s the last movie.They`ll shower it with awards. Hulk Smash is gonna be pwn`d by Cullen vs Volturi stand off. It is written.
  11. I fuckin hate Lautner face. He looks like he`s hot STD, not good at all. Must be that bomb Abduction eating him up.
  12. Twilight is fading but ebcause its fans ate MTV main audience and intelligent fans of other franchises aren`t, MTV rigged the votes. This is just fuelling hate for Twilight among people who didn`t have much problem with it before But thsi constant undeserved winning is annoying. There`s no way in hell that BD2, the last movie, won`t win next year. 5 fuckin years of this torture. 5!
  13. Oh, Jesus, I told you! This was rigged beyond measure. THG wins eevrything but Kiss, cast and hero and Twi only wins Kiss and is Best Movie? Fuck MTV! It`s like Shailene Woodley winning because she`s on MTV show, as if any of the show fans saw Descendants.
  14. C`mon Jodi! Says THG! You are the epithome of strong woman, it must be THG!
  15. Holy shit! Standing ovation for Nolan! Incredible footage!I have a bad feeling that BD1 win travesty will happen. Lautner is there. He didn`t present anything so I guess he`s there to pick up Best Picture award with K Stew. MTV just can`t fuckin let go of obviously fading twi because they guess correctly that THG fans are samrter than watching this tired channel.
  16. Most attention whore awards out there which is saying something. They`ll have 1000000000000 categories as long as they can bring in as many celebs as they can. Too bad the wins are totally rigged in favor of flavors of the moment and people who confirm their appearance. Which is why they are losing viewership.
  17. Totlaly but slightly less yuck now that Twi`s a toast.
  18. BD must win nothing. Not even make-up award such as kiss or whatever else they were nominated for. By the look of it, THG is winning all even for that shakey cam mess of a fight.
  19. Liked it a lot. Super uneven but beautiful. My review is in Speakeasy Reviews and some thoughts on The Claf in SWATH thread.
  20. TA is a perfect summer movie so there`s no reason to put it in December where MJ could work. I mean, between Thanksgiving and Xmas, there isn`t such a huge difference. So you have Bond for Thanksgiving and MJ in TH/Avatar December slot. hell, they can corner 2014 and 2015 with MJ.
  21. MIB3 increase is great or what? I watched SWATH yesterday and MIB3 was the only movie with constant line-ups. My SWATH was sold-out from walk-ups but MIB3 was,like, busy busy busy. Saturday movie if there was ever one. Lots of families.
  22. I see where you are going and it would be interesting psychologically if he wasn`t a moron but consciously sabotaged his sister`s plans because, lets face it, he`s her little bitch and cannot possibly be all that happy in that role unless their obviously incestous relationship is total S/M. But the way the character is written and acted as a moustanche twirling creep, he comes off as a moronic villain who spills the secrets of his own destruction. Revealing to Huntsman that EQ can`t bring back the dead (duh!) before Huntsman handed over SW was just a stupid plot device to have Huntsman side with SW. Revealing that he killed Mrs Huntsman was even more stupid one to make a sure-fire kill more personal. As if we already didn`t want him dead for being such a shit character.
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