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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I enjoyed this a lot and it could have been incredible in the hands of a director who is a good story-teller. As it is, Sanders isn`t the one although the movie works despite its many flaws. He`s a typical commercial/music video type, all cool visuals that serve zero purpose except that they are cool. I can imagine that his first thoughts when filming this were "what scenes can make a mind blowing trailer?" The movie has absolutely no rules of magic that is used so random and unexplicable it undermines characters who wield it. Case in point is EQ whose mother gave her a power of preserving youth and beauty but where the fuck shapeshifting into Claflin (aka Clafting) and crows and commanding those glass soldiers come from? No clue cause nobody bothers to explain. It looks cool why the fuck are you asking questions? What more do you want? it looks cool, OK? Explained enough.OK, so EQ is so omni-fuckin-powerful she, for unknown reason, relies mostly on ineffective henchmen. There`s nothing worse than a villain who repeatedly hires stupid people. I mean, what`s the point? We are supposed to fear and secretly admire evildoer`s success which is hard when goons fail even at the simplest tasks. The movie works the best when it sticks to tone of its own, which are mainly EQ scenes from the beginning of the movie. Later, as the focus shifts to SWATH, she`s reduced to bitching about old age and is much less effective as an old hysterical crone than as an icey beautiful Queen.This is where scenes start looking like other movies - Arwen and The Nine chase from FOTR, Atreju and Artax from Neverending Story, Dementors from PoA, etc.As for SW, I really dig the character who retained feminity and compassion throughout the movie. Too bad they didn`t let her smile more often as she was absolutely adorable when she was dancing with Gus, trully full of life like the Princess of Life should be. Also, the warrior princess part was done right. They didn`t make her a super warrior, she didn`t have any fight coreography but mainly rode a horse, ducked s lot, and took the beating from the EQ until she had no choice but not to hesitate as Huntsman told her. I thought it was a great touch that she felt sorry for EQ who was such a loony freakin woman. Instead of having her strike a hero pose and spout a quirky line, she showed her sympathy which must be the worst that could happen to EQ from EQ`s POV. Not only defeated by SW but also SW rising above hate and revenge to shed tears over her lunacy. Well done. No "I am no man, SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEK" garbage.OK, so ddddeeee scared me that Chris was bad but he totally wasn`t, WTF ddddeeee? His charisma was intact and it`s script that fails him because it`s too busy taking him from point A to point B,etc that he doesn`t have time to show us more about himself that isn`t badassery and heavy drinking. Until the kiss twist that melted all hearts. :wub: :wub:So the romance or lack thereof. All feminists and quasi-ones should welcome this movie where out feisty heroine doesn`t put a choice between 2 guys or nabbing a guy on top of her to-do lists. The biggest and boldest thing that SWATH did was undoubtly have SW coronated as a single Queen. There`s no love triangle yawnathon here and things are kept so chaste that it`s a real surpise they portrayed sibs EQ and Finn as PG-13 Lanister twins.OK, now the part that you`ve all been waiting for, the actor so talented, he was honored to play not one but two roles in this movie. The one and only Claf!!! from channeling Legolas to channeling ROTS Anakin to impersonating Charlize, this heir apparent to Borelando-dom cannot be stopped. The Legolas thing was ridiculous. They gave him super-speed arrow shooting as if he`s an Elf. Another one of many so-what-it-looks-cool-STFU`s I talked about in the first paragraph. The character was completely unnecessary because everything he said or did is what Huntsman said or did. So redundant. Moreover, I don`t know where all concern about SW comes from since child William came off as a dick, when he bit the apple and tossed it. And SW said they fought all the time so it doesn`t look like they had the best of friendships let alone a foundation for romance. Which makes the Huntsman kiss twist such a relief. And the Claf was barely distinguishable from trees so I recon Ravenna would have done a better job shifting into an apple tree than Clafting into a balsawood.Am I the only one who thought it was a missed opportunity to have DF troll come to the rescue Hulk style and smash EQ`s castle? It was a nice touch that birds helped SW because she cared for injured one when she was child so I`m flabbergasted that they didn`t bring the troll when it really mattered. he could have smashed through the gates instead of having dwarves open it in a slapstic manner.
  2. Hear, hear! They never brought up 3D inflation when TS3 made over $1 billion but when DH2 flew past Shriekapoo, tons of 3D, duh! comments which won`t be made once bunny-pulled sled with burping dwarves movies push Shriekapoo down too thanks to 3D + whatever extra shit they are going to charge for soap opera frames.
  3. Fantastic first half, extremly choppy "most memorable book moments w/o transition" second one. The choppiness is obvious before reading the book and even more so after. Is it OK to root for the pony to kill beyond annoying Bonnie? Yes it is. That fuckin Mary Sue character was big irritation and eye-roller in the book but that WTF looking actress who couldn`t possibly pass for Leigh-Gable kid even to a blind man sealed the deal. Other than that, Leigh-Gable chemistry is a classic.
  4. As much as it pains me to admit, reviews and WOM don`t indicate great legs. Maybe OK but that`s the ceiling.
  5. Totally. Considering the budget and star power real or imagined, they must have expected higher hence lowballing.
  6. Is the speech as bad as the nadir of St Crispians Day speeches KK in AWE? The awfulness of that shitfest was forever immortalized in Kermode iconic review. You could see actors biting their inner lips in attempts not to burst in laughter while she was going at it, full ADM phsycho tics mode and all.
  7. My sig says it all. Star maker and best score of 2011.
  8. Shit, so true. Makes you appreciate Titanic and Avatar runs even more.
  9. I don`t recall any movie starring Rudd that broke out. Didn`t he have a flop just recently? I mean, he`s a nice guy but definitely not Mr Charisma by any stretch of the word.As for Depp and Smith, MIB3 wasn`t clamored for and DS is most likely one Kabuki Depp movie too many.
  10. Audeinces widely disagree. The guy isn`t a draw at all.
  11. It`s a sequel nobody wanted that still managed surprisingly favorable reviews and big OS opening.
  12. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, TA went from $12 mio to under 10 mio? :(
  13. replace "toldja" with "No Record" and you`ve got the perfect quote.
  14. Big Willie is the man though his commercial consistencey has to do with firmly staying on the easy-sell high concept path. His only straying from it, Seven Pounds, didn`t do the trick which was enough for him to take a hiatus and announce bunch of sequels as his future projects. Hoping for the ebst for After Earth though I can`t stand and don`t trust MNS.Anyway, they can`t groom Brad and Leo into another Will because they are interesting in variety of projects including tough sells. But since we need true stars, Will`s one and he does open in different generes which is rare so hats off, the BO KIng`s back.
  15. Everything Nikki says is spic and leegndary and instant classic. From Toldja to No Record. Someone should make a meme out of the latter one.
  16. Tony`s flight after the missile in TA was a nice homage, right down to calling Pepper and "one way ticket" remark.
  17. I`m mad he won`t make Cleo. I`m down with another historical epic by JC.
  18. JC is weird and he says a lot of things but what we will get is another matter. However, I`m sure that whatever he makes next is going to be an event and experience. he made T2 and Aliens fresh and new as opposed to sequel`s usual loss of novelty so I expect he`ll especially see to it with Avatar(s).
  19. That thsi thread is still alive and kicking although those sequels aren`t seeing the lights of cinemas before 2015 or something is the testament that there is anticipation that naysayers are unsuccessfully trying to deny. I`m mad at JC for deciding to make no other movies but I acknowledge the fact that people want to see them regardless of how I feel about the only-Avatar-making issue.
  20. LG would be fools not to give it a $400 mio push. Dollar theaters, Katniss B-day theater expension, groupon, Puerto Rico, choclate fudge, whatever it takes.
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