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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. No, no, no. Easter Bunny is supposed to deliver Saturday numbers, not Nikki,Gitesh,etc. Unless they are Easter bunnies.
  2. Please Nikki wake up and announce that HG crossed $300 mio. That`s what everyone wants to hear!
  3. I think he`ll never be able to top that one. he was on the money because he hated it with the fire of thousand suns and it was so well deserved. Awful, AWEful, terrible fuckin movie. Burn all copies.The review was solid gold. Fuckin classic.
  4. I was genuinly frightened by the height of Titanic`s ass. When J&R were haning on top of it, shit man, I was really scared. Totally felt it. That thing was so huge and the tragedy so unnecessary and preventable. Damn human factor.
  5. Too bad they use 3D on old farting and burping dwarves. Ugliest cast ever. Even occasional hottie can`t save offset 10 fugs.
  6. Yep,looks like that`s the case. Like Star Wars OT re-releases in 1997 were anomaly to releases of ET, EXorcist,other classic. One can try to explain in hindsight but cannot forsee what will catch on and what won`t.I think that reports about Titanic sell-outs delluded some of us into thinking there was a demand.
  7. I saw Titanic in an auditorum full of teen and pre-teen girls. They clapped when Cameron`s name popped up at the end. So teens are not a problem.
  8. OK, so wasn`t there initial rush to get Titanic tickets or something? perhaps they bought tix for Titans by mistake?
  9. Spending 3 hours on a movie that`s been played so many times on TV is too much to ask of anyone. WB should think twice before releasing those other 3 hours long flicks or their 5-6 hours long versions. Anyone who expects better result is insane.
  10. As long as it isn`t in the next 5 years. Must not happen before Shitto hits 50.
  11. if underperforming re-releases prevent abomination that Shitto in 3D would be, I won`t begrudge the lack of interest.
  12. Thank you! I`ve been saying it for so long. AP was about 30something highschoolers. This is about 40something 30somethings. Not as appealing.
  13. OK, so what happened to all those pre-sold out shows for Titanic? A month ago it seemed like there was a demand and now this?
  14. So when`s THG passing $300 mio?
  15. Shit, that makes her the oldest meth addict alive. She`s,like, 70+.
  16. I don`t trust her either. You bet that those $8-10 mio for Titanic will turn out to be $5-6 mio. I wish first version is the right one but it`s Nikki. $24 mio Friday for HG second week, nuff said.
  17. Nikki is overestimating so we are in for disappointment again.
  18. Yep, the guy is totally different from his industry peers. AICN often runs interviews with him that have nothing to do with movies but all about science, astrophysics,etc. I don`t recall other film-makers talking about non-movie stuff. Nolan talks about psychology but everyone else is firmly pimping their daily jobs.
  19. JC does what JC does. He definitely isn`t a guy who thinks he must forge iron while it`s hot. That is frustrating for fans but more power to him that his interests are bigger than just collecting cash from movies and reading his power rankings on Frobes list.
  20. Wednesday opening makes sense since they aren`t going for records or that kind of shit. Titanic has always been a slow burn, no need to turn it into a frontloaded OD wonder.
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