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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. They are setting things up for the arrival of the real stars of the series - Governor, Michonne and Tyrese. I have a bad feeling that
  2. Yeah, if headshot kills zombies, killing the living the same way makes sense. Good target practice + just in case.
  3. We didn`t know that people turn after any death because our heroes happened to shot eevryone in the head (Rick shooting Russell`s buddies, Daryl shooting Dale) thus unwittingly preventing zombification. Shane only broke Russell`s neck but didn`t damage the brain, hence his turn. Likewise, Rick stabbed Shane in the stomach and chest.Question, while Shane was lying dead, the scene was intercut with quick shots of zombies eating someone`s guts. Was it POV of Shane`s turning (as in he is now feeling the need for human flesh) or reference to zombie horde nearby?Any rumours who else might die in the finale? I expect zombie horde to get at least some insiginficant farm members if not another major character?
  4. I trust audience more than critics when it comes to horror. critics loved Splice. Nuff said. Audiences hated it. Amen. I knew from trailers it would be a steaming pile. Adrien Brody banging a shoddy looking alien/whatever with goat legs. Bombs away.
  5. I love him so much! The things he does for the benefit of the humankind. :wub:
  6. Depends on how many toys they managed to sell. The movie`s boxoffice certainly doesn`t warrant a sequel and Olivia Wilde is a boxoffice poison.
  7. WTF has Cameron to do with BSG? It`s Singer`s project.That said, when it that dangerous dive happening?Also, making a docu won`t take that much time but turning what he has found into inspiration for Avatar creatures will.
  8. Creative control isn`t always a good thing. Jackson had creative control over KK and Apatow over Funny People. Both should have been seriously restrained. Haven`t seen JC yet but it looks like it`s the case here too.
  9. You guys are scaring me.Anyway, Cameron has balls of steel and he`s looking better than ever. He`s really fit now.
  10. I bet Sasha Crone is hoping it`s a one-way ticket. She hates his guts. Because her idol Mark "Lip Gloss" Boal will never be 1/10000000000000000000000000000 cool like that.
  11. Dude, you are forgetting that 70s had different criteria of hotness. That was the year of unconventional hottie - Hoffman, Pacchino, Sly, Spielberg. None of them your averige Gay Gay Lautner and the likes. The hottest Canadian was: That`s young David Cronenberg. He was fliming in itsy-bitsy jeans shorts and women were fainting in the Toronto sun becasue they swooned for hours.He was that hot. And Spielberg was a womanizer. Google it and you`ll find out. His cheating on his first wife Amy Irving with Kate Capshow (his current wife) on the set of Temple of Doom was a huge scandal in its time and their divorce the costliest ever.
  12. Amen!He`s badass like that. I`d rather have him make an epic dive and Avatar after than rush Avatar without the dive. How many directors are diving? Only JC. So it`s greta to have someone like that around. Love him to bits.
  13. You people are so weird! he is focusing on Avatar. He`s getting inspiration, advancing technology,etc. He spent 12 years thinking the whole thing up so I`d say he`s been focused on it long enough.
  14. I know,right? I think that those horrid characters actually make the show. It`s like Starship Troopers. All those soapish 30something teenagers are God-awful but that`s what makes the movie aside the awesomeoness of Iron Mike, the script, effects and score.
  15. I can`t believe the trashing this episode is getting! One would think you people are reviewing Smash or such total suckfest.Dale`s preaching mode got some of the best Shane responses. Comedy gold. Daryl was kicking the shit out of that new guy. Badassery gold. And than he shot Dale in the head. Unsung hero right there. T-Dogg had a line! Go diversity!So Carl proved to be stuoid, wow surprise. Rick being a pussy at the last minute, wow surprise. Lori being dumb shit, wow surrpise. Nothing we haven`t sene ebfore so this is hardly worse than previous shit where T-Dogg had zero lines and Daryl was brooding and skinning squirrels.
  16. But she does end up as Cat O` Tunnels. All tough chicks are Cat something - Catwoman, Black Cat, Cat O`Tunnels.
  17. 2 books, one and a half? I don1t remeber. I skipped a lot cause I didn`t know anymore who is who. Too many characters.
  18. Fuck you Carl naysayers! He put us out of Dale misery! Bloody genius if you ask me.The episode had the best line to date:Dale:"Blah blah humanity, blah blah civilization"Shane:"Oh. My. God!"Shane FTW!Truth is, as awful as Dale was, Shane`s best moments on the show were his reactions to Dale`s bullshit. Last night episode was no exception.Enough of Rick-goes-dark-oops-he-chickens out-at-the-last-moment. I knew he wouldn`t go through with the execution the moment Lori said I support you if that`s the right decision. Cause, of course, it isn`t the right decision, duh, it`s a moral preachin` show after all, so you knew he wouldn`t do it.Best T-Dawg episode in a long time. One speaking line. Impressive.Ok, all joking about Carl aside, Lori and Carl are now used to create totally unnecessary drama. Zombie could`ve wandered all the way to the farm since it`s weird that absolutely no zombie reached that point so far and the episode before it showed a wandering zombie somewhere along the road. So instead of having Carl become an unwitting hero of the show, Dale could have been off`d by chance.Die Carol die. Seriously, if you deem a character useless and don`t want to bother with them, just pull a T-Dawg on all of them and keep them silent to one-liner.Spoiler about Dale`s demise was on the money. Unfortunately, it means that spoiler about another death is also on the money.
  19. OMG OMG, in 40 minutes, everyone`s favorite character, the most dynamic, the coolest, the badassest Dale will take the center stage! Yes! The moment we were all waiting for - a Dale centered episode! Woot woot! This is going to be the best one eva!
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