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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Tirion looks like Mark Hamill in RotJ.I think that Arya will kill Geoffrey(sp?). He hates cats and she becomes Cat O` Tunnels. That`s a poetic justice right there.Looks incredible.
  2. He was absolutely gorgeous. No wodner women were throwing themselves at him and he didn`t refuse cause that would be rude. His sexcapades in 70s and 80s were stuff of legend.The reaction vid is awesome. Too bad there was no YouTube back in time, it would`ve garner billion hits.His buddy who said the "who directs a movie? Someone`s mother?" is awesome.Jaws is awesome and one of rare instances where movie is wastly better than the book. They smartly ignored stupid rivalry between Brody and Hooper over Ellen and made them buddies for life. I so love this movie.I can`t believe that this hot sexy daring youngster has become such a PC wanker of an old man. What a disappointment.
  3. As long as Anna Karenina bombs in every way, especially The Jaw. Has anyone seen pics from the movie? Same fuckin facial expression on all of them. Tight jaw and a pout. She`s aged a lot too.
  4. OK, so they still call this season GoT although it`s based on Clash of Kings. Not even GoT:CoK. I like that.Anyway, amazing series, much better than books. Very cionematic but HBO allows it tog et away with language, sex and gore that movies would not tolerate. Plus, the size of each book couldn`t have been contained in one movie.
  5. :lol: Spot on! Daryl is in gonna be in full Sayid mode next week. T-Dawg should emerge in the background like always.
  6. Top 3:HanPalpatine ( I always wanted to have a grandfather like him. I think he`d be the best grandpa to anyone)YodaOn the fence:ROTJ and Prequels really spoiled Vader for me but I really like McGregor`s Obi Wan, not so much Guiness`s.I also like:Leia.Qui Gon.Sebulba.LandoChewieR2Luke and 3PO can be insufferable, though. Luke in ANH and before Dagobar training in ESB. 3PO in ROTJ and Prequels.
  7. For a moment, I thought, finally that`s it. Rick manned up and cut this bullshit. hell no. You cna always count on Rick doing something extremly stupid. Such as having a guy talk. No, Rick, this is not why Lori told you Shane is dangerous. She meant it like just kill `im before he kills you cause he wants to kill you. But Rick`s,like, buddy, Lori says you are dangerous and want to kill me,that for real? So Shane beats the shit out of him, totally tries to kill him with that big iron shit he tossed at him. Even Rick sees Lori ain`t bullshitting anyone. And what does he do? Saves Shane from hungry zombies, duh! And than he`s,like, you want to kill me so I`ll give you back your gun. Awesome. I just love this.The Suicide chick is a major crap. First, her eye-brows are fuckin perfectly waxed. Who does that during zombie apocalypse on a God-forsaken farm? I mean, they are,like, totally fuckin perfect. So distracting. Than she didn`t have a zombie feaver but some depression fit or whatever. And finally she decided that she can`t stand blood. Only in movies depression-induced suicidal thoughts are cured like that. Make your own choice. Cross the line. LOL!I really love this show. It`s demented awesome. Everything is insanely wrong and makes no sense but it`s addictive.
  8. He doesn`t need Grace`s physical manifestation to be comfortable with because he had to pass through the eye of Eywa in order to become reborn as a Na`vi. In other words, he saw Eywa for real like Grace did when she said "she`s real". Also, when he asked Eywa for a favor, he said "if Grace is with you, look into her memories". Because of all that, I expect we see Grace as whatever next step being she has become, not as a manifestation of Eywa. I certianly expect better from Cameron than Higher beings-takes-familiar face&body-to-communicate thrope.
  9. Paul Rudd is not a star. Paul Rud is not a star. Paul Rudd is not a star.Paul Rudd is not a star. Paul Rud is not a star. Paul Rudd is not a star.Paul Rudd is not a star. Paul Rud is not a star. Paul Rudd is not a star.Paul Rudd is not a star. Paul Rud is not a star. Paul Rudd is not a star.Paul Rudd is not a star. Paul Rud is not a star. Paul Rudd is not a star.Paul Rudd is not a star. Paul Rud is not a star. Paul Rudd is not a star.
  10. I adore Snow and James but MM and especially David annoy the hell out of me. They need to recover their memories and soon.I really love the show. Stopped watching House when Cameron left (used to be Hameron shipper), so I`m happy to see Jen Morrison here. She was great in those 10 minutes with Hemsworth as Jim Kirk`s mom in ST too.
  11. MM can`t survive puppy love. That`s just too embarrassing for words. Plus Awards Daily Forums can`t wait for MM and that`s kiss of death.
  12. I never had problem with Olivia on Fringe. She was somewhat reserved but compassionate and likable enough. And Torv has always been stronger actress than what`s-her-name. Also, Walter was the main reason to watch and Alcatraz doesn`t have an instant classic character like that.BTW, I gave up Fringe seevral weeks ago. I just don`t connect with this fake-verse.
  13. I`m not surprised this is falling. JJ tends to build his shows around a mystery that is strecthed too far while we get tons of filler in beteen. procedural nature of the show is just dull and the leading chick is meh. Nothing to attract audience on weekly basis.
  14. The show is horrible. I follow its nose-dive because I`m fascinated by trainwrecks and this is a big one. Insane overhype that didn`t live up to 1/16 of what was promised and it`s getting worse. Awful dialog, boring predictable plots, bland cliche completely unengaging characters, bad acting, boring direction, boring songs, subpar dancing. This shit isn`t tanking because it`s a niche but because they failed to make that niche (Broadway) relatable and interesting to viewers unlike other shows about other professions (yeah, not many people know how advertising or police or hospital or Hollywood,etc works but compelling characters and good plots keep them interested). There`s no sparks or flavor or dazzle in this crapola. Completely wasted money. Spielberg is a TV poison.
  15. Fuck no! I adore his language, and Ladyevenstar, you should read in English. I`ve heard from many ESLs that it`s lost in translation and they started loving the books when they re-read them in English.I do think that his mythology about the Valar is subpar to Norse and Greek because he removed all the flaws that make those Gods so interesting. The Valar are a bunch of asexual bore (yes, their marriages are unconsumed) with no character traits but being goody-two-shoes. Zzzzzzzzz. You root for Melkor because he is relatable and has passions and personality unlike his mannequin doll breathren.
  16. She won`t be in flashbacks. Grace is with Eywa so I expect we`ll find out more about Eywa and what she is.Did Cameron dive yet? When is it?
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