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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I think he`d be crazy enough to film a movie in space. he said at one point that he would. I love him so much.
  2. In that case, aliens would get him out. :PYou peepz know that he trained for space program at Baikonur? he wanted to fly to Mir. of course, the Commies didn`t let him although he passed all tests. I hope he goes to space too.
  3. They can put me in commercials,like, so strong even fishnets can`t stop it. cause I stop the time. It just stops. They stop working. I also confuse weaker computers if I`m pissed. It`s nothing supernatural. Quite a few people have that going.
  4. i`d buy rolex if he appeared in ads. Otherwise I`m not into watches because they die on me. I have strong magntic field or something.
  5. Holy shit! I really hope sealife is amazing down there so he gets to see something incredible as he hopes so. And than blow us away with Avatar inspirations again.
  6. I`ve always been madly in love with him. What charisma, what courage, what a genius, what a man.
  7. He`s a total legend and trully unique individual. More power to him. I hope he`ll release some footage. It`s totally amazing that he`s doing this dangerous as shit stuff for the benefit of science. he even worked on designing the sub like he worked on designing cameras and other tech. Just incredible, versatile, balls of steel man.
  8. HG ain`t fudging anything especially not Spidey. if they went after anything, that would be Twilight but $155 mio is too big a number to be fudged just to pass NM.
  9. becasue the books are intelligent. Tweens and teens don`t have well developed taste which is why they used to have Borelando posters on the wall and now are ashamed and use them as toilet paper rolls.
  10. Buttercup having only one second of screentime was proposterous. He plays a major role in establishing the difference between Katniss (practical survivalist, not too compassionate for anyone outside her family, huntress) and Prim (kind, compassionate to everyone, healer) which is why Katniss volunteering is so emotional and pivotal. It isn`t just that 12 years old girl going into arena is terrible but a girl like Prim who would die there one way (killed because she can`t kill) or other (learns the encessity of killing which kills Prim we knew). Prim has always brought the best in Katniss (hence sparing Buttercup at Prim`s pleading) so MJ ending with the reunion is especially poignant in that contex. Now there`s no context.
  11. This is beyond awesome. Such deserving movie. Lawrence is a star!
  12. Incredible opening for a well-received movie. I hope that translates into amazing hold. Well-deserved.
  13. I agree that day-and-date release wasn`t a good idea. They should have let the buzz about dom records spread OS before launching the new juggernaut. But I guess they didn`t expect $150 mio opening at the time decision was made.
  14. Look who doesn`t want to eat crow pie ever again! :lol:Still, great way of redeeming yourself for Percy Jackson thread.
  15. :lol: :lol:That said, you guys are forgetting that BD2 is facing stronger competition than BD1. Opening may be inflated thanks to "Thank Gosh it`s over" factor, but hold should be worse.
  16. Absolutely. I didn`t like the cliched "little girl has a bad dream and it comes true" and the "big sister gives little sister a toek of protection and than little sister gives it to big sister." I`m totlaly serious but my parents never gave me any protection item bullshit ever. I don`t even know where that shit comes from but all movies seem to have it.Re:Rue`s bad acting. Deathbed scenes always come with some type of dubious acting because they are entirely unnatural. There`s either heavy homoeroticism with cheese on top (Boromir`s death type of a scene where a dying male character professes his love for a living male who admits feelings are mutal) or pure cheese. There`s no escaping that kind of shit because the whole premise that the dying one better keeps talking or bust is ridiculous as is when someone receives stabs and bullets in his/her breathing organ and yet can blab like on a radio show. Didn`t Boromir have,like, 4-5 arrows and spears in his chest? And all but sang a pop song?
  17. Cast was great as far as individual performences go. However, I just didn`t feel that Katniss and Peeta have much chemistry with Haymich or with each other.I guess that works on the "they were forced to work together out of necessity but there`s nothing else to it than circumstances out of their control" level. Katniss and Cinna clicked right away, though.Real bond. Seen and felt.Also, I didn`t feel any clicking between Katniss and Prim but Katniss and Rue was,like, boom. That`s it. That`s a real bond. That is why I must be the only person who thought that the movie clicked from the moment Katniss and Rue met in the woods. It was very strange before that. Not bad, not even close to bad, but something was off.Finally, my biggest complaint aside shakey cam is that Ross was more interested in technical aspect of the games, such as how the Games center manipulates it, and the dynamics between Snow and Crane, rather than how families feel about what they see on the screen. That made it a much colder movie than I expected from the trailer. I was really hoping that he would take an opportunity to show families reactions to deaths,etc but all we got was D11 uprising (great) and Gale`s reaction shots to Katniss&Peeta kissing (good comic timing but c`mon!Is jealousy the most important emotion that one should feel while watching games?)
  18. Holy shit and well done team!My prediction that HG will swallow DT`s entire run in its OW is coming true.
  19. Jen`s Body: A+Camera work: Z-Movie overall: I guess it`s B but I could hardly see anything for camera jerking, spasms, seizures and finally uncontrolled drunken spinning.
  20. Rue and Katniss relationship wasn`t developed in the book either. The only thing that it had going for it was Katniss constantly thinking she reminders her of Prim. With first person POV gone, I cna imagine that "substitite baby sister" got lost in translation and Rue remained a girl who was here briefly and than gone the next minute.
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