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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Well, Shane is dead in the comic book, long time ago. The shocker is who did him in,though.And Sophia is alive and well in the comic book.So they changed a lot and might not follow the comic book at all.
  2. Holy shit, DR is a star! :oIt was a good little movie, good post-HP vehicle for him. Cheap as hell, huge profit, decent critical response. Goes well with his Broadway success and Extras appearance. Nice resume for DR. I hope he continues having success. One of the nicest guys in the business judging by his interviews.
  3. I hate Padme dresses in general (too many, too ridiculous) but I love:
  4. It did well for a movie of the kind. It did terrible for the most overhyped movie based on the most overhyped book. The marketing overkill changed the perspective on the movie and no studio spin will change that it`s viewed as a disappointment. Cause there was supposed to be mania and there was none.
  5. I`ve noticed that DT hasn`t been tracked. I expect huge fudge because the movie had no chance of reaching $110 mio after crawling to $100 mio but I expect they report such number to justify unnecessary sequel.
  6. Good ep overall but writing remains as stupid as ever. Rick trying to reason with people who we all know can`t be reasoned with was stupid. Yanking Randell`s leg free was badass, though.Lori getting into the car, suviving unsurvivable car crash without a hint of miscarriage which would have been inevitable, than bying into Shane`s story that Rick is back safe but for some strange reason didn`t go look for her himself, than finding out that obvious lie was - gasp - a lie, was beyond stupid build up to her attempt to convince Rick he should take out Shane. Surely there is much better and more realistic way to do it? Such as "Shane tried to rape me" (loooooooooong ago) .Great action but drama was as bad as it gets. Carl predictably wants to name the baby Sophia. Lets hope Lori and the damn baby get what`s in the comics. And soon! Glenn is concerned that Maggie`s love turned him into a self-serving pansy. Lmao! Rick reveals their hiding by trying to reason with guys who are bent on killing them all after torturing the lociation of the farm out of them or something. Daryl...I don`t even know what the hell is going on here. I guess it has something to do with failing to save Sophia but, geez, it`s like they went "He`s the most popular character and we want unpopular character #324 to be more popular so lets ruin him" or something.Still, Rick and Randall`s leg was a genuine Holy Shit! moment that, again, redeems the ep from Lori/other whiny character nonsense.
  7. Bodes well for HG since Hutchenson will become more familiar face to OS crowd.
  8. I thought it was funny but on the second thought....
  9. Amen. Studios are so stupid it`s unbelievable their honchos are making million dollar salaries. They think that hitting #1 Google search, Twitter trending or imdb.com equals actual popularity. The biggest stars in movies have far less hits than the lowest rated Twilight actor or actress. That proves nothing about an actual boxoffice power, just that certian demogrpahics are more prone to googling stars, voting for their favorites,etc than others. Same here. RR is always going to have more online buzz than Denzel because Denzel isn`t prone to creating one by dating Blake Lively, getting engaged to Alanis Morisette or getting married to and divorced from Scar-Jo after only a year or two. You see where I`m going with this. However, when it comes to deciding where to put money,. they go with reliables, not with the hot gossip of the moment.
  10. This movie is a legend. It has 125 uses of F word. Here`s the digest:
  11. It`s called Dinocroc vs Supergator. I think there`s standalone Dinocroc movie too. They have standalones and than one vs other. A sort of Sy Fy Avengers. There`s Dinoshark too.
  12. It`s real, man. It`s a prominent Sy Fy franchise. Dinocroc, Sharktopus, some other shit too.
  13. Like I said, I like Karl Urban and Jason Momoa but picking poor scripts won`t secure them a leading man status, unless they want to win the battle against Dinocroc on Sy Fy. Which is what avaits them if they keep carrying one shitfest after another.
  14. And when she gets her wish, it`ll be DtD sequel. Cause this is bombing.
  15. Yeah, what`s going on here? RR PR is coming out of hiding or what? Safe House is all about Denzel. Remove Denzel and the movie would have been lucky to open #3 unless Denzel was replaced by Will Smith. Say what you will about Channing but he opened The Vow against McAdams whose star power is about equal to his or less. It was not the case like the combo of real star power (Sandra, Denzel) and RR where it`s obvious to everyone save RR loonies (or RR PR disguised as loonies) who the draw really is.
  16. Struck Notebook because that`s the movie that put her on the map. She and Gosling didn`t open it for they were unknowns, Nicholas Sparks did.
  17. Because between 2010 and now he received extreme amount of exposure which should have been enough to guarantee at least double the opening digit of The Warrior from Bane and TDKR afictionados. Hey, what better movie to check out if Hardy is the right Bane than the one where he`s playing MMA meataxe? As it is, nobody turned up for that one. Now, I don`t expect Trekkies and comic book fans to go for TMW but many women like those movies and find actors hot and yet Channing prevailed. Somehow, I doubt it`s the allure of McAdams vs washed up Reese that decided this. After all, Channing did open Step Up without being a big name beforehand.
  18. I`m not giving him more cred. I`m merely commenting on the fact that movie buffs jumped to write him off as the leading man and now he proved a draw at least in one genre (don`t forget Dear John). Unlike Hardy who hasn`t been catching fire despite significant exposure. I wish they switched cause Hadry is infinitely more talented but cred where cred is due. Channing has a dedicated fandom, period.
  19. Oh, jesus, who needs Perry Mason? It`s everyone`s great grandparents favorite show if great grandparents are still alive, that is. And who wants to bet PM the way of RDJ will be just like SH who is just like TS who is just like RDJ? Now we are talking about an actor who needs something challenging. BTW, his Oscar nom for Tropic Thunder was one of the worst gimmicks ever.
  20. Chaning is a star. Hardy is not. That`s what this weeknd confirmed.
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