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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. So it is official.......... 'FOR THE AGES' is the new BOM Meme of the year
  2. I have no idea....google images search is your friend though. EDIT: Nevermind lol
  3. Well STiD was pushed up at last minute so I doubt it was going to gross much.
  4. Can't stand PIXAR anymore. Sequel after pointless sequel and if they fucking dare touch Toy Story 4 I'll make it my life mission to make sure they PAY.
  5. Ooops did not know it was that low. Paramount just dropped the ball. I kept thinking the marketing was nowhere near as strong as ST09 here in the UK. FF6 has had a very good marketing campaign...its everywhere.
  6. Ok so even less impressed with STiD in the UK. I don't get why it did not expand...my screening was pretty packed not a sell out but busy enough for a 5pm screening. FF6 next weekend will hurt it.
  7. $140M or so Very low...Star Trek has NEVER been popular OS. In the UK it will get hurt by FF6 which opens Friday.
  8. Did ST09 have 3D? I am sure it did not.
  9. That UK number is a bit disappointing since ST09 opened pretty close if I am remembering correctly.
  10. Pretty decent...but it has opened in the only strong OS markets for it.
  11. A review from a non trekkie who positively hates most sci-fi movies and TV shows. It was alot of fun but it does drop in quality the minute they reach klingon. When the villain announces he is Khan it meant fuck-all to me and nearly everyone in the cinema. I don't like the fact that the rest of the cast got pushed to the background though, 7.9/10
  12. How many places is it opening next weekend?
  13. Thor 2 attracts females?? Either way they have enough space between them to co-exist and in winter its about legs rather than HUGE openings anyway. CF should still be able to pull at least $300M+ OS.
  14. Thor 2 won't effect CF much as they are different audiences. IM3 did not effect STiD much at all it just has never been a big property OS. The fanboys on this site seemed to forget that.
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