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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Which is very good considering how mediocre TASM2 is. Make me want to go see CAP2 again
  2. Sony is lucky to have the new reinvigorated Bond franchise. And MiB3, believe it or not, still made some money. But I do agree that Sony's heart is not into making good movies anymore. MIB & TASM are business decisions. SEX TAPE is high concept without heart (you can tell from the lackluster trailer). Sony is fortunate that SKYFALL has a great director and dedicated producers at its helm.
  3. Michael Bay is not cut out to do comedy. Ironically his first feature is a comedy BAD BOYS. When he sticks to non-stop, hyper-action, he is at his most natural. When can Hollywood understand that and just unleash the Bay already?
  4. This never-ending run of FROZEN in Japan is astonishing. There should be a college course that analyzes why & how this movie kills at the box office. Seriously $200M in Japan?
  5. Mojo doesn't seem to track Indonesian figure. This is a massive country with $280M people, near the size of US! And nobody is tracking it?
  6. By its 3rd weekend, CA2 made $317M OS and $412M WW but during the same period, Cap has played for 2 weekends in China, and grossed $80M there. At this point, TASM2 should be ahead of CA2 without China. China's gross is a monstrous addition to any well-produced Hollywood action movie. The studios should kow-tow on regular basis, and bring "good luck" fruits on those executive visits.
  7. TASM2 should do $60M with that number. A huge increase from TASM1 but $100M is unbreachable?
  8. The territories where TASM2 broke records unfortunately aren't major. Russia, UK, Australia, Europe, Korea, Mexico+Brazil - all flatline or decline. It's up to China to make the difference but is it enough to push WW to $800M??
  9. Sunday is a workday in China? Another new thing I learn everyday...
  10. TASM2 may maintain TASM1 total WW which is pretty good despite the fact that the movie got mixed responses even from its fans. Some territories broke records but those are minor territories: Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Europe seems to flatline. Unless it makes more than $100M in China (which is still a possibility), it may not go near that $800M WW. As far as GODZILLA's rampage, it may decelerate the movie faster, but by next weekend, TASM2 would accumulate 80% of its final WW gross anyway. Sony is smart to release this earlier in late April. It is XM:DOFP that has to contend with the wrath of the Gigantor. Poor XMEN....
  11. I read an NYT article that WB likes to be slow. They are against fast paced environment because their products are slow to develop & produce anyway. Quality takes time. I agree with Warners. Disney loves speed. The way they churn out Marvel movies every 6 or 9 months, it really shows.
  12. Can Disney stop to make money for a while?
  13. TASM2 is not about character, it is about PS4 tie-in
  14. Cable, TV rights, territorial presales, Bluray, DVD should take care of the last dash to profitability
  15. Come on don't be over-dramatic how TASM2 is going to lead to end of the franchise. The OS number remains strong and $220M is not bad for DOM. At worst, it will do $600M WW, and that is a damn good number for any movie.
  16. ..And Joss Wheedon proved that 6 Marvel heroes are better than one
  17. Pretty much flat & even with each other with TASM2 trailing a bit. It seems to me Australian audience is getting sick of superhero movies.
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