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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. UPDATED FINAL TALLY Some movement after we include the SOTM to the total scores... Sheikh and Bobdole continue to lead from Simionski and Zeesoh however 5 onwards there has been shuffling. Current Last Player QOTW SOTM TOTAL 1 1 Sheikh 96,000 660,000 2,172,000 2 2 BobDole 128,500 610,000 2,115,500 3 3 Simionski 94,500 434,000 1,822,500 4 4 ZeeSoh 77,200 426,000 1,760,200 5 7 PanaMovie 88,000 426,000 1,713,000 6 6 kayumanggi 97,500 380,000 1,685,500 7 10 Wrath 110,500 527,000 1,675,500 8 5 Chasmmi 90,500 347,000 1,668,500 9 11 WrathofHan 98,100 549,000 1,660,100 10 9 glassfairy 97,500 435,000 1,636,500 11 8 JJ-8 196,500 213,000 1,499,500 12 13 Fancyarcher 68,000 426,000 1,415,000 13 12 bcf26 101,500 109,000 1,200,500 14 14 Mike Hunt 81,000 -352,000 635,000 15 15 aabattery 34,400 255,000 444,400 16 16 Premium George 18,400 0 62,400 17 17 Kalo 2,400 0 2,400 18 18 PANDA 2,400 0 2,400 19 19 Telemachos 2,400 0 2,400
  2. Right so here is the final SOTM Scores (Updated with SOTM 11 & Make up) So it appears that @Sheikh and @BobDole are leading yet another chart ..... though the 2 wraths are doing a bit better here TW Last Player SOTM 11 SOTM Make up Total 1 1 Sheikh 35,000 0 660,000 2 2 BobDole 10,000 0 610,000 3 3 WrathofHan 0 0 549,000 4 4 Wrath 30,000 0 527,000 5 5 glassfairy 10,000 0 435,000 6 8 Simionski 20,000 0 434,000 7 6 ZeeSoh 20,000 -16,000 426,000 8 7 Fancyarcher 10,000 0 426,000 9 9 PanaMovie 20,000 0 426,000 10 10 kayumanggi 30,000 0 380,000 11 11 Chasmmi 40,000 0 347,000 12 13 aabattery 0 0 255,000 13 14 JJ-8 5,000 0 213,000 14 12 bcf26 -85,000 -108,000 109,000 15 15 Kalo 0 0 0 16 16 PANDA 0 0 0 17 17 Premium George 0 0 0 18 18 Telemachos 0 0 0 19 19 Mike Hunt -115,000 -144,000 -352,000
  3. i'm holding off adding the total to the main chart until someone scores the remaining SOTMs ~ SOTM 11 & SOTM Make up. having a break while someone else scores those.... (PS - Preseason is all scored so once this is done, i'll confer with my counterpart and the real reveals will begin!)
  4. SOTM Part 2 ~ SOTM's 8, 10, 9 and 1 The top 4 has remained as is with @glassfairy and @ZeeSoh making good inroads into the top 10. TW Last Player SOTM 8 SOTM 10 SOTM 9 SOTM 1 Total 1 1 Sheikh -8,000 106,000 -14,000 -34,000 625,000 2 2 BobDole -2,000 64,000 40,000 -30,000 600,000 3 3 WrathofHan 40,000 0 -3,000 3,000 549,000 4 4 Wrath -1,000 3,000 -3,000 3,000 497,000 5 11 glassfairy 40,000 64,000 -18,000 -25,000 425,000 6 10 ZeeSoh 15,000 94,000 -10,000 -54,000 422,000 7 6 Fancyarcher -21,000 3,000 0 -30,000 416,000 8 5 Simionski 10,000 38,000 -19,000 -95,000 414,000 9 8 PanaMovie -2,000 50,000 -3,000 -30,000 406,000 10 7 kayumanggi -21,000 3,000 -3,000 -60,000 350,000 11 13 Chasmmi -2,000 94,000 25,000 -75,000 307,000 12 9 bcf26 0 3,000 -3,000 -75,000 302,000 13 12 aabattery 0 0 -10,000 -40,000 255,000 14 14 JJ-8 -40,000 126,000 -3,000 -95,000 208,000 15 16 Kalo 0 0 -10,000 0 0 16 17 PANDA 0 0 -10,000 0 0 17 18 Premium George 0 0 -10,000 0 0 18 19 Telemachos 0 0 -10,000 0 0 19 15 Mike Hunt 0 -70,000 -3,000 -65,000 -93,000
  5. SOTM Score summary - Part 1 ~ SOTM's 2, 4, 7, 3, 6, 5 Thanks everyone for posting, tallied below (well part 1) @Sheikh and @BobDole leading again....... @WrathOfHan and @Wrath are doing a lot better here.... TW Last Player SOTM 2 SOTM 4 SOTM 7 SOTM 3 SOTM 6 SOTM 5 Total 1 - Sheikh 70,000 105,000 49,000 240,000 15,000 96,000 575,000 2 - BobDole 95,000 30,000 49,000 240,000 48,000 66,000 528,000 3 - WrathofHan 55,000 71,000 49,000 225,000 7,000 102,000 509,000 4 - Wrath 70,000 120,000 59,000 130,000 13,000 103,000 495,000 5 - Simionski 70,000 114,000 63,000 120,000 13,000 100,000 480,000 6 - Fancyarcher 55,000 99,000 45,000 135,000 25,000 105,000 464,000 7 - kayumanggi 70,000 96,000 45,000 120,000 1,000 99,000 431,000 8 - PanaMovie 70,000 123,000 59,000 50,000 -14,000 103,000 391,000 9 - bcf26 70,000 58,000 69,000 45,000 48,000 87,000 377,000 10 - ZeeSoh 70,000 54,000 59,000 130,000 -48,000 112,000 377,000 11 - glassfairy 70,000 87,000 75,000 35,000 -5,000 102,000 364,000 12 - aabattery 70,000 10,000 0 225,000 0 0 305,000 13 - Chasmmi 70,000 88,000 45,000 -35,000 7,000 90,000 265,000 14 - JJ-8 55,000 36,000 59,000 60,000 -47,000 57,000 220,000 15 - Mike Hunt -61,000 32,000 45,000 -50,000 9,000 70,000 45,000 16 - Kalo 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 17 - PANDA 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 18 - Premium George 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 19 - Telemachos 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 10,000
  6. Now time to add QOTW to the Weekly Scores.... some movement as a result however @Sheikh continues to hold onto his lead from @BobDole. The biggest mover was of course myself thanks to my easy win in the QOTW. Current Last Player Weekly QOTW TOTAL 1 1 Sheikh 1,416,000 96,000 1,512,000 2 2 BobDole 1,377,000 128,500 1,505,500 3 3 Simionski 1,294,000 94,500 1,388,500 4 4 ZeeSoh 1,257,000 77,200 1,334,200 5 5 Chasmmi 1,231,000 90,500 1,321,500 6 6 kayumanggi 1,208,000 97,500 1,305,500 7 7 PanaMovie 1,199,000 88,000 1,287,000 8 9 JJ-8 1,090,000 196,500 1,286,500 9 8 glassfairy 1,104,000 97,500 1,201,500 10 10 Wrath 1,038,000 110,500 1,148,500 11 11 WrathofHan 1,013,000 98,100 1,111,100 12 12 bcf26 990,000 101,500 1,091,500 13 13 Fancyarcher 921,000 68,000 989,000 14 14 Mike Hunt 906,000 81,000 987,000 15 15 aabattery 155,000 34,400 189,400 16 16 Premium George 44,000 18,400 62,400 17 17 Kalo - 2,400 2,400 18 18 PANDA - 2,400 2,400 19 19 Telemachos - 2,400 2,400
  7. So the end result is the following FINAL weekly total tallies....... @Sheikh won the weeklies overall with @BobDole a worthy runner up and @Simionski in 3rd. But i hate to tell you... @Telemachos the old man lurking down in 19th... he's coming for everyone TW LW Player Week 17 Make Up Total 1 1 Sheikh 124,000 1,416,000 2 2 BobDole 96,000 68,000 1,377,000 3 3 Simionski 120,000 1,294,000 4 7 ZeeSoh 103,000 76,000 1,257,000 5 4 Chasmmi 100,000 1,231,000 6 5 kayumanggi 106,000 1,208,000 7 6 PanaMovie 78,000 1,199,000 8 8 glassfairy 70,000 1,104,000 9 9 JJ-8 98,000 1,090,000 10 10 Wrath 70,000 1,038,000 11 11 WrathofHan 1,013,000 12 12 bcf26 89,000 -10,000 990,000 13 13 Fancyarcher 60,000 921,000 14 14 Mike Hunt 81,000 906,000 15 15 aabattery 155,000 16 16 Premium George 44,000 17 17 Kalo 0 18 18 PANDA 0 19 19 Telemachos 0 PS the green colour indicated when you answered every single week or not (green meant you did )
  8. Only 3 players submitted answers and i'm afraid some submitted when you can read quite clearly you lose 10k if you had answered every week. @bcf26 nice try to get one up.. but you answered every week according the records i have... so 10k down you go so then were was 2... @BobDole & @ZeeSoh ... # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 ZeeSoh 38000 20000 0 18000 76000 2 BobDole 31000 12000 0 25000 68000 3 bcf26 -10000
  9. Make up Answers f you missed a weekly questions set during the game you are eligible to answer these. If you are ineligible and play them anyway you will lose 10,000 points for being annoying and making me (well JJ-8 probably) double check all the entrants for each week. Part A (Everything is the 3 day unless stated) 1. Will Alita make more than $13.5M? 1000 YES 2. Will Alita make more than $18.5M? 2000 NO 3. Will Alita make more than $16M? 3000 NO 4. Will Isn't It Romantic finish above What Men Want? 4000 YES 5. How many films will make more than $3M? 5000 9 FILMS 6. Will Lego Movie 2 drop more than 45%? 1000 YES 7. Will Cold Pursuit Finish Above The Upside? 2000 YES 8. Will Glass have a PTA above $1,200? 3000 YES 9. Will Aquaman have a PTA above $1,200? 4000 NO 10. How many Best Picture Nominees will increase this weekend? 5000 1 FILM 11. Will The Prodigy increase on Friday? 1000 YES 12. Will Lego Movie Increase more than 100% on Saturday? 2000 YES 13. Will Glass have a bigger Sunday drop than Aquaman? 3000 NO 14. Which film in top Domestic top 15 will Alita be closest to in Dollars by the end of the Game? 4000 Green Book 15. are you angry at how annoying and random a few of the above questions ended up being? 5000 * Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points No part 2 for Make Ups Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. How to train your dragon: The Hidden World 4. Fighting with My Family 7. Happy Death Day 2 U 8. Cold Pursuit 10. Run the Race 13. The Prodigy Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  10. # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 ZeeSoh 38000 20000 0 18000 76000 2 BobDole 31000 12000 0 25000 68000 3 bcf26 -10000
  11. Make up Answers f you missed a weekly questions set during the game you are eligible to answer these. If you are ineligible and play them anyway you will lose 10,000 points for being annoying and making me (well JJ-8 probably) double check all the entrants for each week. Part A (Everything is the 3 day unless stated) 1. Will Alita make more than $13.5M? 1000 YES 2. Will Alita make more than $18.5M? 2000 NO 3. Will Alita make more than $16M? 3000 NO 4. Will Isn't It Romantic finish above What Men Want? 4000 YES 5. How many films will make more than $3M? 5000 9 FILMS 6. Will Lego Movie 2 drop more than 45%? 1000 YES 7. Will Cold Pursuit Finish Above The Upside? 2000 YES 8. Will Glass have a PTA above $1,200? 3000 YES 9. Will Aquaman have a PTA above $1,200? 4000 NO 10. How many Best Picture Nominees will increase this weekend? 5000 1 FILM 11. Will The Prodigy increase on Friday? 1000 YES 12. Will Lego Movie Increase more than 100% on Saturday? 2000 YES 13. Will Glass have a bigger Sunday drop than Aquaman? 3000 NO 14. Which film in top Domestic top 15 will Alita be closest to in Dollars by the end of the Game? 4000 Green Book 15. are you angry at how annoying and random a few of the above questions ended up being? 5000 * Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points No part 2 for Make Ups Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. How to train your dragon: The Hidden World 4. Fighting with My Family 7. Happy Death Day 2 U 8. Cold Pursuit 10. Run the Race 13. The Prodigy Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  12. @Sheikh led the final week of the game from @Simionski. @WrathOfHan failed to answer this week meaning.... # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 Sheikh 61000 21000 17000 25000 124000 2 Simionski 56000 15000 13000 36000 120000 3 kayumanggi 58000 18000 12000 18000 106000 4 ZeeSoh 52000 15000 0 36000 103000 5 Chasmmi 51000 12000 12000 25000 100000 6 JJ-8 51000 9000 2000 36000 98000 7 BobDole 53000 12000 21000 10000 96000 8 bcf26 46000 9000 9000 25000 89000 9 Mike Hunt 42000 7000 7000 25000 81000 10 PanaMovie 44000 7000 9000 18000 78000 11 glassfairy 40000 3000 2000 25000 70000 12 Wrath 43000 5000 4000 18000 70000 13 Fancyarcher 43000 5000 2000 10000 60000 The biggest change this week was wrathofhan dropping out of the top 10. TW LW Player Week 16 Week 17 Total 1 1 Sheikh 111,000 124,000 1,416,000 2 2 BobDole 107,000 96,000 1,309,000 3 3 Simionski 126,000 120,000 1,294,000 4 4 Chasmmi 86,000 100,000 1,231,000 5 6 kayumanggi 56,000 106,000 1,208,000 6 5 PanaMovie 93,000 78,000 1,199,000 7 7 ZeeSoh 103,000 103,000 1,181,000 8 8 glassfairy 103,000 70,000 1,104,000 9 10 JJ-8 93,000 98,000 1,090,000 10 11 Wrath 123,000 70,000 1,038,000 11 9 WrathofHan 115,000 1,013,000 12 12 bcf26 77,000 89,000 1,000,000 13 13 Fancyarcher 114,000 60,000 921,000 14 14 Mike Hunt 49,000 81,000 906,000 15 15 aabattery 155,000 16 16 Premium George 44,000 17 17 Kalo 0 18 18 PANDA 0 19 19 Telemachos 0
  13. Week 17 Answers Part A: 1. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $45M? 1000 YES 2. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $55M? 2000 YES 3. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $50M? 3000 YES 4. Will Dragon 3 increased more than 55% on Saturday? 4000 NO 5. Will Dragon 3 make more than 50% of the combined total of the top 5 movies? 5000 YES 6. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $6M? 1000 YES 7. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $10M? 2000 NO 8. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $8M? 3000 NO 9. Will Fighting With My Family open in 4th? 4000 YES 10. Will Cold Pursuit stay above The Upside? 5000 YES 11. Will Green Book have a smaller percentage drop than Bohemian Rhapsody? 1000 YES 12. Will Spiderverse have a bigger decrease than Lego? 2000 YES 13. Will Total Dhamaal Open to more than $550k? 3000 YES 14. Will Total Dhamaal Open to more than $650k? 4000 YES 15. Will The Prodigy stay in the top 12? 5000 NO 16. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 55%? 1000 NO 17. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 33% on Sunday? 2000 YES 18. Will What Men Want increase more than 60% on Saturday? 3000 YES 19. Will Alita overtake Green Book Domestic total by the end of the game (so including the Monday) 4000 NO 20. What will be the highest placed film to win an Oscar? 5000 Green Book 21. Will The Upside cross $100M by end of Sunday? 1000 NO 22. Will Miss Bala stay above the Oscar Short Films? 2000 NO 23. Will Will the top 10 make more than $115M combined? 3000 NO 24. Will Mortal Engines make a mystical 55 Million this weekend and save my top 15?? 4000 * 25. Will you be back for Summer? 5000 * (So tempted to give 0 to anyone who answered No! ) Bonus: 13/25 3000 14/25 5000 15/25 7000 16/25 9000 17/25 12000 18/25 15000 19/25 18000 20/25 21000 21/25 25000 22/25 30000 23/25 36000 24/25 42000 25/25 50000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Dragon 3 make for its 3 day? $55,022,245 2. What will Alita's Percentage drop be? -56.73% 3. What will Lego Movie's percentage change be? -53.46% 4. What will Green Book's PTA Be? 1,698 5. Will Will Ralph Breaks the Internet's Domestic Total Be at end of Sunday? 199,868,950 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Alita: Battle Angel 4. Fighting with my Family 6. What Men Want 7. Happy Death Day 2U 9. The Upside 11. Green Book . Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  14. # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 Sheikh 61000 21000 17000 25000 124000 2 Simionski 56000 15000 13000 36000 120000 3 kayumanggi 58000 18000 12000 18000 106000 4 ZeeSoh 52000 15000 0 36000 103000 5 Chasmmi 51000 12000 12000 25000 100000 6 JJ-8 51000 9000 2000 36000 98000 7 BobDole 53000 12000 21000 10000 96000 8 bcf26 46000 9000 9000 25000 89000 9 Mike Hunt 42000 7000 7000 25000 81000 10 PanaMovie 44000 7000 9000 18000 78000 11 glassfairy 40000 3000 2000 25000 70000 12 Wrath 43000 5000 4000 18000 70000 13 Fancyarcher 43000 5000 2000 10000 60000
  15. Week 17 Answers Part A: 1. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $45M? 1000 YES 2. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $55M? 2000 YES 3. Will Dragon 3 Open to more than $50M? 3000 YES 4. Will Dragon 3 increased more than 55% on Saturday? 4000 NO 5. Will Dragon 3 make more than 50% of the combined total of the top 5 movies? 5000 YES 6. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $6M? 1000 YES 7. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $10M? 2000 NO 8. Will Fighting With My Family open to more than $8M? 3000 NO 9. Will Fighting With My Family open in 4th? 4000 YES 10. Will Cold Pursuit stay above The Upside? 5000 YES 11. Will Green Book have a smaller percentage drop than Bohemian Rhapsody? 1000 YES 12. Will Spiderverse have a bigger decrease than Lego? 2000 YES 13. Will Total Dhamaal Open to more than $550k? 3000 YES 14. Will Total Dhamaal Open to more than $650k? 4000 YES 15. Will The Prodigy stay in the top 12? 5000 NO 16. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 55%? 1000 NO 17. Will Happy Death Day drop more than 33% on Sunday? 2000 YES 18. Will What Men Want increase more than 60% on Saturday? 3000 YES 19. Will Alita overtake Green Book Domestic total by the end of the game (so including the Monday) 4000 NO 20. What will be the highest placed film to win an Oscar? 5000 Green Book 21. Will The Upside cross $100M by end of Sunday? 1000 NO 22. Will Miss Bala stay above the Oscar Short Films? 2000 NO 23. Will Will the top 10 make more than $115M combined? 3000 NO 24. Will Mortal Engines make a mystical 55 Million this weekend and save my top 15?? 4000 * 25. Will you be back for Summer? 5000 * (So tempted to give 0 to anyone who answered No! ) Bonus: 13/25 3000 14/25 5000 15/25 7000 16/25 9000 17/25 12000 18/25 15000 19/25 18000 20/25 21000 21/25 25000 22/25 30000 23/25 36000 24/25 42000 25/25 50000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Dragon 3 make for its 3 day? $55,022,245 2. What will Alita's Percentage drop be? -56.73% 3. What will Lego Movie's percentage change be? -53.46% 4. What will Green Book's PTA Be? 1,698 5. Will Will Ralph Breaks the Internet's Domestic Total Be at end of Sunday? 199,868,950 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Alita: Battle Angel 4. Fighting with my Family 6. What Men Want 7. Happy Death Day 2U 9. The Upside 11. Green Book . Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  16. Was a big week, with some big scores....... @Simionski took out honours this week, with the 2 wraths - @Wrath, @WrathOfHan in runners up. # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 Simionski 45000 30000 15000 36000 126000 2 Wrath 43000 24000 20000 36000 123000 3 Wrathofhan 43000 24000 12000 36000 115000 4 Fancyarcher 43000 24000 22000 25000 114000 5 Sheikh 45000 30000 0 36000 111000 6 Bobdole 45000 30000 7000 25000 107000 7 glassfairy 43000 24000 0 36000 103000 8 ZeeSoh 43000 24000 0 36000 103000 9 JJ-8 44000 24000 0 25000 93000 10 PanaMovie 45000 30000 0 18000 93000 11 Chasmmi 44000 24000 0 18000 86000 12 bcf26 39000 20000 0 18000 77000 13 kayumanggi 34000 12000 0 10000 56000 14 Mike Hunt 31000 5000 9000 4000 49000 And the updates continue with @Sheikh continue to lead from @BobDole TW LW Player Week 15 Week 16 Total 1 1 Sheikh 67,000 111,000 1,292,000 2 2 BobDole 81,000 107,000 1,213,000 3 3 Simionski 50,000 126,000 1,174,000 4 5 Chasmmi 51,000 86,000 1,131,000 5 6 PanaMovie 67,000 93,000 1,121,000 6 4 kayumanggi 52,000 56,000 1,102,000 7 7 ZeeSoh 61,000 103,000 1,078,000 8 8 glassfairy 55,000 103,000 1,034,000 9 10 WrathofHan 57,000 115,000 1,013,000 10 9 JJ-8 73,000 93,000 992,000 11 11 Wrath 57,000 123,000 968,000 12 12 bcf26 46,000 77,000 911,000 13 14 Fancyarcher 51,000 114,000 861,000 14 13 Mike Hunt 44,000 49,000 825,000 15 15 aabattery 155,000 16 16 Premium George 44,000 17 17 Kalo 0 18 18 PANDA 0 19 19 Telemachos 0
  17. Week 16 Actuals Part A (Everything is the 3 day unless stated) 1. Will Alita Open to more than $15M? 1000 YES 2. Will Alita Open to more than $21M? 2000 YES 3. Will Alita Open to more than $18M? 3000 YES 4. Will Isn't It Romantic Open to more than Alita? 4000 NO 5. How many new releases will have a bigger 3 day weekend than Lego Movie 2? 5000 1 NEW RELEASE 6. Will Happy Death Day open to more than $18M? 1000 NO 7. Will Happy Death Day open to more than $24M? 2000 NO 8. Will Happy Death Day open to more than $21M? 3000 NO 9. Will the top four films combine to more than $80M? 4000 NO 10. Will Glass say above the Prodigy? 5000 YES 11. Will Miss Bala's PTA stay above $1,000? 1000 NO 12. Will Spiderverse have a bigger percentage drop than Aquaman? 2000 NO 13. Will The Upside increase more than 175% on Friday? 3000 NO 14. Will What Men Want drop more than 47% this weekend? 4000 NO 15. Will Alita cross $1B WW by Saturday? 5000 * Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Alita make for its 3 day? $28,525,613 2. What will be the percentage change for Lego 2? -39.02% 3. What will Happy Death Day's PTA be? 2,962 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. Alita: Battle Angel 3. Isn't it Romantic 5. Happy Death Day 2U 6. Cold Pursuit 8. Glass 11. Gully Boy Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  18. # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 Simionski 45000 30000 15000 36000 126000 2 Wrath 43000 24000 20000 36000 123000 3 Wrathofhan 43000 24000 12000 36000 115000 4 Fancyarcher 43000 24000 22000 25000 114000 5 Sheikh 45000 30000 0 36000 111000 6 Bobdole 45000 30000 7000 25000 107000 7 glassfairy 43000 24000 0 36000 103000 8 ZeeSoh 43000 24000 0 36000 103000 9 JJ-8 44000 24000 0 25000 93000 10 PanaMovie 45000 30000 0 18000 93000 11 Chasmmi 44000 24000 0 18000 86000 12 bcf26 39000 20000 0 18000 77000 13 kayumanggi 34000 12000 0 10000 56000 14 Mike Hunt 31000 5000 9000 4000 49000
  19. Week 16 Actuals Part A (Everything is the 3 day unless stated) 1. Will Alita Open to more than $15M? 1000 YES 2. Will Alita Open to more than $21M? 2000 YES 3. Will Alita Open to more than $18M? 3000 YES 4. Will Isn't It Romantic Open to more than Alita? 4000 NO 5. How many new releases will have a bigger 3 day weekend than Lego Movie 2? 5000 1 NEW RELEASE 6. Will Happy Death Day open to more than $18M? 1000 NO 7. Will Happy Death Day open to more than $24M? 2000 NO 8. Will Happy Death Day open to more than $21M? 3000 NO 9. Will the top four films combine to more than $80M? 4000 NO 10. Will Glass say above the Prodigy? 5000 YES 11. Will Miss Bala's PTA stay above $1,000? 1000 NO 12. Will Spiderverse have a bigger percentage drop than Aquaman? 2000 NO 13. Will The Upside increase more than 175% on Friday? 3000 NO 14. Will What Men Want drop more than 47% this weekend? 4000 NO 15. Will Alita cross $1B WW by Saturday? 5000 * Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Alita make for its 3 day? $28,525,613 2. What will be the percentage change for Lego 2? -39.02% 3. What will Happy Death Day's PTA be? 2,962 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. Alita: Battle Angel 3. Isn't it Romantic 5. Happy Death Day 2U 6. Cold Pursuit 8. Glass 11. Gully Boy Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  20. doing some weekly scoring now and then i'll update the weeklies following by a final weeklies / SOTM scores....
  21. QOTW Scoring So here is the final tallies.... best result was yours truly with 14 correct and a top score just under 200k. @BobDole managed to hold onto second even with a sluggish finish. # Player # Correct #Cashouts Total Score 1 JJ-8 14 1 196,500 2 BobDole 12 1 128,500 3 Wrath 13 1 110,500 4 bcf26 13 1 101,500 5 WrathofHan 13 1 98,100 6 glassfairy 13 0 97,500 7 kayumanggi 13 0 97,500 8 Sheikh 13 0 96,000 9 Simionski 12 1 94,500 10 Chasmmi 12 0 90,500 11 PanaMovie 13 0 88,000 12 Mike Hunt 12 1 81,000 13 ZeeSoh 12 2 77,200 14 Fancyarcher 13 1 68,000 15 aabattery 3 14 34,400 16 Premium George 3 14 18,400 17 Kalo 1 16 2,400 18 PANDA 1 16 2,400 19 Telemachos 1 16 2,400
  22. So here is the final tallies.... best result was yours truly with 14 correct and a top score just under 200k. @BobDole managed to hold onto second even with a sluggish finish. # Player # Correct #Cashouts Total Score 1 JJ-8 14 1 196,500 2 BobDole 12 1 128,500 3 Wrath 13 1 110,500 4 bcf26 13 1 101,500 5 WrathofHan 13 1 98,100 6 glassfairy 13 0 97,500 7 kayumanggi 13 0 97,500 8 Sheikh 13 0 96,000 9 Simionski 12 1 94,500 10 Chasmmi 12 0 90,500 11 PanaMovie 13 0 88,000 12 Mike Hunt 12 1 81,000 13 ZeeSoh 12 2 77,200 14 Fancyarcher 13 1 68,000 15 aabattery 3 14 34,400 16 Premium George 3 14 18,400 17 Kalo 1 16 2,400 18 PANDA 1 16 2,400 19 Telemachos 1 16 2,400
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