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Kevin Bacon

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Everything posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. I'd rank them... Season 3 Season 5 Season 2 Season 4 Season 1
  2. Might be the coldest, most shady thing Raylan's ever done. He could've easily prevented any bloodshed there and arrested Darryl but he just sat there and egged it on.
  3. Tonight's episode should've just been named "Fucking".
  4. On one hand, I think it's awesome that they did some unexpected shit which generally I wouldn't expect from a sitcom series finale. Death, divorce, and whatnot. I'd expect a show like HIMYM to have a nice happy ending with everything wrapped up nicely and everyone's sad that it's gone but happy. On the other hand, it would be a lot better if they didn't have Ted fall for and let go of Robin (and vice versa) like TWENTY-NINE FUCKING TIMES throughout the series. If they'd just not revisited that relationship outside of Ted thinking about what could've been after season two then this would be okay. But they couldn't just let it die. Flying in the face of three or four seasons of plot development that now feel like they only existed as misdirection is just... it's just bad. This ending could've been okay. I'd, as already mentioned, cut out all Ted/Robin stuff after they broke up in S2. I'd also avoid having Robin and Barney get married. Barney can still get married, but to someone else; they've proven that they can write in new likable characters for relationships. I say don't put Robin and Barney back as a couple after that episode in Season 7 where they agree to admit that they cheated to their other halves and she backs out. [Also, I'd just like to say, that may have been the best moment in the show's history. When time comes to a standstill as Robin signals to Barney "no", man, that was such heartbreaking defeat.] So you don't go back on all of that story you dedicated to Robin and Barney being together forever and Ted and Robin being done. It still sucks that the Mother was nothing but a plot device, but at least the ending is still true to the series that preceded it.
  5. Man, Daryl is possibly the slimiest, sleaziest prick the show's ever had. What a pleasant surprise he's been this season.
  6. Have you watched Breaking Bad? The Shield? Those are two just off the top of my head that are waaaaaay more qualified for that claim. (I'm not being a dick, I'm honestly asking; because if you haven't, you need to watch them ASAP) And to be clear, I don't hate the show. I followed happily early on and maintain that it's an incredibly shot show with very solid acting despite the numerous issues with the writing.
  7. Well let's not pretend that there's any correlation between ratings and quality.
  8. Yeah, I haven't even read the comics and "screwing" stood out like a sore thumb.
  9. It's become clear to me how the show could easily improve by leaps and bounds, and that would be for it to stop being so self-serious and embrace its ability to be fun. By "fun" I don't mean they need to start dropping one-liners and lighten the tone of the show, which wouldn't work; I mean it needs to stop worrying about being a "legitimate" drama with sad moments and crying and moral questions. Morality in the zombie apocalypse isn't the least bit interesting, because in the end the answer's always gonna be the same. What the show needs is to push forward, gain more momentum, do interesting shit on a consistent basis. That doesn't mean that they can't develop the characters or that every episode needs to be an all-out action show, there just needs to be balance. You can have slightly self-contained episodes where characters get developed. But at the same time, the show needs to embrace its pulpy side and allow itself to be a kick-ass apocalyptic show instead of a serious drama. A super intense scene where Rick bites a guy's throat out and goes to unbelievable means of brutality to save his son and friends is great, just like Rick going "They're fucking screwing with the wrong people" before ending the episode is great. Shane unloading a barn full of zombies in a rage and the girl they've been looking for is in there is great. Two characters getting kidnapped by this sinister fuck, with a female character nearly getting raped as part of an interrogation is great. The show needs to bring more of the great shit and simply stop worrying about the complex stuff. Because it isn't good at it. Nuanced character drama has rarely worked for this show (and usually seems forced), while putting the characters in intense situations almost always works, especially since it lets them develop organically. Go with what works. Cut down on the episode count (12 is a good number). Keep the mid-season break because it lends itself well to an explosive episode in the middle of the season to keep things exciting. Pick up the pace, cut out all the filler. We don't need to take two whole episodes away from the main plot to develop a group of people who aren't going to be a long-term addition to the show anyway. They had that Woodbury episode in season three and a couple Governor episodes this season. What for? We didn't need a whole hour to learn that Woodbury's a nice place, Michonne thinks it's shady, and Andrea likes it. The Governor attacked the prison after those two episodes to be immediately killed off, and I don't believe a single character from those two episodes is still with us (I haven't been watching so I may be wrong). We damn sure don't need a whole episode about Rick adapting to life as a farmer, talking to some crazy girl in the woods, and the Harry Potter kid dying of a disease. If they cut out the bullshit and focus on the good parts this could be a very high quality show. Probably never the best on TV, but as it is now it's not even in the top fifteen best shows on TV.
  10. As someone who hasn't watched the show with any commitment all since the end of S3 and is only watching it in the background while I write an essay dick around on the internet, the scene had me on the edge of my seat all the way through and the payoff was more than satisfying. As bad as the writing tends to be, this show is pretty wonderfully shot/directed and that scene was pretty compelling stuff.
  11. My dad's got the encore on and I gotta say that through the scene where Rick rips the guy's throat out this is a pretty bitchin' episode. Almost good enough to rope me back into watching it.
  12. They weren't kids we knew, though. Killing off random kids we get to know in the space of an hour isn't really all that ballsy (in my opinion, I don't run a TV network so I may be wrong). I mean, an undead little girl got brained in the very first scene of the show.
  13. Eh, not really since killing Lori off. For instance, they'll never kill off Daryl for fear of losing viewers, which is the opposite of ballsy.
  14. I read that they ate Glen. Did they eat Glen? Because I'd have to tip my hat to the show, that would indeed be a ballsy move. This show could use more ballsy moves. Didn't they puss out of killing off Judith?
  15. Oh yeah, that's what logic dictates, I thought I read that he was somewhere. It would be pretty blatantly changing shit around to win the most awards, since they couldn't be any more clearly co-leads.
  16. As far as acting goes, Cranston's performance was at its most impressive in Season 4 (not to take away from how terrific he was in S5), which oddly enough would be the only season he didn't get a win for in the even that he won this year. Strange move from HBO to be sure. McConaughey vs Cranston is going to be a cosmic battle for the ages (I myself go Cranston). Drama could go either way (FIRMLY behind BB here). If they really do put Harrelson in Supporting, he's going to get creamed by Paul who did his best work and pretty much stole the entire show this last season of BrBa. Writing and directing could both go either way. Johnson vs whoever directed S4 of TD will be brutal.
  17. He's gonna have plenty of awesome performances down the line, I think he'll get his.
  18. I quite liked American Hustle. I mean it wasn't the BEST at any one category nor was it the best movie as a whole but it still did most things really damn well.
  19. I heard this Before Midnight was quite good. Why hasn't it gotten more attention?
  20. Okay, please, no more numbers. For fuck's sake. Can we just make the Globes the new top award show?
  21. Every time I switch channels to see what they're doing on the Oscars there's some musical number going on. What the hell, Academy? I just want to see awards on your award show you pretentious douchebags
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