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Everything posted by Leatherface

  1. Pretty terrible, as I guess can be expected when it comes to M. Night movies now. There really is very little to the movie. Father and son still grieving over the death of the daughter/sister crash land on a "class one quarantined planet" (Earth) where the animals have supposedly evolved to kill humans. The dad is badly injured in the crash and will spend the remainder of the time sitting at the computer console monitoring via camera as his son traverses from their crash to where the other part of their ship wreckage fell in order to retrieve and then fire the distress beacon. Son must evade and sometimes do battle with the indigenous creatures of the planet along with properly monitor his oxygen levels and body temp as we're told that the planet becomes exceedingly cold each night to the point that unless he is able to reach "hot spots" before nightfall will kill him. That's pretty much it and Will Smith does practically nothing for the bulk of the film, a problem when he's the reason most people would even go and see this movie, especially since we got a similar film a little over a month ago in Oblivion except that film actually had more to its plot. Not helping matters is a very lackluster lead performance by Smith the Younger. He's whiny and never once shows any of the charisma that made Daddy Smith such a big star. In a summer with no shortage of sci-fi on offer, there's really no reason to even consider seeing After Earth.
  2. The fact that he can't be bothered to display more than 2 facial expressions?
  3. Hah, what an epic failure for After Earth. Jaden Smith, you can go away now never to return because you're a crappy, unappealing little twerp who was handed success on a silver platter and then proceeded to drop the platter.
  4. I'm interested to see who they cast as the daughter. It'll surely be a hottie and she'll end up sleeping with Walden, you know it. They should cast someone from my avatar. Any of the three would work and I could definitely see them casting Gomez. She has sitcom TV experience, is the right age for the role (late teens to early 20's), and is enough of a name that she would bring some buzz to the show. If they hadn't already used Miley Cyrus so recently, I'd say she would be the one cast but don't see it now.
  5. Smart compared to The Avengers specifically and Marvel's output in general, which is what we're talking about.
  6. God forbid they make a smart movie as opposed to one so dumbed-down that six year olds can follow it.
  7. The first Thor was one of the better Marvel movies because the director was actually something of an auteur. So what do they do? Go and get an unknown who can be bullied with ease.
  8. There was just enough and the movie was in no way kid friendly while The Avengers was neutered so even a 6 year old could enjoy it
  9. Watching both is one thing. Which did the discerning ones like better?
  10. What does Catching Fire have to do with anything?
  11. No, not everyone. Just those with discerning tastes.
  12. Self-aware humor is the easiest, laziest kind there is. Not to mention the plot twist in IM3 that is totally lame. There's no edge to Iron Man 3. It's a Disney movie through and through.
  13. He had directed multiple critically acclaimed films and wasn't some lifelong studio hack like Joe Johnston or Louis Leterrier.
  14. Glad you are happy with sucky blandness. The Avengers looked like the most expensive TV show ever made the cinematography was so crap.
  15. Not coincidentally, they are cheap hires who Marvel could lock out of editing if need be because they don't have final cut. Marvel would never have the guts to hire someone like Nolan and give him free reign. And for those that think cheap doesn't play a part, look at how Marvel is handling the cast negotiations with the future films, threatening recasting and more.
  16. Iron Man is another in Marvel's bland assembly line of crap from no name directors. Shane Black is a decent writer but not exactly known for directing. And look who they have directing Captain America 2: two directors who know nothing about directing action sequences or big budget filmmaking in general. They pick directors who have no clout so they can push them around and focus group their movies into blandness.
  17. Gah, why does this have to disappoint when it's a pretty awesome movie while Iron Man 3 rakes in the cash and is another mediocre entry after the good first one?
  18. This show looks bad. Looks low-rent for something based on such a huge property.
  19. Yeah, How to Live With Your Parents was horrible. Didn't much like the pilot for Family Tools either.
  20. Really surprised that Beverly Hills Cop wasn't picked up. It's a pre-sold concept and Eddie Murphy was set to guest star multiple times. Really, he should take the Robin Williams route and star in a sitcom. His movie career is stagnant (to say the least).
  21. Almost Human sounds like a bomb waiting to happen. It's like the plot of I, Robot but where the androids look human so they don't have to spend as much on special effects. Sleepy Hollow sounds like New Amsterdam, a failed show from a few years ago. Rake sounds like a hit though.
  22. Really, really sucks about The Sixth Gun. Was looking forward to that quite a bit. Is there any chance of such a show going to a cable network because The Sixth Gun seems like something that would work better on a cable network like AMC.
  23. Same here. Seyfried is likeable but Heigl is just yuck. Seems like an ungrateful biatch.
  24. It basically invites you to laugh at how dumb the perpetrators are. It doesn't really laugh at the victims expense too much aside from Shalhoub who is himself a criminal and he actually lives.
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