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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Great, tell that to the posters who are trying to cherry pick through posts to make it sound like I attacked poor EC for no reason. Lol, what a bunch of children man.
  2. Ugh, I'm too busy to waste time digging through hundreds of posts right now, but rest assured I will get around to showing what started this nonsense. And it was him personally attacking me for telling him his numbers didn't confirm an OW in the Civil War range. And don't pretend he's some innocent bystander in our squabble this weekend. 9 times out of 10 he initiated it with his snark. Some of you have been so far up each other's asses this weekend your eyes are completely blinded by shit.
  3. Tbh, you've been one of the best posters all weekend. For the most part, you've shown to be capable of actually reading posts that have a different opinion than yours without making something out of nothing.
  4. I know I was wrong about the OW. I've said it since Friday. Again, mob mentality at its finest. People ignore what they want when they're on the group attack. And for the record, EmpireCity started being a total ass way before this weekend began, tossing personal insults at me ONLY because I told him the data didn't strongly support an OW in the Civil War range. That was literally all that started it with him. He's a sad angry person
  5. You just said let's not split hairs and then you want to split hairs by pointing out I was off by 4m more? Lol ok. Fact of the matter is he was just as wrong as me and made a complete ass out of himself on Sat/Sun by gloating how much better his predictions were. And his 570 total is going to be hilariously off.
  6. Lol, nice try but no. It's because EmpireCity tried to make it sound like he factually knew what he was talking about with the OW, then came into gloat about it this weekend. But surprise, turns out in reality he ended up falling equally as flat on his ass as me.
  7. My official prediction was 128m, as you can see if you scroll down to the bonus questions. That's also what I put in the winter game pre-season, so I was consistent about it for months. I was off by a mere 2m more than he was and he wants to think he has bragging rights. I'm dying of laughter right now.
  8. Lmfao, @EmpireCity has been gloating all this time when his official prediction was indeed just as off as mine. I was at $130m, he was $180m. Man, what a pretentious boob.
  9. So I wonder, where's that average WOM half this board has been trying to push for weeks?
  10. I don't think Hamill would praise a film he's actually in like that. That's too much horn tooting for him.
  11. I love it actually. Everyone is agreeing with me by thinking they're arguing against me. It's fucking hilarious.
  12. This board would make an amazing case study of how mob mentality works to any psychologist. It completely allows all reason and logic to go out the window just so you can stay with the herd and not have to think. Continue to ignore me, but in the end it's hilarious you're all agreeing with the exact same things I've already said because someone else refashions my sentiments back at me in an argumentative coating.
  13. You guys keep changing what kind of an event is being discussed just to keep going around in circles. I already discussed that there can be event OWs separate of their total runs. Similarly, yes there can be event level build ups to a film as well (something TFA had and R1 most certainly did not). Finally, pop culture events are different than box office events, the two are not mutually exclusive. If people want to keep changing what type of event is being discussed so they can tiptoe around the obvious facts of R1 not being an event, then it simply proves my point further.
  14. Btw @Christmas Baumer, I'm positive I've never once heard you refer to THG and CF as "events" and they were more successful than Frozen or T2.... Actually that extends to most of this board. Event was never tossed around for those films by most here. Hypocrisy shining through much yet?
  15. In terms of discussing what qualifies as a box office event, I'm probably letting my opinion get in the way the least of anyone. I gave a firm statistical cutoff for movies that I'd considered events (somewhere around top 50 admissions). I don't think that's an unrealistic cutoff either, seeing as how saying 50+ films were events is still an awful lot of films. Say too many were an event and it simply becomes too ordinary of an occurrence to be true. If I love The Hunger Games, it doesn't matter. It still doesn't pass the bar for what I consider a box office event.
  16. We all know Vader added at least 20m to that OW. Disney would've been absolutely insane to not market him.
  17. Probably true. I already admitted sub 450 is unlikely now. But I stand firm on sub 500.
  18. Damn, that average rating looks like it will venture into Razzie territory when all is said and done. How the hell did Tyldum go so wrong?
  19. A million percent they will. That was always the plan. There will be annual releases until the franchise is beaten bloodier than Gareth Edwards' face in my dreams. It's what you all want, and it's what you get and there better not be any complaints. TAKE IT.
  20. Looks like someone doesn't understand how technology works. But have fun singing into your monitor anyways.
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