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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Or they could always hand the franchise over to Gareth Edwards and find out just how much you really can beat a dead horse...
  2. After the franchise has been shit on so many times in cinema form, probably the only way people will accept a new F4 movie is if a top tier director does it with an appealing cast. No Nolan though, way wrong franchise for him.
  3. The Fant4stic predictions are going to be fun to see. Another wall of red. I came really close to excluding it from my top 15, but couldn't decide what movie to replace it with.
  4. The Wachowskis got to release 3 of the biggest big budget box office bombs of the last ten years, one right after the other. Sure a big part of that was being able to piggy back off of Matrix's massive success, but some of it was also having the right attitude and never seeming ungrateful for their opportunities.
  5. He'd probably be fine if he hadn't started acting so unprofessional about the whole thing. Directors have bombs all the time, not the end of their career. His mouth could be though.
  6. It's Snyder. A bad path is inevitable. At least we know we'll get flashy production values with that one though. Seems to be a lot more than people are saying about Fant4stic.
  7. Somewhere in an alternate universe, Trank is gearing up to direct The Amazing Spiderman 3 with his old cast pal DeHaan, for ultimate floppage. The answer to that question of the day is doom.
  8. And I'm betting it starts really holding well from next weekend on. If it does 30m this weekend it will be around 90m away from 200. Definitely doable.
  9. The final word I'll say on the subject is if you believe TIH wouldn't have opened higher being released anytime from 2011 on, then more power to you I guess.
  10. I won my argument by default when you started resorting to words like retard instead of providing actual rebuttals. In case you didn't notice, I'm not the one getting heated up about this insignificant topic. That would be you, so obviously you're the one who feels insecure with your argument.
  11. By the way CJohn, mods should not be throwing around personal insults so easily. Great way to make the whole board think that's acceptable behavior. Learn how to argue without name calling or don't bother.
  12. Not sure why I'm still arguing with you since you're obviously very misguided to start with if you think I'm an MCU fanboy. However, I was never arguing TIH isn't part of MCU, but that the GA didn't understand what that was at the time. The whole thing was still too tentative and they made no effort to really connect IM1 and TIH. I never said anything about it not actually being a part of MCU, just that its performance can't be compared to the rest that were released when the GA knew they were part of a franchise.
  13. But Disney created the awareness to the public, beyond the fanboys. They made sure each film contained enough to let everyone know there was interlocking stories building to something. IH did none of that under Paramount's handling. And I'm not convinced the build up to TA would have been handled nearly as well if Disney never came on board. Disney may bomb hard due to over-inflated budgets sometimes, but they do know their shit about marketing to a broad audience. I think Paramount would have just continued focusing on the fanboys, and that wouldn't have been good enough to yield the kind of success Avengers wrought.
  14. Fant4stic 2 is on the schedule for June 9, 2017. It ain't happening though. The whole MCU idea was way too wobbly in summer '08 for anything beyond IM2 to be set in stone. What do you not understand about the GA not getting IH was connected to IM1 at that time? Especially since there was nothing in the actual film to indicate that. You had to wait for a post credit scene that the GA likely never saw to begin with. Bottom line: MCU was not an established franchise to the public yet when IH came out, hence that movie can't be compared to the rest that were.
  15. LMFAO! who's ever lovin fanboy mind is predicting that? I just hope it can at least be a minor success now that it's out of Star Wars' massive shadow.
  16. They had it planned. Who said anything otherwise? It was not set in stone though before the Disney deal. Fant4stic 2 was planned for 2 years from now. Do you think it is actually happening now though? I laugh if you think the casual audiences knew IH was supposed to be connected to IM1 back in summer '08. Please. Only the internet and comic fans did. Disney is the one that made MCU a franchise to the casuals, and ensured everyone knew they were setting up interlocking stories with the films.
  17. I'm genuinely happy that that movie may have a chance now to succeed. It was beyond screwed in that original December date.
  18. At that time it was still mainly a pipe dream that was catering to comic book fans wishes. The majority of the GA did not understand IM1 and IH were supposed to be connected when IH came out, believe me. If they did, IH would have opened way bigger off of the goodwill of IM1.
  19. And no one really knew or cared except comic geeks at the time. Disney is the one that made MCU a franchise. Before that it was just the Iron Man franchise with the hopes that the plans would pan out.
  20. IM2 wasn't part of MCU yet either. It was part of the Iron Man franchise at the time. Incredible Hulk is basically without a franchise home.
  21. Trevor is campier than the infamous SM3 scenes. Which really makes no sense in a movie that otherwise wants to take itself pretty seriously. That's an example of "bad" film-making right there. Complete tonal shifts that make no sense in the context of the rest of the movie.
  22. Before it was truly a franchise and Disney owned it. So that movie is kind of irrelevant to the discussion in other words.
  23. It is really sad that MCU can't seem to help but go so cliche on its sequels. I feel like if their sequel track record were as good as their non-sequel one, they would get very little hate and truly be considered the mecca of CBMs.
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