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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Wow, Compton is holding amazingly so far for its genre. Still in shock over that Sunday hold, and now it has the best Mon hold.
  2. Yeah, at least one of those 18th releases should move up. We have nothing for a full month and then a whole bunch of promising BO contenders for most of the rest of the year.
  3. The Martian is partially set on Mars and it announces that in its title. That alone dooms it at the BO. Then add Ridley into the mix and could be an epic bomb.
  4. I think Suicide Squad will have a hard time coming off the inevitably mixed WOM of BvS. But I doubt they can really fall flat on their face though with BvS. Even if it sucks it will clear 300 with ease. They won't be an MCU killer though or real threat, that I agree.
  5. I definitely think there's an audience for Deadpool and doing it right is smarter than going the PG-13 route. It would definitely flop that way as it would be just another generic looking CBM and the fans wouldn't be pleased. The first trailer was strong, if they keep it up and the movie delivers it can do Kingsman numbers I think. Gambit is likely to flop, but haven't seen anything yet either so who knows.
  6. That's the first horror movie to intrigue me in quite awhile. I don't think it will do well at all though.
  7. Just to throw my two cents in real quick on JW vs MMFR: MMFR's action is aggressive, outlandish, and always exciting. JW's is mild, conventional, and sometimes exciting. MMFR is a better movie on its entertainment merit alone. No need to even bring any other factors into the equation.
  8. Meanwhile, Ant Man having an exceptional 30% drop this weekend. Closing the gap on CA1. Could beat it now.
  9. I guess all the bad reviews and production controversies all over the net created a curiosity factor for Fant4stic that is allowing it to hold a little better than it should be. Should've been a historic second weekend drop otherwise.
  10. Yeah, I have to admit exploring Woody and Bo Peep's relationship does have me mildly intrigued. Not that I'm willing to come close to consenting that this needs to exist mind you.
  11. Lol, no. But it's also not going to do nearly as bad as most everyone here thinks either. I'd say 200/700 if it's decent. Always remember that all the hate the first gets online does not come from that film's target audience which was families. I highly doubt most families had a big problem with the first. The novelty of 3D won't be there this time and obviously Depp is no longer a draw, so of course there will be a big decrease. But it's not going to be pulling no 100 dom/200 os or anything like some seem to think.
  12. 8m+ is nowhere near the disastrous second weekend for F4 I thought would happen. Kind of boring and anti-climactic actually. Thought it would be a 75-80% drop or even worse. Hammer needs to be a new addition to the prettyboy box office poison list alongside the likes of Kitsch and Reynolds. This is his 4th bomb in a row (J Edgar, Mirror Mirror, Lone Ranger, Uncle).
  13. Wow was it really? Wonder what possessed them to spend that much on it? You'd think with a budget like that they would've at least put some star power in there so there'd be some kind of draw.
  14. Wow, congrats to those who were in the 55m club for SOC (depending on just how OD frontloaded it is). Didn't think it could pull that off. Really excited about the early RN range. If it's on the high end of the range that's a sub 35% drop this weekend.
  15. They definitely need to be if it's going to pull those weekend numbers. MI5 was not an early screenings movie.
  16. Anyone watch the god-awful TV show as a kid? I went back and revisited a few eps on youtube for the hell of it recently. My opinion of myself as a kid instantly decreased tenfold for kind of liking it back then.
  17. Hey, I still called Basterds a good movie. Just don't get me started on the over-praising of Mr. Waltz.
  18. Basterds is good but overrated. Waltz requires a new word for overrated that means overrated by overrated standards. Django is nearly as great as Pulp Fiction. Kill Bill needed to be one 2 hour and a half hour movie, opposed to the second being a two and a half hour movie in its own right.
  19. War Horse is a good movie, just was too old fashioned for a lot of people I think. The movie probably would have gotten showered with awards and been a big box office hit back in like '96. I remember liking Tintin, but I've never felt the desire to re-watch it however. A.I., Munich, The Lost World, and Indy 4 are really the only Spielberg films I don't like. I swear, even thinking about Munich puts me in a semi-catatonic state. God what a boring film .
  20. Yeah, definitely not The Night Before imo. The funniest part of the whole trailer is "from the guys who almost brought you The Interview."
  21. The poster wouldn't be so bad if their faces below didn't read "ZOMG, shield your eyes from his panda "dumplings"!!!" :ph34r:
  22. So....was I the only one who basically had the whole plot figured out from the trailer? Seriously, that's exactly what the trailer told me it would be about. I mean that wouldn't be the end of the world if this wasn't played as a slow build suspenseful thriller. It just never had any payoff for me because I essentially had the gist of it from the start. I do think Bateman did a great job playing an asshole, as I'm not usually a big fan of him and he always seems the same to me. Hall was good too. Edgerton gave one of his less memorable performances though I thought. He kind of had one face the whole movie. His directing failed to make an impression either. The writing was pretty good, but nothing that notable. I give it a C+. Fine movie, but nothing I will ever watch again or likely remember much in a few months. No idea why the critics went so crazy for it. Again if you're gonna do the slow burn suspense thing, I need a much more rewarding payoff that's not obvious from the previews.
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