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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. The sad part is this year looked like it could be really promising at the box office when LEGO and Ride Along broke out way beyond the Jan/Feb movie norms. Too bad those will end up two of the most impressive box office runs of the year. Even March and April were going pretty well. Fucking TASM2. That stink bomb cursed the whole rest of the year.
  2. Shit, under GOTG is really possible now, even if it has the same multi the first two did. Gonna be a tight race now.
  3. Seriously, The Bible: In the Beginning is the first yearly #1 I could find adjusting to less than GOTG using Wikipedia for US yearly #1's before 1980 (since BOM doesn't track yearly records back further). I've never even heard of that movie!
  4. And least attended DOM year #1 since The Bible: In the Beginning in 1966. :ph34r:
  5. Lol, the actors. Reminded me of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner with Katharine Hepburn unnecessarily being on the verge of tears every-time she speaks in it.
  6. Speaking of crying and IS, why was everyone constantly either bursting into tears or on the brink of it? I swear I haven't seen that much unnecessary misty eye since Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.
  7. It's better than Black Swan: Geriatric Edition Birdman too. The most underrated movie of the year so far, and at this rate shaping up to be one of the most underrated performances of the decade in Gyllenhaal.
  8. Oh boy, I guarantee that was like a bullet shot for the Nolanites.
  9. Yeah, you backhand that Nolan compliment like a tennis pro!
  10. I didn't say it was bad or good. Those are labels after all. It's just...Interstellar. And Prometheus is still a great film overall, don't care what anyone says.
  11. Interstellar was hardly anything. There are no accurate labels.
  12. If Disney splits Episode IX it's going down. Riot on the street time.
  13. This really is a time the split should have been vetoed. The movie could have been a really complete and satisfying film with like a 160m runtime and it would have easily been the movie event of this boring year. Could have crushed the box office this year with that finale effect. Next year though MJ2 isn't even guaranteed to be the movie event of November, let alone the whole year. Obviously Lionsgate will still make more money splitting it though, but it just makes it all so much more lackluster than if it were one complete, event movie.
  14. The CF ending was pretty badass, especially with the pin transformation that capped it all off.
  15. That's absolutely ridiculous to declare right now, especially since it looks poised to have around the same Saturday hold as the first two. Nothing yet indicates "clearly worse WOM." Saturday range show its holding like a typical THG movie so far.
  16. I was there with ya after my first screening too. I'm honestly shocked that general audiences aren't shunning it en masse for being way too involved for them. I guess they deserve a bit more credit than I thought.
  17. Not bad, but I'll definitely hope for the high end of that range.
  18. I also didn't like Hutcherson for Peeta back when that was first announced, and he's just proved more and more amazing by the movie.
  19. What's more, everytime I thought a casting choice was wrong (like Claflin as Finnick or Moore as Coin), that actor has turned around and blown me away with how well they've done the role.
  20. Besides Baby Thor of course, the acting is aces across the board in this franchise. Like I said yesterday, the acting has actually turned most of these characters into more developed and likable ones then they ever were in the books.
  21. All I know is Supremacy is the only movie that ever made me vomit from the camera work. To be fair the movie could be a lot better than I give it credit for, but that's always turned me way off to it.
  22. All I ever think about Supremacy is of that god-damned camera. People complained about THG's shaky cam, but Supremacy still holds the undisputed heavyweight championship of shaky cam for me.
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