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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I hope she doesn't get overlooked. I thought her performance was subtle and brilliant. But subtlety can fly right over the Academy's head.
  2. Yeah it was very well done. Probably one of the best straight up Rom-Dram's I've seen in ages.
  3. Back when she was still relevant I remember reading about how much she loves having sex with ghosts. It was quite the entertaining/attention whoring quote.
  4. Lol, I legit thought that was Christina Aguilera when I saw it scrolling down the page.
  5. Well if SW is YA then it's sure done a shitty job in the past of realizing what audience it's supposed to be drawing. Because kids and adults rule that franchise's fanbase. Or at least they did. Granted some kids who grew up with the PT might be in the YA range now, though they were so long ago they're more likely to be adults now like myself. Similar to how the kids who grew up with the OT were adults when the PT came out. I'd call it Children's fiction before YA fiction. Kids loved the OT and the PT in huge numbers.
  6. So if Katniss were like Cersei the triangle would be extremely interesting!
  7. In what sense? YA is supposed to target the teen demo specifically. SW has never zeroed in on that demo. If it zeroed in on any one demo in particular in the past, it's been kids. But it's always been like the Disneyland of franchises. Marketed to all ages to come and enjoy.
  8. HP has always been and will always be Children's fantasy/literature. Rowling herself will tell you that. Yes a ton of adults and teens got into it, but it doesn't change the genre it is. And Marvel are comic books and SW is just sci-fi. YA Fiction is stuff like THG, Twilight, Divergent, Mortal Instruments, Vampire Academy, Maze Runner, etc...
  9. I feel like they tend to suck more often than not. Usually it's either painfully obvious who the girl/guy loves (THG) or some stupid plot device is pulled out of nowhere to clear it up (Star Wars). Gone With the Wind has a great love triangle that is at the core of understanding the story and the characters themselves. Can't think of too many others where it really added that.
  10. Hey, give Liam Hemsworth some credit, he plays the character with amazing accuracy. Gale's every bit as interesting as a block of wood in the books too. And yeah, there's really not much of a "triangle" in the books or movies. If you don't know who she romantically loves and who she loves in a brotherly sense by now you haven't paid attention at all.
  11. Damn those estimates. I was counting on MJ1 hitting 57 at least. Now it really could be a race between it and GOTG.
  12. You're right, it should have better holds for the weekend. CF had a 35% late night share of its OD, whereas MJ1's is only looking to be around 28-30%. So again, it's acting less front-loaded so far.
  13. If it hits the higher end of the range and follows CF's patterns it will. Remember, CF had 8m more in late nights than MJ1. If we take those out CF increased about 15% Sat and dropped 34% on Sun. Using a 57m OD for MJ1: Late Nights: 17m Fri: 40m Sat: 46m (+15%) Sun 31m (-34%) 134m OW I personally think the Sat/Sun holds will be even a little better than that though since this already appears less frontloaded than its predecessor.
  14. Highly unlikely with a 56-58m OD. It will open 135-140m and since it's a THG movie it should have at least a 2.5x multi. So that still puts it ahead of GOTG. It's #1 of 2014 title is safe, but geez what a lame fight it was this year.
  15. I have access to Smash Bros Wii U now: movies, sex, breathing, and everything else in life is now irrelevant.
  16. Yeah you totally said that since I remember it legit made me lol. I think I said something along the lines of "the movie will sprout sexy Katniss legs" and you said something along the lines of "I just caught an STD reading that."
  17. I still remember ensuring him it would have legs unlike Twilight and he replied by saying he got an STD reading my post.
  18. The early numbers we got were putting CF around a 135m OW I believe. Maybe lower, since everyone was freaking the fuck out, much more so than this thread.
  19. I had a customer at my job the other week tell me it was "moist and nipply outside" in a totally normal tone and expression. It was seriously fucking creepy.
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