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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Neither of the first two Bourne's did much for me. I was only glad I kept up with the series so I could follow Ultimatum, which was a good film.
  2. Yeah, almost every scene in the last half hour was a necessity. Sure the movie could have ended just fine with the ships sailing off, since that scene does indeed have a very definitive feel to it, but that wouldn't be true to the book ending which I think was important to PJ to stay true to. Plus it adds that nice "come full circle" from beginning to end touch.
  3. The complaints of the ROTK ending dragging would be nowhere near as big as the complaints if the movie had just ended without resolution of all three main protagonist's arcs (Aragorn, Sam, and Frodo). And that's exactly what the movie took care of. When those 3 arcs were fully finished, it ended.
  4. First two weren't huge hits, DISQUALIFIED from being susceptible to threequelitis!
  5. And that's where the trying too hard comes in. Also why not bring up the lack of marketing instead? Geez, does no one in the industry realize the importance of creating awareness anymore?
  6. They may be trying a bit too hard but "threequelitis" (lol I'm totally calling it that now) is real though. That's why LOTR's still the ONLY franchise in history to not come down with it. And let's just take this moment to bow in awe of that trilogy's masterful presence while we're all at it. Because it sure as hell bows to no one.
  7. Can't be too hard on her. I never could master Math Band either. Something about dividing while trying to play the clarinet never clicked for me.
  8. How about they "spin" the truth and admit that a little thing called marketing is actually important?
  9. That would be so catastrophic for a THG movie half of this board would meltdown into non-existence. That would be Twilight level frontloadness.
  10. I thought it went pretty fast, especially since there really is under 15 minutes of action stuff. It went lightyears faster than reading the first half of that book. That was like a miserable 3 months process for me.
  11. MJ1 is by far the shortest of the 3 though. From the end of trailers to the beginning of the credits was only about 110 minutes I believe.
  12. But hey, you can always negotiate. Since there's not much action in the movie, can she make up the action-loss to you later?
  13. Speaking of Capote and since this thread can always use more derailment, I just watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time the other day. Mickey Rooney... dear lord that was rough to watch.
  14. Meanwhile, Cameron Diaz still getting paid 15m per film....
  15. I hope you mean his acting, cause of you mean that voice...
  16. That could be a factor, but the books themselves have to be factors too. THG is one of the franchises where virtually the whole fanbase agrees on what the best book is (CF) and what the worst book is (MJ). And then of course there's the part 1 effect too and that terrible lack of marketing. But I still thought this could hit 400 given we had no real movie "event" the whole year. Guess that's just the year it is though. On an aside, LOTR will remain the only franchise in history to have its first three movies increase in admission. Pretty cool achievement to have to itself. Though there could be a chance Toy Story has done it too, but it's almost impossible to tell without knowing an exact 3D share for its entire run.
  17. The foundation for it to be is there. Too bad about that boring directorial work and of course some of those "singing" voices though.
  18. Ah Les Mis. Teaching us all there's a reason why Hollywood musicals used to dub actor's voices with people who could actually sing.
  19. Poor girl was probably being tortured with DeHaan's questions of the day. She had to escape.
  20. She was in TASM2!? Not ringing a bell at all. I guess that proves your point about how wasted she was. Or was I just too wasted attempting to get through that movie? Hmm.
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