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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. With Disney literally assaulting the marketplace over the next 5 years (along with some other big studios too) I'm sure you're right. Market will be way too over-saturated for any one movie to be that big.
  2. I'm sure Avatar 2 would have a better chance at it in 2016 than Avatar 3 in 2017. But it shouldn't be a sequel that does it anyways going by the history books. Then again, all the big studios are scheduling are sequels now.
  3. Hey I just realized something. The two movies with the biggest single runs came in '77 and '97. Does that mean we're due for another attendance mammoth in '17? If the Ten Commandments had been '57 instead of '56 the pattern would extend back to Snow White in '37. Every 20 years we get a box office behemoth perhaps?
  4. So BOM lists the original Star Wars as making 307m in its original run (they have an '82 re-release as having made 15m). Would that first run have included other re-releases between 77-82? Cause if not that's gotta be a more successful single run than Titanic even.
  5. Right, but were there re-releases of 'Sound' and 'Zhivago'? Are those gross for them mainly over the original releases? Like I know all the old Disney movies had tons of re-releases and that's why they're way up there adjusted for inflation.
  6. I kinda thought so, but it's weird that BOM doesn't show either of them as having multiple releases. Is it cause they were "re-released" in quick succession after they first came out? Like 3 runs spread out over the whole year or something?
  7. Yeah, I'm not sold on TA2 hitting 600 either. I think it will top out around 550 (which is still huge of course). I'm much more inclined to think SW has the better shot at that. But if it delivers, like you said.
  8. Looks like '65 actually had three >600: Sound of Music, Doctor Zhivago, and Thunderball. Wow.
  9. Would 94 be the only year we had two 600m+ movies adjusted for inflation? I wonder if SW/TA2 can replicate the feat next year.
  10. Frozen's multi isn't comparable though since it opened on Wednesday. Had it opened on Friday we can assume it would have pulled at least 80m given it had a 94m 5 day opening and its multi would [probably be more around 4.8-5x. But we can't know that for sure of course, hence why we can't compare its multi with BH6's. Anyways, 4.5-ish is the best I can see it doing with all the competition. Again, the odds are really stacked against a multi much over 4x with 4 relatively big/appealing family movies to compete with over the Holiday season. Frozen's multi would have been affected too, it's just impossible for that many movies with the same target audience to not eat into each other somewhat (assuming they're at least half ways appealing like this year). Although the ones with the best WOM should be affected the least, and that will hopefully be BH6.
  11. I didn't know that. So I guess Veteran's Day is a big deal for bumps in the weekday like this. Of course the difference is that Brother Bear only made a fraction of what BH6 is when it jumped that much, so BH6's jump is still much more impressive.
  12. I didn't think Into the Woods was supposed to be that kiddie either, but then it got a PG rating and is Disney after all, so I have to think they are going for that audience. Especially with Frozen making musicals popular with kids again.
  13. Anyways, I'm actually liking this movie more the more I think about it. I mean I liked it right away, but it's stuck with me since I saw it more than I anticipated and I expect I may love it when I see it a second time.
  14. Wreck it Ralph would be the best one. Only two years old, same release date, and WDA. That had a 3.9x multi. This could be a lot better than even that great multi if this Tuesday number is any indication. But again, competition is coming. Especially late competition when Annie, Night at the Museum, and Into the Woods all go after the family audience in December. This isn't Frozen, where it only had Walking With Dinosaurs to fend off in December.
  15. It can never make as much as Frozen because of the huge opening difference, but I said it could be a sign to have similar legs if that jump is legit. We'll see how Penguins over Thanksgiving affects it though. As I always pointed out, Frozen got one of the most barren Holiday seasons ever for family movies, which is a luxury BH6 won't have.
  16. I mean I guess it's what he meant to say then, but if that's the case we may be in for another Frozen ride in terms of legs for BH6. Cause that jump is on a whole other level of good, Holiday or not.
  17. I'm thinking it's a typo too. Even if kids were off, that jump is just insane. Saturday jumps for animated movies that big rarely even happen.
  18. Now it's time to pick your reaction to the IS drop: A.) It dropped 60%? OMG, that's the same first Monday drop as Gravity, amazing legs coming!! OR B.) It dropped 60%? OMG, that's the same first Monday drop as Pometheus, it's dead. Both sides should be happy.
  19. Big studios in general have seemed to have completely lost their minds lately with big budget film scheduling (Disney the most of course). Unless they're planning to start significantly cutting blockbuster budgets back, they're gonna be in for some rude awakenings when the market becomes so flooded that only the very strongest will be profitable. We could have like a 4:1 ratio of flops to successes in terms of big budget movies by 2018. Audiences will only spend so much.
  20. Even if IS hits 150m, Ride Along would still likely be the admissions winner. Hot damn, that's a mindfuck.
  21. I just realized there's a very real chance Ride Along sells more tickets and perhaps even outgrosses IS. My god.
  22. Yeah, even if this movie posted a loss (which I highly doubt worldwide), Nolan would still be in a pretty good position. Studios don't throw away a director with his track record for one "miss." Shyamalan still gets big budget greenlights from his days as a huge box office draw, which have long been over.
  23. Don't forget Kung Fu Panda 2/Hangover 2 as well. Dat DWA sequel curse.
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