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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Anyways, wouldn't that be something if nothing does hit 100m OW this summer? If Transformers underperforms it will probably happen.
  2. It's because people remember SM3 (even if it's not in a good way), and no one remembers SR. Nothing can kill public reception of a movie like boredom.
  3. I wanted it to beat Godzilla's OW, but I knew it wouldn't blow it away or anything. Missing it by 3m is hardly a flop.
  4. Godzilla is having worse holds and will have a way worse multi than the "toxicly recieved" '98. And yes I know movies weren't nearly as frontloaded back then, but still. I doubt '98 would have dropped any harsher than 70% its second weekend if it had been a modern film. I mean it doesn't get much harsher than that.
  5. Imagine if it weren't Memorial Day weekend. It would have dropped over 70% with those Fri and Sat numbers.
  6. Well 29 isn't great, but it's not bad for a CBM/X-men film either. At least it's still an increase minus late nights. Last Stand fell 29% on Saturday.
  7. You mean like the 3 posts I have on this page alone ? EDIT: Right as I start a new page.
  8. Yeah, always thought of her as fairly hate-proof. Which means Blended must really be rancid to get such bad reception.
  9. Again, it's entirely possible Nikki forgot to include a soft Sunday drop in her multi. This is Nikki we're talking about. If she's giving it a "normal" Sunday hold than that means it probably did 31-33 for Saturday, which would be great.
  10. So true. I mean how Zookeeper wasn't nominated for BP that year still blows my mind.
  11. 90m wouldn't be weak though honestly. A tad disappointing, but still over 35m better than Wolverine and FC. That's quite an increase when you think about it.
  12. Whoah now Eager McBeaver! Nothing has opened lower than The Deflatable Bug-Flop Number Two just yet. We don't even have any Sat number guesses yet.
  13. Hilariously bad if true, but again Nikki+Math=FAIL, so I'll need to see the Sat numbers.
  14. Nikki's multi abilities are horrid so hard to say what Sat's number is from that.
  15. Err, forgot she was in The Call last year which I found to be surprisingly entertaining. Again, nothing to do with her though.
  16. The only Halle Berry films I've liked since her Oscar win over a decade ago were X2, DOFP, and Cloud Atlas. And she has no bearing on why I liked any of those whatsoever.
  17. My disdain for Michael Bay in general aside, Transformers 1 is a fucking blast of a movie. It was an extremely fun summer popcorn flick. And the characters surprisingly were likable in it.
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