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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Then that means either EOT is doing unspeakably horrid or FIOS is doing insanely good. I'm guessing the former.
  2. This one is deceptively tough crunching the number possibilities. I'm thinking TLAM2 has the best chance to reach that target first, but will have to chew on it some more...
  3. SOTM 7: 22 Jump Street - 125%How to Train Your Dragon 2 - 162%Dawn Of the Planet of the Apes - 127% Transformers: Age of Extinction - 76%Planes: Fire and Rescue - 116% SOTM 7.1: Australia/New Zealand - 46m
  4. It should do very well for the kind of movie it is, especially with that budget. I believe those of you expecting more than 40m OW though, and especially more than 50m, are overestimating it.
  5. It should have a huge Sat drop if it plays like a lot of breakouts among the young female audience. They tend to rush to see things more than any other demo. Magic Mike for example fell 42% on Saturday with a similar OD.
  6. Something like this is what I could see Fault doing this weekend: Friday: 18m Saturday: 12m Sunday: 8.5m 38.5m
  7. I still can't see much over 40m for it. Maybe a big OD around 20m, but I could totally see it having a terrible IM. Kinda like Magic Mike.
  8. 1) Will Fault in our Stars have a bigger Thursday than Edge of Tomorrow? YES 2) Will Fault in our Stars open to number one? YES 3) Will Fault in our Stars open to more than 35 million? YES 4) Will Fault in our Stars open to less than 45 million? YES 5) Will Edge of Tomorrow open to more than 25 million? YES 6) Will Edge of Tomorrow open more than 80 million WW? YES 7) Will Maleficent drop less than 50.5%? YES 8) Will DOFP have a Friday increase of more than 70% YES 9) Will DOFP drop by less than 45%? YES 10) Will Godzilla increase by more than 45% on Saturday? NO 11) Will Blended fall less than 40%? NO 12) Will any film in the top 12 have a Saturday increase of more than 75%? YES 13) Will Million Ways make more than Blended and Neighbors combined? NO 14) Will Fault in our Stars have at least an A- cinemascore? YES 15) Will Fault in our Stars open to more than 60 mill? (for all the loonies) NO 12/15 3000 13/15 5000 14/15 7000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: What will be the combined gross of Fault and Edge? 5000 67.850 Bonus 2: What will Godzilla's drop be this weekend? 5000 53.005 Bonus 3: What will be the best Friday increase % wise? (not the film, but the actual number...so if you think Million Ways to die will have the best Friday increase, and you think it will increase 97.55%, your answer will simply be 97.55%, I don't need the movie) 5000 125.550 What finishes in spots: 1 Fault 2 Maleficent 3 Edge 8 Blended 12 Belle 15 Heaven is for Real 2000 each 6,000 bonus if all 6 correct.
  9. It really is. Honestly could do around 40m this weekend judging by these weekdays.
  10. Maleficent's actually having really good week days. I'd say there's a strong chance it stays #1 this weekend, unless Fault really breaks out.
  11. At this rate the top grossing movies of May will look something like this: 210m - TASM/DOFP/Maleficent/Godzilla 208m - TASM/DOFP/Maleficent/Godzilla 206m - TASM/DOFP/Maleficent/Godzilla 204m - TASM/DOFP/Maleficent/Godzilla
  12. Middle of June and end of May are a big difference because a huge chunk of schools still aren't out yet. Opposed to mid June when all schools are out. Maleficent is a PG Disney film that opened during a school month. It should have had a huge Sat bump.
  13. Nice Sat increase for DOFP, but hard to be excited with the cruddy Friday number. Terrible Sat jump for Maleficent based on the kind of film it is. Should have had a big Sat increase, even with Thursdays. Poor WOM already kicking in?
  14. 12 Angry Men has to be the easiest old film for modern audiences to sit through. Nothing feels dated about it, save for the black and white shooting.
  15. Alright, time for me to go in on this: Well, well how....disheartening. Where to begin...I guess at the beginning? I knew I was in for a rough time at the theater when the movie opened like it was a Tinkerbell film for small girls. Right off the bat, Disney stripped Maleficent of every ounce of evil and mystique we've come to know her for. She's a benevolent fairy girl who frolics and makes googly eyes at the first boy she meets. Ugh. King Stephan as her love interest felt like reaching to the max. Speaking of him, he was an utter asshole of a character in the end that really never even cared about Aurora. Just his own misfortune for something he brought on himself, and again it ruined the animated character. Of course it made sense for his betrayal to Maleficent to harden her heart and want revenge on him, but why did she take it out on her own kind as well? She makes the whole fairy kingdom suffer because of it, and it really didn't work. It just wasn't a good enough reason for her to become the evil villain we know. But then again, she becomes that for maybe a whole two scenes. Honestly, the christening scene is really the ONLY time in the film she gets to act flat out evil. It's also the best scene in the movie, and whattaya know it's about the only scene that adheres to Sleeping Beauty. Jolie is delightfully wicked in the scene, and it makes me flat out angry that all that potential for her was wasted. Her performance the rest of the film is merely making the best of an awfully boring and cliche character. The movie really falls apart once Aurora is taken and hidden in the woods. We learn that not only did Maleficent and her pet raven/human (lol) essentially raise Aurora and keep her from harm (not the fairies), but Maleficent's idea of being evil devolves into playing cute little pranks on the fairies. She made them get wet in an indoor rainstorm, the fiend!!! It was obvious by this point that Maleficent had been totally neutered of any of the wickedness of the animated character. It was cliche and expected when she ends up caring for Aurora and wanting to revoke the curse (again since she basically raised her anyways). Some of the scenes with Aurora and Maleficent were so cutesy it was disgusting. Fairy mud fight y'all!!! :rolleyes: Phillip's addition was useless, only leading to more cringe worthy googly eyed moments. And Disney has officially worn out their welcome on the "true love" twist that was such a big deal in Frozen. I knew right away they were gonna rip that off and have it be a familial love that breaks the spell. Except it was executed without any of the heart and grace Frozen at least carried it off with, and really did just feel like a cheap knock off of that. I wouldn't even be surprised if they added that part in after Frozen's success. The action was dull and juvenile. The meager attempt at any "battle" scene comes early in the film and was basically already shown in the marketing. The dragon may have been the most disappointing thing of all, since it's such a highlight of the animated film and animated character. But here it's reduced to a brief nothing scene we again basically saw in the trailers. And it's not even her that becomes the dragon, rather her freaking Transformer raven! The dragon design sucked majorly too after the likes of Smaug last year. By the way the less said about her raven, the better. Thank god those rumored romantic scenes between Maleficent and the raven were either cut or just rumors cause it was cringe worthy enough as it was. In the end, the biggest offense of this movie is that it simply shits all over the legacy of the animated classic, especially the character of Maleficent. You can argue that Alice in Wonderland or Oz the Great and Powerful aren't great films, but at least they had the decency to uphold the legacy of the classics that proceeded them. Neither movie felt like a slap in the face to the classics that inspired them. This did, and that's really why I hate it. Jolie and some of the visuals are the only redeeming factors. But even those left me unimpressed. As I mentioned Jolie really only gets to shine in one or two scenes, the rest of the time she has nothing at all to work with. Considering the standards we're used to today, I just wasn't that impressed with a lot of the visuals either. Alice, SWATH, and Oz all beat this in that respect too. Overall, this felt to me like a movie made for young children. I imagine they would possibly enjoy the extreme sugar coated take on it, and not mind all the generic cliches. For everyone else though, especially those with fond memories of the animated classic, I highly recommend staying away. D-
  16. As I mentioned earlier, what if Fault and Edge of Tomorrow both become two of the biggest summer hits? Would sure slap Hollywood's franchise focus in the face. And my BSG for that matter.
  17. It is kinda funny how a good chunk of this board was arguing Maleficent wouldn't hit 60m OW, and now that it's headed for an Oz sized OW everyone is acting like it's expected now.
  18. You're still cleverly dodging my question though Tele. You argued the multi is just the nature of the genre, yet 2 of the 3 recent creature feature films had fairly strong multis. If Coverfield was widely agreed to have poor WOM and Godzilla is getting roughly the same multi, then what does that say? At best it says Godzilla's WOM was mixed. At best.
  19. Honestly, with May being so bleak in terms of a huge blockbuster, I think the door was wide open for Godzilla to just be massive if it had lived up to the hype. 300 could have happened with that OW. But whether the defenders of it want to accept it or not, the fact is a large chunk (I would say the majority) were disappointed with it.
  20. There are really only 3 creature feature films recent enough to compare Godzilla to. Super 8, Pacific Rim, and Cloverfield. The multis for those were 3.6x, 2.75x, and 2x respectively. Godzilla is going to finish with a multi barely above Cloverfield, and most people agreed at the time that had awful WOM. So how then does Godzilla not have bad WOM?
  21. Except it doesn't. I may be willing to give you that for the second weekend drop (although that was abnormally large itself), but a third weekend drop over 60%? C'mon Tele, even you can't be that blinded to not know that's just bad WOM. That kinda of thing just doesn't happen otherwise. I mean even most of the Twilight/Fast movies never had 60%+ 3rd weekend drops, and they're the kings of frontloaded.
  22. Watch DOFP get like a 70%+ Sat increase or something and throw us all for a loop again.
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