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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I still don't buy that the TF movies are "family films." They've never been pushed as such. I'm sure a lot of 9-12 year old boys love them, but that doesn't make them a family outing.
  2. I said there's no animated competition. And I still don't believe Transformers gets much of the girl audience or 8 and under crowd. Then again, I'm starting to wonder if HTTYD2 got much of the girl audience either. That was the main reason KFP2 disappointed, and that was the only concern I ever brought up for Dragon.
  3. I just realized that no 300m movie for the summer club is very likely going to happen now. Even if TF4 is a hit I don't see 300 for it. It will need a massive OW of like 125m+.
  4. DOFP, EoT, and HTTYD2 are as good of summer blockbusters as you could ask for. Really don't know what people want if those 3 aren't good enough...apparently Maleficent.
  5. It's not a lock or anything that Maleficent will beat it, but the fact that it's possible is horrifying. I mean HTTYD1 did have a 5x multi, and given this will have only a slightly higher OW and no direct competition until Planes it could have a similar run. Especially since it seems to be having similar reception to the first. Not that I'm gonna get my hopes too high after this miserable OW though.
  6. The general lack of big hits this summer is truly starting to worry me. I mean a lot of the movies this summer shouldn't be that unappealing. I think some years have been worse (for good/appealing movies). But I'm wondering if people are just finally sick of movie prices and would rather wait for home video. This Holiday is packed with movies that should be appealing, so if everything disappoints like it is this summer than I think that might be the case.
  7. I do know one thing though: I'm never ever putting my faith in another DWA sequel to open huge again. KFP2 and now this have burned me for the last damn time.
  8. I simply can't wrap my brain around the fact that HTTYD2 will open a mere 5-10m higher than the first. No animated competition this summer, beloved predecessor, great reviews, summer release. What the literal fuck?
  9. If TF4 isn't massive this will truly be the most underwhelming summer ever for blockbusters. LEGO could beat every single summer movie at this point.
  10. I can't believe I actually put 94 OW/355 total for Dragon in the summer game though. Jesus, what an epic fail.
  11. I did call that one a few months ago. Godzilla on the other hand...never thought it could beat that. The good news for Maleficent having legs, is that if a movie like that can hold so well, I would have to hope that Dragon 2 can hold phenomenally.
  12. Dragon does still have a shot at 60 though. Madagascar 3 only did 2m more on OD, and this weekend has a Holiday in it. I would think HTTYD would have to be the big father's day choice for dad's with kids under 10.
  13. I can't even start with that Dragon number. Except I guess props to those who did call a KFP2 repeat. Really don't get this one though. *SIGH*
  14. Lol I don't even know where to begin with that. Talk about totally missing my point. Kids are very impressionable, fact not opinion. Parents need to be very cautious what they're exposed to. Adolescents on the other hand are gonna be exposed to stuff regardless, and they're supposed to be since it helps them prepare and transition for adulthood. Parents still need to help guide them through it, but trying to shield them like they're still kids is pointless. That doesn't mean you encourage them to go light a joint, but you don't treat them like a 4th grader either. Most teens who have real issues had shitty parenting. And I'm talking real issues, not just typical middle school or high school experimenting.
  15. 12 year olds aren't kids because most have hit puberty already. Puberty revokes your kid card, no exceptions. They're tweens/teens which are different. And yeah there are such thing as kids who are addicts before they even hit 12 or 13. Kids are ultra impressionable and I don't think they should be exposed to certain things before they at least have the basic maturity for it.
  16. Read my post again. You're not talking about kids, you're talking about tweens/teens. MASSIVE difference there.
  17. If kids are doing drugs than that just proves my point that a lot of parents are doing a shitty job. As I already said, I don't consider middle schoolers to be kids anymore.
  18. Again, R for suspense mainly. Aside from maybe the bedroom kill, there's really nothing else R about it.
  19. Haven't seen it yet, but my main problem with a kid seeing the first one is the way it glamorizes drugs. It's hilarious and all, but I don't think that would be a good thing for impressionable kids to see.
  20. And I'm not even talking about middle schoolers. I'm talking about kids, which I consider 10 and under for the most part. Sometimes older than that though if they're late bloomers puberty wise.
  21. Alien is really just an R for suspense. It might scare some ten year olds, but there's really not much in it that is exposing a kid to content too mature. I saw Matrix around that age, but that should be a PG-13 anyways. Never seen the original RoboCop. To me anyone who's seen 21JS should know 22JS is likely not for kids. Tweens maybe, kids no.
  22. Most 10 year olds aren't even gonna wanna see something like 22JS if they're normal 10 year olds. If they wanna see it that means they're trying to grow up too fast and have already been exposed to a lot of stuff they're too young for. 12 is a bit different, that I don't have as big an issue with since puberty should have taken hold for most by then. And once that happens it doesn't really matter anyways, they're gonna get exposed to stuff. And I don't agree overprotection is worse when you're a kid (like 10 and under), because you only get to be a kid once for a very short time in your life. And if they're exposed to too much too soon, it robs them of their childhood which is something I know I would have never wanted to be robbed of.
  23. But did your parents encourage it? I hate to sound like such a conservative (especially since I'm a liberal) but I do believe media can influence kids negatively. And 10 year olds are still kids. Most are still too impressionable for some things not to have an affect on them.
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