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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Babies don't count, it's not like they're actually watching the movie and understanding any of it. They're sleeping mostly.
  2. Ugh if that's true. Don't get me wrong, I'm not under the misguided illusion that 10 year olds are innocent little flowers or something, but there's still such a thing as "age appropriate." And 22JS is most certainly not for that range. Shame on their parents.
  3. 1) Will HTTYD2 OPEN to more than 63 mill? YES2) Will 22JS open to number 2? YES3) Will FIOS place 3 rd? NO4) Will the films in spots 3-4-5-6 combine to make more than position 2? NO5) Will HTTYD and 22JS combine to make more than 125 mill? YES6) Will Maleficent have a Friday increase of more than 68%? YES7) Will any film have more than a 60% Saturday increase? YES8) Will 22JS make more than 7 mill for Thurs? YES9) Will HTTYD make more than 1.8 mill on Thurs? YES10) Will EOTdecrease by less than 45%? YES11) Will Godzilla still suck? :qotd:12) Will ASM2 have a Saturday increase of more than 45%? NO13) Will Million Ways drop more than 41%? YES14) Will any film increase on Thurs? ( openers dont count) YES 10/12 300011/12 500012/12 8000 Bonus 1) what will be the drop percentage wise for Fault in Our Stars? 5000 69.225Bonus 2) What will be the cumulative total fpr the top ten films? 5000 209.550Bonus 3) what will x-men gross internationally this weekend? 5000 32.840Bonus 4) what will Frozen worldwide total be after this weekend? 5000 1.253bBonus 5) (to be pmed to me) what famous Hollywood personality did some uncredited rewrites on the gene Hackman and Denzel Washington Submarine movie Crimson Tide? (3000).
  4. WOM for a movie like FIOS is more irrelevant than WOM for a movie like DOFP, and we learned the hard way how irrelevant that was (myself included). This will stick to its genre trends, regardless of WOM. A jump higher than 40% on Friday and 20% on Saturday isn't happening. Not even hating, just being realistic.
  5. Oh, totally didn't factor that in either. Yeah, 60%+ drop is still 100% locked. If it's at 4m on Thursday (which is optimistic, 3.5m probably more realistic) it would look like this with Eclipse's second weekend holds around the same time of year: Fri: 5.6m (+40%) Sat: 6.2m (+11%) Sun: 4.2m (-32%) 16m (-67%)
  6. It's definitely locked I'd say. It would have to be around 5.5m on Thursday to have a sub 60% hold. Like I said, Fri/Sat jumps are guaranteed to be miniscule given its audience/genre and the time of year.
  7. Especially now that all schools are officially out and it's already been confirmed like 80%+ of FIOS audience are high schoolers. So in other words, it's going to have a very small Friday/Sat bump.
  8. Ugh, freakin Godzilla gonna end up costing me a shitton of points. Yet another reason to add to the list of why I despise the film.
  9. True story: When I was in line yesterday to see EoT a couple in front os us bought tickets to "The Edge of Our Stars" and the girl gave them tickets, no questions asked. I still wonder which movie they meant and what tickets they got.
  10. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Apocalypse starts reaching juggernaut franchise numbers OS. 250m seems like a safe bet for it DOM though. And even that may not happen if it's not great like DOFP.
  11. Really. I shudder to think of the steaming pile of feces the film would have been without her. It would have been truly unwatchable, and I don't say that about too many films.
  12. The low budget means it never needed to do much anyways to be profitable. I just never bought that it would have a huge OW and great legs, and it looks like that won't be the case.
  13. Happy I didn't buy into all the crazy 150-200m+ hype floating around here and predicted a fairly modest 108m total for it in the BSG. Could end up dead on if it stays this frontloaded.
  14. I didn't say it had a bad story or bad characterization. Just that DOFP's was better. EoT's was perfectly good too.
  15. I'll be shocked if it opens to less than 85m. 100m is a stretch, but I think it's possible. Depends on how much kids have seen Maleficent, since if they haven't seen that than they're gonna be pretty starved for a movie.
  16. I hope HTTYD2 makes like 100m+ next weekend, and 22JS 70m+ and save us from this terribly boring summer at the box office.
  17. EoT is lacking the story and characterization of DOFP, imo. And none of the action sequences in EoT top the best ones from DOFP. But it's still great, just prefer DOFP.
  18. Yeah, I'm disappointed in that Sat hold for EoT. That's a potentially worse jump than Oblivion's first Saturday. The movie really is gonna need killer legs to do anything now.
  19. Looper was drastically overrated by critics, imo. No idea what they thought was so amazing about it.
  20. Totally called FIOS diving 50%+ Saturday. Will be interesting to see the legs long term on it.
  21. 1. DOFP: A 2. EoT: A- 3. Looper: B- (wasn't a big fan, can barely even remember much from it)
  22. 13-15m Sat for FIOS, calling it now.
  23. I figured FIOS would end up around 25m for Friday. As I said, it's gonna be ultra frontloaded. A 45%+ drop tomorrow wouldn't surprise me. Too bad for EOT, but hardly surprising. That marketing was just atrocious. The movie will live or die by its legs. Don't even wanna talk about DOFP holds anymore. So damn disappointing.
  24. It's a ton of fun. Even with the great reviews I was surprised how much I liked it. Whoever was in charge of the awful marketing should be locked away for committing a crime against cinema.
  25. Wow, that is an amazing number for FIOS. It's still gonna be ultra OD frontloaded though. The Saturday drop just got huge with that big of a late night. 50m possible though, which is crazy good.
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