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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I know the trailer looks horrendous. Like Super 8, but exclusively for 9 year old audiences.
  2. But it's never even remotely touched on in any of the films that it's his twin. I've heard that before, but I thought it was just speculation. If you watch the Last Stand post credits scene it's just some dude in a hospital bed who his Professor Xavier's voice. So again how did he get his old body back? I did see a theory online that he's just mentally projecting the image of his old appearance into everyone else's mind, but again that was just fan speculation.
  3. I don't see how any could have happened besides FC. I mean it's a different timeline now. Also why did we never get an explanation in this movie for Professor X being in his old body? I know X3 post credits showed he had transferred his mind to a comatose patient, but how he got his body back has never been explained in the films. Minor nitpick for me.
  4. Lord what a terrible movie that was. I can't think of a worse swan song Connery could have chosen, Well, except Kingdom of the Crystal Cash Grab.
  5. God, can you imagine how a flop like John Carter would have affected virtually any other studio besides Disney? It would have been catastrophic.
  6. That's because TASM never stood a chance at having the WOM of the summer, even if I had liked it I would have known that. DOFP on the other hand does stand a chance. I think people could really love it. And not just cause I love it. But there's a lot in it for the GA.
  7. I sure hope they know what they're doing then. They have to know that's walking a fine line for what the public will go for.
  8. I think it's safe to say Cloverfield was widely disliked though. So comparing it to that movie's 2nd weekend's hold shouldn't be taken as a good sign. Creature features do seem to be nearly as frontloaded as CBM's though.
  9. I purposefully avoided most of the promotional stuff, because I didn't want to be spoiled. Still a great film, just not what I thought(or actually hoped) it was. Don't be so sure yet. Depending on how it holds up, it could still have a 4 day north of 120m, and from there 300 could happen with fantastic WOM. It will pretty much need the WOM of the summer to do it though, but I wouldn't rule that out .
  10. I thought that was a proposed plot from ages ago that had long since been ditched? Has that been confirmed to be the route they're going?
  11. It's too early to even guess what JW will come off as to the GA since we don't even have an official picture of it yet. But I will say it's in an awesome position. Next summer is extremely void of big franchise blockbusters (excluding AoU obviously), and JW will be hitting when AoU will be pretty much be out of most of its juice at the BO. It's the perfect time for it to strike it big.Universal will have no one to blame but themselves if it bombs/underperforms.
  12. Will be interesting to see if even one person doesn't put AoU as their #1 movie in the summer game next year. I'd have to think you'd be kinda insane not to. But then again Mad Max will clearly pose a serious threat to the crown.
  13. Not to mention May is anemic next summer overall compared to this year and most May's. Age of Ultron virtually has the summer to itself as far as huge blockbusters go until Jurassic World opens a month and a half later.
  14. Real spoilers, I agree. I don't feel I've ever posted a real spoiler though, but by the spoiler guidelines of this forum I apparently have (though so has nearly everyone else at some point).
  15. That's fine Tele, no need to explain yourself anymore. I just feel the lines between spoiler and non-spoiler have now been made very fuzzy, and will act accordingly by tagging everything I comment on about a new film.
  16. Well I wouldn't go that far. It should be able to have a small increase without previews, but flat with previews would mean WOM is through the roof considering the nature of a CBM at the box office.
  17. Again, this is a general numbers thread. It is not specific to any movie, but it gets a lot of traffic over the weekend. Therefore, we should all be more careful about what we're about any new release. That still sounds like a really blurry line to me quite honestly, so I guess I'll have to start spoiler tagging everything when commenting on a movie to be on the safe side.
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