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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Because only Marvel movies starring Iron Man have been able to open anywhere near that number. Granted TWS is getting fantastic reviews, but that doesn't necessarily mean a huge opening. More like great legs.
  2. I wouldn't call it "mediocre" but it did feel like a letdown after '11. The human cast especially left a lot to be desired and the first half was a bit slow I thought (especially for kids).
  3. Arnold is now a worse box office draw than he is a politician or husband.
  4. The Christians will hate it for the most part, I can tell you that. I just hope there's enough interest outside of them to counterbalance that. The movie definitely deserves to be seen, and in theaters.
  5. I dunno, Bird took a mainly dead franchise and made it one of the biggest box office successes of the year with Ghost Protocol so I wouldn't count Tomorrowland out. His track record is great so far.
  6. Ugh, I knew Muppets was only gonna open to 15m-ish. As others have said, at least the movies are cheap.
  7. Yeah, I don't honestly no why on earth anyone would have expected more for it. It's a very strong number.
  8. I don't think that matters so much if it's canned for the right reasons and a sequel is greenlit for the right reasons (ie which has the better plot). I'll take a Toy Story 3 sequel over a Brave original any day.
  9. Yeah, basically I view Dory and Incredibles 2 as being for the fans, cause you're right fans have been clamoring for both for the better part of a decade, and Cars 3 is a quick cash grab, no two ways about it. Thankfully the Cars movies in general have been their only films that have felt just like cash grabs, so hopefully that stays exclusive to that franchise and Pixar doesn't do it with other sequels.
  10. Yeah, it is inevitable. I just pray it somehow manages to live up to the quality of 2 and 3, but that's such a tall order. And 3 was such a perfect cap to the franchise, I don't know how 4 won't feel unnecessary and cash grab-ish.
  11. In some form, yeah it does show up a lot. I mean just look at Frozen. It's up to the execution to deliver. WiR definitely did for me.
  12. Um what exactly was Frankenweenie's "message"? WiR's message is pretty damn clear: accept yourself and don't try to change who you are to please others.
  13. The third is the only one I even remotely like. The second bored me, and the first is arguably DWA's worst effort along with Shark Tale.
  14. Lol, I have a hard time believing that. I guess you haven't seen the first two then, cause it was lightyears ahead of those two alone.
  15. It was nothing to write home about either. 2012 was all about WiR in animation for me. Madagascar 3 takes runner up for sheer vibrant summer fun.
  16. Yeah Frankenweenie was a bit disappointing, I think it really worked better as a short than a feature film.
  17. I think Brave won for that last act, which admittedly is very strong Pixar film-making, but still doesn't excuse the first two thirds from being extremely mediocre and forgettable. WiR was far and away superior on the whole.
  18. I think all the Pixar movies will end up with a sequel except Wall-E and maybe Brave. And I'm including Monsters Inc in that statement.
  19. Edna is my reaction to Incredibles 2 finally being announced, Mrs. Parr is my reaction to Cars 3:
  20. The Muppets was about as perfect of a family film as you can possibly ask for, and still barely managed a 3x multi with Holiday legs. If Most Wanted is of a significantly lesser quality, then a 3x multi is probably too much to ask for. If it doesn't at leats hit 20m OW, which isn't a guarantee, it's gonna be screwed at the box office.
  21. I've always been uneasy about it given the way Muppets '11 failed to light up the box office despite a massive marketing push from Disney and a prime Holiday release date with little family competition. Add in the mixed reviews Most Wanted is getting, and frankly a 50m total may not be in play.
  22. Yeah, 120-130 should be the range. WOM is good it seems, and it isn't making huge amounts of money to be significantly hurt by Muppets.
  23. Peabody is locked after that soft second weekend drop. Yes it has Muppets and Rio coming, but it would still have to completely die next weekend to miss 100.
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