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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Average gross of Best Picture winners in decade after LOTR (2004-present): unadjusted: $92 million Adjusted: $108 million Highest Grossing Adjusted: The Departed - $168m Lowest Grossing Adjusted: The Hurt Locker - $19m Average gross of Best Picture winners in the decade leading up to LOTR (1994-2003): Unadjusted: $213 million Adjusted: $374 million Highest Grossing Adjusted: Titanic - $1,093b Lowest Grossing Adjusted: Braveheart - $144m Gee I wonder why the Oscars have lost relevancy the past decade?
  2. Here's the problem with that though. The kind of people that still don't believe slavery was all that bad or try to justify it are ALWAYS going to believe that. If they saw 12YAS they would make excuses and say it was Hollywood dramatizing it. They wouldn't admit to the horrors of it because something in them can't accept that. Those kind of people are too deep in denial.
  3. You summed up perfectly why 12YAS should not win. Like I've said before, any decent human being in this day and age is going to recognize how evil slavery was. It's ridiculous to say that 12YAS is an incredible film because it "exposes" slavery's horrors. Um, that was exposed decades ago. As you mentioned, it would be far more relevant to expose the horrors of minority treatment in the US today. Breaking down 12YAS as a film, some of the screenplay and Fassbender and Nyongo's performances are the only things exceptional about it. The directing, cinematography, score, editing, and some of the characters/performances (including the protagonist) are all merely decent at best. And yeah, McQueen is the black Mel Gibson as far as I'm concerned. He totally gets off to torture porn.
  4. Just got back from Day 1 of the AMC Oscar showcase and after seeing McConaughey, Leo, and Ejiofor's performances back to back to back, I have to say Leo blows them sky high. Was my first time seeing DBC, and while I really liked McConaughey he simply can't compete for me with what Leo did in WoWS. He displays the full spectrum of acting flawlessly from dramatic to comedic to insane. And he's doing so for nearly 3 hours straight! If he doesn't pull an upset and win I believe WoWS will go down in history as the performance he "should" have won for when they finally decide to give him one.
  5. Cut Nikki some slack, it's hard when she has to calculate multis that go over the number 3.
  6. If Hollywood is so desperate to keep throwing away hundreds of millions on all these worthless movies they should just given that money to me instead. I'll burn it for them.
  7. Or maybe that's when he finally realized he was a terrible actor and had fun with that.
  8. Lol, yeah she doesn't know what she's talking about with the LEGO numbers. Too bad, got excited for a moment.
  9. If LEGO is really that high for Friday we're gonna have to start talking 350m. But Nikki could very well be pulling numbers out of her cocktail.
  10. Christmas Vacation. Guess now I know why I love it so much.
  11. I'd be fine with any outlet to get the Looney Tunes back in the public's collective conscious. They've been irrelevant for far too long now. Kinda sickening actually.
  12. Pharrell is performing and he'll bring in the most viewers of anyone they could have since he'll be performing the biggest song in the US right now and just won a crapload of Grammys. Btw Frozenites, Happy's comin at ya like a dark horse. An upset could be in store.
  13. Funnily enough Happy (the DM2 song) has all of a sudden turned into a massive hit. It barely missed out at #1 on the Hot 100 this week, and it's sitting pretty atop the iTunes chart. If the Oscars wanted to go with the biggest hit, they would actually give it to that.
  14. LEGO now with a 22% lead over where it was last week. The only thing that will stop that movie from 300 now is horrible late legs due to an overcrowded market. It will have so much by the time Peabody hits though it probably won't matter.
  15. Woah, am I the only one noticing LEGO had a 13% increase over its first Tuesday? That's damn impressive. Another sub 30% drop this weekend seems extremely likely.
  16. Yep, it's a fictional film steeped in the scientific (Sci-fi). Sci-fi doesn't have to always be futuristic. In fact, wikipedia cites any work of fiction dealing with space travel as sci-fi in their definition of the genre.
  17. My point exactly. It's frustrating. I don't care what anyone says, winning BP while picking up 1 or 0 other awards makes no sense. Who cares if it wins the best screenplay? Gravity has been getting practically the best everything else that comprises a film.
  18. 300 and RoboCop should have had their dates switched, imo. 300 is a bomb regardless of when it's released, but I think RoboCop could have done decent with a better release date. Valentine's Day weekend was not a good release date.
  19. Snow Queen is a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale. There's absolutely nothing niche about it for a Disney movie. The Big Hero 6 manga seems like one of the most random source out there Disney could use for a superhero movie on the other hand, especially animated. Glancing over it I don't see the appeal to many kids, but hopefully Disney knows what they're doing.
  20. Dammit, I was hoping I fixed that fast enough. Waaaaaay too tired today. I blame Lionsgate for going the shitty two parter route when it wasn't needed. It's making me compare it to a much worse franchise where it wasn't needed.
  21. The manga/Japanese aspect, and fact that the source material has a very limited following is why I call the concept potentially niche. Superhero isn't the problem, although it didn't exactly work for Megamind. The Incredibles has been the only success in animated superhero movies. Ironically I just realized that Pixar followed up their biggest hit ever with a superhero film, much like Disney is following up their biggest hit of the 2000's with a superhero film. So maybe this is in good shape.
  22. Looks like we could already have a 300m movie on our hands for LEGO. Only Passion has ever hit that mark releasing before March. With arguably MJ1 being the only other movie locked for 300 this year, LEGO could end up being top 3 for the year. Lol, tell him/her to see it again without all the blown out of proportion hype expectations. I've come to realize Frozen is not bad at all, rather just very overrated.
  23. Yeah, they really need to move it to Thanksgiving. It will at least have a decent opening then.
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