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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Leo gave arguably his best performance to date in WOWS. Definitely my favorite for the moment. Can't wait to see McConaughey's performance though.
  2. Ejiofer just looked constipated most of the time to me. I easily prefer all of the other actors in the category to him, excluding McConaughey since I haven't seen DBC yet.
  3. Lol at riczhang with his panties all in a twist. Calm down, not like I attacked Meryl Sheep or something.
  4. I'm sorry but this whole new trend of a movie winning Best Picture at the Oscars and almost nothing else is bullshit. It pissed me off last year with Argo and it will piss me off again this year if it happens with 12YAS. Gravity is locked to win over half a dozen awards, and is getting close to a lock for Director as well. How in the hell then does it not deserve to win BP too? It makes zero sense. A movie is not the best picture if it isn't the best anything else.
  5. Aside from No Country and Titanic, can pretty much agree with the list. I feel bad for Crash coming in at #2 worst though. It's not one of the best by any means but I also think it's a ways from the worst too. Gets too much hate.
  6. Agreed. Would be nice if they just go for an all out sweep and give it Director and BP too.
  7. Holy hell. Have 3 movies ever lost over 1000 in a weekend?
  8. My mind wandered so much during All is Lost, I forgot at points I was watching a movie. Kept thinking about studying, groceries, my leg is falling asleep, FUCK this is boring, Gravity is amazing, how many sheep am I gonna count tonight, etc... If you're gonna do a silent film these days, at least make it entertaining like The Artist.
  9. A few notes on the noms: Couldn't be happier at the WOWS love and Leo nom, the Academy finally starting to recognize him more often. Now if only he could win. Pleased the Academy didn't take the All is Lost bait and more or less snubbed it. Such a boring, pointless film that was just pandering for awards with its whole premise. I honestly had a feeling AH could repeat SLP's 4 acting noms feat from last year, but I just didn't think Adams would be responsible for the most undeserved snub (Thompson). Moral of the story: if you want an acting nom today be in an 'O Russell film. Also glad Captain Phillips got shut out of director and actor. Alexander Payne and Leo/Bale were far better choices over Greengrass and Hanks. So thrilled Philomena got into BP, one of my top 10 films of the year and I don't think it had been getting enough attention. Glad 12YAS didn't grab a nom in practically every category like some people predicted. Gravity and AH ahead of it in noms makes it even less certain of a frontrunner. Finally, can the Academy please just nominate 10 movies, or else go back to 5? This 9 every year is kind of annoying. Such an odd number.
  10. Yeah that's true, although PiB was more of a standalone movie to me then part of the Shrek franchise. I know it's the same character, technically making it a spin off, but it really had no association to Shrek. Minions will feel heavily like a DM movie on the other hand, because the minions are the ones that make the movies what they are.
  11. Well if it keeps following the Shrek series' pattern like it has so far then it will be.
  12. I'd say that's highly doubtful given that third films tend to decrease unless they're universally loved like TS3, not to mention this will essentially be acting as the 4th film in the franchise since Minions comes first. I'd expect the franchise to have Shrek 4 levels of burnout by the time this one hits. Will probably be the lowest grosser in the series.
  13. So I guess I'm the only one happy about this news then? Animation has been great to Suess for the most part, and the only reason Lorax was disappointing to me was because it got way too heavy handed with its political message. Thankfully that won't be an issue for this though. And yes the original animated one is a classic, but let's be honest its showing its age at this point. An update would be nice if they do it well.
  14. Haha, called this one in October. All I really care about though is if it's coming back to IMAX?
  15. Yeah I'd consider doing a top 50 as well. I also have a movie I need to see first though, and that's Dallas Buyer's Club.
  16. I've mentioned this several time before, but I still find it truly amazing that she takes a break after her big year in '09 and comes back 4 years later and has nearly the exact same year. Comedy in the summer 2009: The Proposal - $163m, 2013: The Heat-$160m. Then oscar drama in the fall: 2009: The Blind Side - $255m, 2013: Gravity - $256m+. Amazing how closely the two years line up, Aside from her All About Steve '09 fiasco.
  17. The character development is way rushed with Elsa. She just ends up fading to the background after Let It Go, when she should have been the most important character.
  18. Blackfish is the most poignant documentary I've ever seen. I was literally haunted by it for weeks and it now makes me sick to my stomach to even think of Seaworld. Anyways, good work so far Baumer, I didn't realize LS had a very limited release on Xmas technically making it a '13 film.
  19. I do agree 3D certainly enhances Gravity, but I don't feel it's mandatory to appreciate its brilliance. To me it was far more essential to Avatar's quality than it is Gravity's. But yeah I will be happy if Cuaron at least wins at the Oscars.
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