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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Also yay for Budapest continuing to be a little indie sensation this weekend. Let's hope it can extend that success into a wide release.
  2. Animation is simply taking over the box office. Peabody, LEGO, and Frozen all with sub 35% drops this weekend.
  3. Yeah, could pass Ice Age 4 as the biggest OS animated grosser. That's just crazy, I can't believe an original animated movie has been that huge OS. I don't know about DOS. Isn't it kind of done everywhere? Not sure.
  4. Yeah, if you ask me the OS performance has been more impressive than DOM. It's been an OS monster.
  5. So that puts Frozen's Japan OW as the second highest for an American animated film behind Nemo I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. I'm kinda glad to see NFS bombing if only to teach Aaron Paul to be more selective and not choose shitty movies to do. He's too talented to be wasting his time like that.
  7. I'm honestly not familiar with that movie to comment on that. All I know is Sci-fi is a much broader genre than many people seem to realize. And for the record I don't think Gravity is only a Sci-fi movie. It fits several other genres as well, but it's still not incorrect to call it sci-fi.
  8. I wish people would learn the facts and know that Sci-fi doesn't require futuristic settings/technology. Cuaron said exactly what I've been saying in that interview about Gravity: the movie is fiction with a scientific element. Sci-fi.
  9. Yeah that's a really great Sat hold for 300 considering its midnight share. Color me surprised, the movie will be a success.
  10. Better than I expected honestly for 300, though if it's on the lower end of that range it will still probably miss 30m. Relatively tame OW for Peabody. Unsurprising considering the massive amounts of business Frozen and LEGO have taken form the family audience recently. Looks like my 120m DOM prediction will be fairly accurate.
  11. For me Ryan Stone is a better character than the entirety of 12YAS' lineup. Even though Lupita and Fassbender do great acting jobs, their characters still aren't all that complex or layered. Gravity demands its viewer to tune into its subtleties if you want more than what's on the surface, and I love that about it. Catch some new symbolism each of the 5 times I've seen it.
  12. Anyways I meant to comment earlier on Leto's speech. Definitely goes into my favorites ever category. He gave props to so many people in such a perfectly timed and poignant speech. May have been rehearsed, but still was great.
  13. My friend, who unlike me is a huge Frozen/Idina/Wicked fan, thought she sounded awful. So I'm glad it wasn't just me.
  14. I guess I'm not familiar enough with how dyslexia really screws with you then, cause I still don't understand how Idina Menzel becomes Adele Dazeem, dyslexic or not. Sounds more like drunklexia.
  15. I still can't believe he actually called her that. I mean Jesus how is it even possible to butcher someone's name like that?
  16. Well I will give you that Gravity will be considered influential, regardless of the BP snub. But it's just frusterating to win that many and not the one that everyone pays attentions to. Not to mention it makes ZERO sense. The movie with the best directing, cinematography, editing, sound, and effects isn't the BP? Lol.
  17. Let's be real for a moment. Best Picture and the acting awards are the only ones people ever talk about years down the line. How often do you hear people talking about Cabaret, which won 8 oscars? Not much, because it missed BP, the one people remember.
  18. This is for Gravity, aka the film that broke new ground in directorial measures.
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