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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I mean look at Baumer. He's fallen on his face hard with two of his clubs this summer and you don't see him refusing to admit he was wrong or holding onto things like tragedies as the reason they didn't succeed. Geez some people just can never admit they're wrong, which is an awful trait to have. I'd hate to be the significant other in a relationship with someone like that.
  2. Maybe not "unreasonable" but that's not even close to where the likes of Alfred and some of the others had it finishing. Did you see his $200m OW/$100m OD club and some of the predicts in there? And $500m is still pretty unlikely given it will fall $60m or so short of that. That's stretching it to the max to say the tragedy knocked off that much. That would be the absolute ceiling for what it could've knocked off.
  3. Last time I'm responding to you on the matter, but you're the biggest Nolanite on this board who had the most unreasonable TDKR expectations of them all. You're so obviously biased with the film and mad it missed all your unreachable club goals, and that's clear as day. So just man up, admit you were wrong on the issue, and stop the stupid arguing and pitches. Never gonna buy them no matter how incessantly you want it to be true.
  4. Anyways I'm done with this tired argument though since the TDKR loonies are clearly just desperate to hold onto the tragedy as the reason TDKR couldn't hit unreachable goals.
  5. Sorry, I misunderstood that to mean you did think it was speculative to say it could've done $600m.
  6. And that same common sense also tells us there was no way it would hit $600m without the shooting either. So let's not act like saying one is more stupid than the other.
  7. Likely not. At this point I think if August is gonna give us any $100m grosser it will have to be Lawless as a big sleeper hit.
  8. I'm frankly shocked that some people actually had Ted in there. That seemed just as unlikely to make the top 12 as MM to me at the start of the summer.
  9. Not good news at all for TE2. I had figured it would still be OD frontloaded but hoped I was wrong. $26-27m OW likely coming then.
  10. I LOVED the first 4 seasons of this show to the point where I was pretty much addicted (seasons 1,2 and 4 are some of the best of any tv show ever, imo), but season 5 left me so underwhelmed I haven't even watched 6 yet. Actually I did watch the first episode, and it certainly didn't hook me at all. Does it get better? Anyway, my rankings:Season 4: 10/10Season 2: 10/10Season 1: 10/10Season 3: 8.5/10Season 5: 6.5/10
  11. 2000. Space Cowboys was the highest grossing August release with $90m. However it's worth noting almost every August since has had only 1 movie that just barely crossed $100m. 2011 and 2009 were more exceptions.
  12. And considering it had the worst and most non-existent marketing campaign of the summer makes its OW pretty good too. Obviously Houston was still a draw for it.
  13. Agreed. I just said I have a feeling CF will be the biggest of the series. Just like I had a feeling THG would be bigger than BD2. That doesn't mean that looking at statistics really supports that claim though. Still it is possible.
  14. I think it will largely depend on how big CF's OW gets. If it gets over 190m which is entirely possible, then it could outgross TDKR with as low as a 2.3x multi.
  15. Yeah I know this is how most people feel about CF right now, but I think something has to be said for THG's amazing longevity and obvious likability among the general audiences. HP1 never really had that outside of the already established Potter fanbase. SM1 certainly was well loved among the general public and SM2 still decreased, so even still CF could decrease. I just have a feeling it will be the biggest of the series though, granted it's a solid film.
  16. Since when?!? Last I heard it was said the THG franchise would never be in 3D.
  17. I think he meant a movie that hasn't come out yet and one that isn't in 3d, so that doesn't include TA. Like I said, Catching Fire is the only one taht probably has a shot.
  18. Catching Fire definitely could. Still over a year away though.
  19. But even you have to know you're in the minority on that one right? I mean people don't quote Bale's Batman all the time, they don't cheer for him like they do Ledger's Joker (who shouldn't even be getting cheered in the first place since he's the villain), Bale hasn't won an Academy Award for the performance, and he hasn't made any best movie heroes of all time lists like Ledger's Joker has already made villain ones.
  20. Gotcha, although honestly I don't know anyone who likes Bale's Batman over Ledger's Joker. Maybe overall Batman is still the bigger deal of the two, but in the Nolan franchise Joker would win any popularity contest between them.
  21. Uh weren't you arguing all along that TDKR's decrease was primarily due to the Joker? So why do you seem to be arguing against that now?
  22. Yeah well most people didn't merely have it doing a 2.5x multi either. They had $200m+ OW prediction and at least 2.8x multi, so you do the math.
  23. Considering a full 90 members were part of that TDKR over $200m OW club let's not start pretending now that most people here didn't have huge $500m+ expectations for it.
  24. So it's officially settled now. Magic Mike will be #11 for the summer. Who saw that coming!? Did anyone have it in their top 12?
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