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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Will be interested to hear your opinion on it since I know you're a big fan and have been anticipating it.
  2. Yeah, he's worried Farrell is coming for his King of the Hollywood Z Listers crown.
  3. I don't care about The Expendables but even I know there are tons of people out there who do. It's the last event movie of the summer.
  4. I'm so sick of Subers. Honestly his job isn't that hard, you'd think he could take the time and effort to be a little better at it. I have no doubt most of us on these forums could do a better job than him handling the box office reports most of the time. BOM really needs to get someone else.
  5. $14m OD is just OK for TBL considering I think we will see immediate bad WOM kick in today. I bet it easily misses 40m for the weekend now.Fri: 14.1Sat: 12.7 (-10%)Sun: 9.7 (-24%)36.5m
  6. Yeah I wouldn't have noticed. I probably will from now on though like when I hit 5555. I wonder what my 666 post was.
  7. Holy loaded insult Batman! Nice way to throw off any kind of logical discussion there. I clearly stated I saw the movie and was merely saying that the younger audience won't relate. So why are you suddenly flinging insults and what exactly are you calling me out on?
  8. Are you actually trying to argue with me that anyone under 40 will relate to an entire movie that's about two 60 somethings trying to figure out how they can have sex or even touch each other after years of no intimacy in their marriage? That's hilarious if you are!
  9. Well the whole entire thing is about Streep wanting TLJ to touch her after a sexless marriage for years, and no I can't relate to that.
  10. Hope Springs would definitely get poor ratings from any younger people that saw it. I'm open to all kinds of movies and even recently loved Marigold Hotel, but even I couldn't pretend to relate at all to the story in Hope Springs. It's totally a movie for 50+ year old couples, period the end. So that could be driving its CS down a bit.
  11. It's perfectly acceptable, but considering the Steep/TLJ combo, good reviews, and the relative starvation of movies for the older crowd this summer I expected better.
  12. 18m is a crazy good OD for TBL. I wouldn't be surprised to see immediate WOM kick in tomorrow though and a good Sat decrease.
  13. I say he should just remake GoF! Give me the movie my favorite book in the series always deserved dammit!
  14. I can pretty much guarantee you it will land in between $18-20m for the weekend.
  15. Yeah, I must admit HUGE props have to be given to Universal for coyly playing the Damon card as much as they possibly could in the ads/trailers. What you see there is literally about all you see/hear of Jason Bourne in the movie.
  16. Wouldn't doubt it. Especially if it hits the higher end of that early range. Near $50m OW for a Damon-less Bourne would be damn impressive.
  17. DO NOT see Bourne Legacy if you're sleepy! Seriously, that should've been the tagline.
  18. I wonder what this puppy could've done this weekend with Damon still starring? $70m?
  19. . Yeah there are similarities between the two. Identity has a much more rich and developed plot though. Basically this movie's about
  20. Yeah pretty much. And of course by action scene I do mean a real scene, not just someone shoots a gun briefly or something.
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