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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Agree with the other areas, but no ever loving chance in hell that boring pawn with the wannabe Hannibal mask and goofy T-Pain voice (ie Bane) comes anywhere near the epicness that is LOKI god of mischief!.
  2. So I guess we should expect actuals to be down at least a mil then for TDKR.
  3. Lol, I agree THG is definitely not a good comparison. I don't think it will hold that well for several reasons. Redfire was just asking for its second weekend multi though.
  4. Oh sorry, my bad. You're right, not sure how I got 3.9 the first time. I think I was rounding the numbers off too much.
  5. Damn, THG really did have amazing post 2nd weekend legs when you do the math. Right on par with TDK's.
  6. It will also end up at about 3.9 assuming THG finishes around $408m or so.
  7. I thought you're supposed to do the multi off of what it made before the weekend? So like TDK made $238m before its second weekend and then had a 3.9x multi off its $75m 2nd weekend gross from there? If you do that then TDKR needs a 3.9 x multi off a $64m 2nd weekend to get to $475m.
  8. In fact TDKR would need the exact same legs as TDK from here on out to hit $475m and pass TPM. And TDK had some awesome post 2nd weekend legs.
  9. I think TDKR would've just barely made 5th all time DOM without the tragedy. I really don't think it can do it now. Love to be wrong though.
  10. I honestly didn't care for The Reader as a film at all really, but I do agree with you that Winslet owned every scene she was in and her performance was award worthy as well. That's why I couldn't be mad at her for winning.
  11. The Academy likes their sweeps, plain and simple. If they can nominate the frontrunner of the award season in 13 categories and give it as many awards as possible, they will.
  12. It was pretty enthralling. I can't be too mad at Kate winning since it was a long time coming and a good performance as well, but Jolie really deserved it over her.
  13. No it didn't. Eastwood's most underrated by far. And a truly captivating performance by Jolie (who I'm no big fan of).
  14. I dunno, Warrior made me feel something in a way the other two didn't even come close to. Especially The Fighter. I couldn't stand how entirely generic that movie's overall plot was. It was just a new age Rocky when you got down to it! It had a helluva cast and performances, which made it enjoyable on some level, but still the movie itself was not even close to memorable for me. And as Noctis mentioned already The Wrestler just left me hollow. I never really felt anything in that movie either. Rourke was phenomenal, but the movie was almost too intent on being depressing and "look at how screwed up this dude's life is" for it to work effectively. It needed some kind of pay off. That ending certainly wasn't it.
  15. One area? TDK got snubbed basically everywhere, except Ledger which was only cause he died. Had he not I guarantee they would've snubbed him too.
  16. Add Slumdog in there and that should have been that years noms.WTF is going on tonight? I'm agreeing with you far too much.
  17. The Wrestler and The Fighter...two entirely generic and empty movies that fooled people into thinking they were more on the shoulders of their very talented casts. Now Warrior, there's a movie that deserved recognition.
  18. Yep. Was waiting to write my review until I saw it a second time and glad I did. Liked it so much better. Pretty much on par with Begins this time, maybe even slightly above. Give it an A- now.
  19. I just realized Magic Mike is headed to a 3x multi at this rate. Considering how insanely Friday frontloaded its OW was I find that shocking. It's held up extraordinarily well since then.
  20. The evidence is already too strong to support the fact that people won't tolerate 4 Avatar movies. There just simply isn't a big enough demand for that. People even got sick of Pirates by the fourth one, and I'd argue people aren't clamoring for an Avatar sequel nearly as much as they were for a Pirates one back in the day. Cameron or not, he will fail at that one if he attempts it. And for the record he has made his first little blunder in quite some time with Titanic 3D, so he may be slipping.
  21. Pretty great hold for TDKR considering that Friday. Olympic opening definitely hurt Friday. And honestly I think this is a significantly softer drop than it would've had if it wouldn't have been affected by the tragedy last weekend. Had it opened to $180-185m like I think it would have normally I think it would have dropped a solid 65% this weekend or so.Also great for the holdovers all around for the most part. Shows that people have already resumed their lives and are getting over whatever fears they may have had last weekend.And may I just say holy crap at THG once again! It's almost making more than TA now!!! :o
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