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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. So this just isn't doing that great OS correct? Or has it just not opened in a lot of places yet?
  2. Europe was too sports crazy this summer what with the Soccer and the Olympics in London to go to movies as much as normal I think.
  3. Wow, only a handful of people got the France question right. Vast majority of us put yes. Even Fake missed it!
  4. Yeah I figured, just chomping at the bit for that one since I think I'll get all 4 parts right.
  5. TDKR really needs to be seen twice to fully appreciate, imo. It's just one of those movies. Hey Baumer, can I ask if you've seen it twice yet? If not I highly recommend it. I had pretty much the same attitude towards it as you the first time, but it changed significantly for the better after the second.
  6. Will you score the TDKR 4 parter or do we know for sure yet if it will hit 1.1b WW before the end of the game?
  7. Not sure if the image can be posted here because she's wearing a sheer top so here's the link, but I honestly dare anyone to say this isn't a seriously fierce Miranda pic, Otto haterz or not.http://l-o-t-r.tumblr.com/post/11402636983/a-stunning-miranda-otto-photo-shoot
  8. Lol, I've never quite been able to tell where fish draws her line between serious and having fun, or if that even exists with her. If all her Shitto posts really are 100% serious without even a hint of sarcasm or poking fun though then...
  9. Well to be fair Avatar 2 is 100% guaranteed massive success. I mean it's the sequel to the highest grossing movie of all time and the first is at least pretty well liked among the general audience. There's no chance it can fail, anyone would be an utter fool in denial to say otherwise. Avatar 3 and 4 however...there's plenty of reasons why those could underperfrom and drop significantly form the first two. Of course the biggest reason being if Avatar 2 doesn't deliver and get good WOM no one will be clamoring for a sequel.And even if it does the likelihood that people even want another in the franchise will still start to diminish like all these huge series inevitably do after 2 or 3 movies. There's very few franchises that can maintain 4 or more movies on the same or similar level of success, because for the most part it's just unnecessary to continue a franchise after 2 or 3 films and people lose interest when it's unnecessary. Potter and Star Wars are probably the only franchises to have 4 or more films and all do on a similar level of success, and mainly because they were planned that way from the beginning.
  10. Screw the haters of the first! One of the best movies of this year and I can't wait to see what's next!
  11. Looks like $450m is probably 60-65% likely or so at this point. It can't have any too bad of weekend holds or it might not make it.
  12. Yeah even her own boy toy (Noctis) basically stated that same thing. It's all in good fun fish. Get over it! No one's personally attacking you.
  13. Was gonna post the same thing. That's the first franchise that comes to mind here. 1 mediocre movie (the first) and 3 bad ones (all the other sequels) to get to the awesomely fun and entertaining 5th one. Never come across another series like that.
  14. Lol, that idea is ripped off from the South Park episode Awesom-O. Cartman ends up in Universal Studios and becomes a personal movie generator of sorts for the studios coming up with all these random Adam Sandler movies like that since the studios don't have any original ideas. Hilarious episode. SP had Sandler pegged years ago.
  15. Was expecting it to sprout some really good legs now. I think it would've happened last week already if not for the tragedy.
  16. It'll probably be Hope Springs and we'll all fall flat on our faces.
  17. What's up with Brave OS? Has just not opened yet in a lot of territories or is it really doing that poorly?
  18. All questions worth 1000 points UOS:1) Will Diary of a Wimpy Kid open to more than 22.9 mill? 2000 No2) Will Total Recall open to more than 25 mill? 2000 Yes3) Will either of these two films have an increase on Saturday? Yes4) Will both films have an increase on Saturday? No5) Will TDKR finish number one? Yes6) Will TDKR fall less than 50%? Yes7) Will TDKR have one of the three best Friday increases in the top 12? Yes8) Will any film have a Saturday bump of more than 43%? Yes9) Will THG finish higher than The Avwengers? No10) Will The Watch have a better drop than Step Up? Yes11) Will Moonrise finish within 5.2 mill of The Watch? Yes12) Will Ted make more than Step Up? Yes10/12 300011/12 400012/12 7000Bonus 1: What will be the combined Friday gross of Wimpy and Recall? 18.388Bonus 2: What will the combined weekend gross be of THG, The Avengers and Brave: 4.008Bonus 3: Internationaly, what films finish in spots:2 Ice Age4 Brave5 TASM2000 each 3000 bonus if all three are correct.Bonus 4: Domestically, what films finish in spots:1 TDKR2 Total Recall3 Wimpy Kid4 Ice Age5 The Watch13 Savages2000 each 7000 bonus if all 6 are correct.Good luck!
  19. Ugh, the SOTM just wrecked me last week with losing those 20k points. Without that I'd still be comfortably in the top 10 and have some additional points from it as well. Shouldn't have gone for all.Anyways B I think you knocked 1k off my score this week. Not a big deal, just letting you know.
  20. NO. Bane is the weakest aspect of TDKR by far. Loki has more charisma in one minute of screentime than Bane in the entire movie. For that reason alone it's a no contest TKO Loki. And may I ask why you were so fearful of Bane? Seriously all the guy did was punch and kick and attempt his silly muscle intimidation factor. Joker and Loki's mind games were far more sinister.
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