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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. You mean The Land Before Time: CG edition? :PThat movie did have an epic trailer/intro though:
  2. 1) Will Moonrise Kingdom stay in the top 10? Yes2) Will The Intouchables increase? No3) Will Chernobyl Diaries drop less than 60%? No4) Will The Hunger Games increase more than 40% on Saturday? No5) Will Battleship decrease by less than 50%? Yes6) Will MIB3 finish within at least 7 mill of SWATH? Yes7) Will The Avengers have a Friday increase of more than 60%? Yes8) Will Rock of Ages make more than 26.5 mill? No9) Will That's My Boy make more than 32.5 mill? No10) Will Rock of Ages and TMB combine to make more than 60 mill? No11) Will That's My Boy decrease by less than 8% on Sunday? No12) Will Prometheus decrease by more than 25% on Sunday? No10/12 300011/12 500012/12 7000Bonus 1: What will Avengers WW total be after the Sunday estimates come out? 1,423.485BBonus 2: What will MAD3's WW total be after the Sunday estimates come out? 291.224MBonus 3:What films finish is spots:5 Snow White9 Marigold11 Battleship14 Dark Shadows2000 each 7000 bonus if all 4 are right.
  3. Phew, my fall wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting! Dang, I'd be 3rd though if I got my individuals right. Now if I can rock this week I can get back in the top 5.
  4. Yeah you're not missing anything. Sad thing is Cars would be worth a watch if they chopped a good half hour off. Talk about a stupidly long animated movie.
  5. Yes, the mind one sounds the most promising of what's on their slate by far.
  6. I'm actually pretty optimistic about Monsters U. Stanton is behind the script and it's said to be really funny by Crystal. Plus I loved the "animation chemistry" so to speak between Goodman and Crystal in the first. Honestly I don't think they'd be doing another Monsters movie if they didn't have a good idea for it. Unlike Cars 2 I don't think it's really a cash grab because really how popular and lucrative is Monsters Inc these days?
  7. It most certainly is for them. All their movies are comfortably in the 90's on RT, aside from the Cars detours of course. Besides 70's is never a particularly great score for anything.
  8. I mean early on in the reviews when it only had one or two rotten it had an 8.8 average. I just hope Brave doesn't disappoint and end up in the 70's or something.
  9. I don't think it's overreacting. McCarthy isn't some random troll like Smithey or White. It's alarming to see that someone like him, a top critic no less, would already give it a negative review. It would hint that there are probably quite a few more on the way. I'm not saying this is headed towards rotten, but it could very well be headed to no better than Madagascar 3 territory in reviews.
  10. Woah, it's truly alarming to see a Pixar film down to 80% already after only 5 reviews. Honestly does not bode well that negative reviews are already coming in so early. Maybe TS3 really was the end of an era?
  11. Agreed. Some of that singing in it was just....... :bash:And I was raised on Disney movies so I can generally handle singing in my animated movies.
  12. It did obliterate KFP2's OW though, however I'm positive legs won't be nearly as strong as that movie. I also think it's interesting to note that if Brave opens to at least $60m (which I think is extremely likely), every animated movie from a big studio this year will have opened to $60m+. Not to mention I wouldn't be surprised if Ice Age approaches an OW in that vicinity next month. Just goes to show something really was up with animation at the B.O. last year.
  13. Urg, if THG would've made 100k more this weekend I would've got the bonus question in the game this week like exactly right.
  14. A few people. I know Fake did. The majority put TA, I kept switching between the two right up to the deadline and chose TA. :(No one would have got BS though.
  15. Damn, I was hoping no one would get that question right since I didn't. Almost put SWATH too.
  16. Battleship had the best Sunday drop of the $150m+ movies in the estimates with 23.8%, so SWATH still wouldn't top that, unless BS went down in the actuals.
  17. Awesome Sunday hold for PROM. I'm thinking the Sat drop really was just from fan rushing on midnight and Friday.
  18. Maybe, but at least they turned in great performances. Murray's performance itself doesn't even look good from the trailer. And Hughes or Milk weren't nearly as iconic historical figures as FDR so I just think they should have taken a little more care to cast the right person, not someone who seems completely wrong for the role. It is just a trailer though I suppose.
  19. I know you shouldn't judge a performance by a trailer but Bill Murray looks god awful to me as FDR in the Hyde Park on Hudson trailer. I mean good grief, people complained about Williams as Monroe last year but now here is a case of true miscasting. He doesn't even attempt to sound like FDR nor did they try to make him look like him. Will be surprised if he gets much praise.
  20. Saw it in a full adult audience and everyone was cracking up throughout and burst into applause at the end of the movie (the most audience applause I've heard for a movie in a long time). I really think you might enjoy it, the humor in it is tops.
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