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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yes, my point exactly. It could be about literally anything. Too all-encompassing.
  2. Oh man I hope MK passes Marigold for the weekend! I was one of the few who put Marigold 9th in the game cause I thought MK might end up 8th.
  3. I also think The Bear and the Bow would have been a more boy friendly title, if boy appeal is gonna be an issue for this film.
  4. Haven't seen it to fully judge which was the better name, but I do agree the Bear and the Bow sounds better by itself. Brave is a very bland and forgettable name on its own, and could imply the film could be about practically anything. Just a little too all encompassing for me. Then again, there's Up. Although in that case I don't know what else it could have been called. And Up is at least a little more unique sounding than Brave.
  5. Hooray for PROM sat increase! At least it won't drop 60%+ for the weekend now.LMAO at the Sat #'s for ROA and TMB. All you can do is laugh at them at this point. Simply pathetic.
  6. So it stays exactly where it was. It's looking like this will have to fight to finish fresh.
  7. Yes, well if some reviews are to be believed the old brilliant subtle Pixar is gone. They just beat us over the head with things now, Dreamworks style.
  8. Maybe Pixar did that on purpose to give it more of a "girl power" feel so that all the smart characters in the movie are women. For once the men don't run the show whatsoever. No Prince saving the day this time.
  9. It's pretty obvious isn't it? Clearly homophobia. Most boys don't associate with anything girly for fear of being labeled gay, etc. Granted I think the issue is better today than it's ever been, but it's still a prominent issue. And in some parts of the country it's still the full blown way of thinking period.
  10. Even if WOM is through the roof it's still not coming near the summer top 11. It would need like a 7x multi for that. Amazing WOM or not, Avatar it is not.
  11. Although it's always flabbergasted me how Sandler has managed to stay so profitable at the box office, I think this is actually a great analysis of why his audience is finally quitting him.
  12. At least TA is in for an amazing hold with what's sure to be a great Father's day.
  13. I think one thing that deserves mentioning that literally just dawned on me yesterday was releasing a musical on Father's Day weekend! I mean as soon as that hit me I realized how incredibly dumb that idea was. The weekend out of the whole year that Dad's have the most pull and say so at the movies and the studios go and release a movie out of the single most unappealing genre to them? Yeah that raises a red flag to me.
  14. Between SWATH, Dark Shadows, Prometheus, and now RoA my top 11 in the game is so officially screwed. It's not even funny.
  15. At this point I wouldn't be shocked either, and I can't believe I'm saying that since I've had it "locked" for 200 for months.
  16. But shouldn't Pixar be held to a certain standard? I mean I know I'll sure be upset if this movie doesn't come close to any of their others (sans the Cars ones of course). You can't exactly expect them to say well it's a bit better than "The Lorax" so FRESH! I mean I sure won't in my assessment of it.
  17. Oh dear lord almighty have mercy on my animated lovin heart! Hadn't checked RT in awhile, you'll imagine my surprise. I knew it wasn't doing amazing in the review department, but if this ends up rotten Pixar is in BIG trouble. They can't afford another stinker after Cars 2, especially with an original movie like this. People were willing to overlook Cars 2 given their flawless track record. Another dud however will tarnish their name. And that's not overdramatics, simply facts.
  18. Words can't express how overjoyed I am to see Sandler finally have a proper bomb after countless successes with shitastic movies. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy! As for RoA, well there goes another movie I blew in the game. I knew it was in trouble as soon as I saw tracking though. The rule is rarely that off. It really does kinda make sense when you think about it. I mean a musical on fathers day weekend? Yeah maybe not the brightest idea in hindsight.
  19. Got 58. Wasted like 30 seconds really "getting" it though.
  20. I think this movie is headed to like a 7.2-7.4 average high 70 percent finish. Disappointed.
  21. You're too high?Take a gander at my prediction. Damn those SWATH trailers. Damn them to hell!
  22. Okay? You're doing amazing. You've hit like every single movie on the nose so far minus TA which is moot of course. You can afford a screw up. Not like me.
  23. Wish I had had Fake or Kayu's individuals instead. Would of got those, no problem.
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