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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. IMO king kong is better than all the LOTR movies. It should have been in the high 90's and Peter Jackson should have had an Oscar nod for it. Shame it had a disappointing run, best film of the year. The fact narnia, potter and WOTW beat it that year makes me sick.
  2. Bad Boys 2. Yes it's offensive, stupid, over the top and over long but most people who aren't critics love it because it's entertaining as hell with great 2 leads.
  3. Well I didn't expect 2011 to be the year where shit movies earned a killing overseas
  4. I predicted 350800 for DH2 so I guess I'm not pointman after all. I may hate potter, but it doesn't mean I'll lower my box office predictions because if it.
  5. The star wars and potter fans need to wait another 20 years or so before you can really compare the 2 from a cultural impact point of view.
  6. If your here to enforce the rules, then it has to apply to everyone which clearly your not doing.
  7. Just out of curiosity, what do you think us bigger, and better, LOTR or HP???
  8. The majority of the planet would disagree with this very much.
  9. I've been called worse in which you just ignore so until you warn others aswell as me, I will continue to post the way i like. If he carries on acting like an idiot and you, like usuall decide to ignore it, i will continue calling him one, plain and simple.
  10. Imo it should be the average gross (or tickets sales) of every film.
  11. Where does James bond stand in the biggest franchise list?
  12. He tells me to fuck off and suggests it will be a great idea for me to leave the forums due to my threads and your telling me I need to respect him? Lol. If he doesn't want to be called and idiot then he shouldn't act like one, simple
  13. Whenever I post, you usually reply negatively so yes you do hold a grudge.
  14. Then stop responding, simple. It's not like I started a conversation with you, you started one with me lol.
  15. I like how you were incapable of replying to my post without sarcasm, and how your reply is completely irrelevant to what I said making it idiotic. Very mature
  16. I said over-rated on this board you idiot. Star wars, pirates and twilight have also made billions but you don't see threads created to moan that they haven't one best picture and so on, so yes this thread does prove my point. I never said it was just this board that likes harry potter so your comment has no relevance to what I said, think before you post next time.
  17. I'm glad it didn't win an Oscar, most over-rated film franchise on these boards and this thread just proves it.
  18. I don't care for either movies but if I had to choose, it would be ROTS simply because it's far more entertaining (when the characters aren't speaking). I could fall asleep watching DH2. ROTS also has more impressive action scenes.
  19. If I were pointman I wouldn't have said the film is stupid and over-long.Besides, pointman loving transformers is no worse than you loving a film about crap actors casting spells on each other, or saying they should win best picture and so on.
  20. I think this person is quite annoying if I'm being honest. What I don't understand about all these critics, they all say that Michael bay hasn't learned his lesson when it comes to film making. Does it not occur to anyone that he realises his films are overlong and stupid but as long as they are earning a bucket load of money he doesn't care, he must be doing something right. Oh and to say he's got no sense of humour is just a matter of opinion seeing as when I watched bad boys 2, transformers 1 - 3, audiences were laughing all through out.
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