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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. Yes I do. With a midnight number more than doubling IM2 I think avengers will still only hit 130m
  2. What a terrible number. Couldn't even top DH2. No chance in hell it get the OW record. 130m tops.
  3. The best of pixar (IMO) was before the Incredibles so no need to worry
  4. £7m for pie 5-day, mark my words.
  5. I live in the UK and on wednesday AR was sold out on all the later showing in my cinema, I hadn't seen anything like it, it will be massive here.
  6. What do you mean you told us, it's common sense that a films tomato score is likely to drop after its first wave of reviews. We didn't need you to point out the obvious. Oh and beating TDK's RT score was never the target for this film so your last sentence is irrelevant.
  7. It's not about hate, the trailer I saw at the cinema looked like a load of crap. They don't make films like finding memo anymore.
  8. I predicted 95% for TA before reviews came in and predicted 83% for TDKR. I'm not changing my prediction.
  9. Didn't realise there was even a mimic 2
  10. DH1 was a an unnecessary bore. Deathly hallows didn't need to be split into 2, Warner brothers just liked the sound of 2 billion instead of 1. The dancing and camping scenes in this movie just seems too fake and out of place, but potter loonies can't seem to see that. It was hard to feel any emotion for the characters in this film when the cast can't act their way out of a paper bag.Goblet of fire still remains the best IMO simply because it's everything a potter movie should be, fun, simple and entertaining. Then the series decided to take itself more serious which only made the franchise more of a bore.
  11. how does Kristen Stewart, Emma Stone, Scarlett Johansson, Hayden Panettiere and Jennifer lawrence get into your top 10 yet Olivia Wilde, Mila Kuni, Charlize Theron and Abbie Cornish who are all hotter dont get in??? Theres a lot wrong with this list.
  12. Scott Pilgrim is SHIT. Only geeks like the film and i have no idea why.
  13. I find it funny how THG can outgross the final Harry potter movie yet sell 5% of the books Potter did. So basically I'd say the general audience would disagree with you.
  14. IMO AR failed because there have been better comedy's thrown at us year after year by the apatow gang and so on. American pie is now a distant memory, now we have funnier and better films like 21 jump street sweeping the box office, and I think that's great. The icing on the cake for me this weekend is titanics so say disappointing performance. It didn't need 3d nor did it need a re-release, it was just a cash grab.
  15. As much as I agree that THG was disappointing, I wouldn't go as far as saying it was bad. This film could have been a lot worse.
  16. Ticket sale wise, this film is likely to pass the final instalment of a hugely popular franchise that sold 20 times the number of books and people are complaining about a 6% drop during a march weekday?? There seems to be no way of pleasing you lot.
  17. Who ever thought this would have a 3* multiplier? Lol. If it hits 350m that will be amazing but people who are hoping for a 400m + finish are just dreaming.
  18. Wow seriously? Granted the film has opened spectacularly but surely people aren't still expecting this to gross over 400m. This massive OW just means the film will be front loaded. I'm thinking a total of 330-340m. If it hit 350m that would be outstanding as it will have sold more tickets than DH2.
  19. Independence day is my favourite film. People enjoyed knowing when it came out which is why it had small drops. The train and plain crash were really well filmed.
  20. I adored 2/3 of War of the world, but the last 3rd was stupid and rushed as hell. Spielberg should have grown some balls and gave the dark film a dark ending.
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